Chapter 239

500 million!
As soon as the price was announced, it immediately attracted the attention of many people.

The highest offer just now was only 400 million.

The price increase for each round is also 20 and [-].

The sudden increase of 100 million is surprising.

Yuan Ya's eyes flashed, and she looked over in surprise.

In the arena, Bai Qiuyi held up a sign.

Looking at the Wannian stalactite, his eyes were fiery.

It seems that this time, it is 100% earned.

"500 million, is there a higher price?"

The host's eyes lit up, and his voice became louder.

This price can be said to be a surprise.

"Xiu Xian, someone wants to grab something from you."

Seeing this, Zhou Shan said with a smile.

Park Soo Hyun glanced at the screen and snorted coldly.

"Is he worthy?"

With a hook, the staff next to him immediately stepped forward.


"Ok sir."

The staff skillfully picked up the quoter and entered the price.

On the stage, on the big screen behind the host, a line of words appeared.

"Box No. 2, 600!"

There was an exclamation at the scene.

Everyone looked at the closed door of the No. 2 box and talked a lot.

"Who is this person? He actually reported 600 million directly?"

"Hey, directly increase the price by 100 million? This is not a small sum."

"Is this thing so good? Let everyone in box 2 make a move?"

Yuan Ya's pupils shrank.

She was also very surprised.

In her mind, if the Wannian stalactite jade could not fail the auction, it would be considered a success.

Unexpectedly, the current quotation is twice as high as the auction price!
Moreover, it still starts in millions!
You know, the most popular auction item just now was quoted at 50 each time.

Chen Yu was a little surprised.

"It seems that this time, someone is still eyeing this thing?"

Ye Cangsheng frowned, and said, "Then do you want to make a move now?"

Chen Yu shook his head lightly.

"Don't worry, let's see how they play first."

In the arena, Bai Qiuyi's expression changed.

Bai Mingshan also shrank his pupils, and looked towards the No. 2 box, feeling faintly worried.

Jumping directly to 100 million, it seems that this time, he has met his opponent.

"Grandpa, what should we do?"

Bai Qiuyi was a little flustered and asked.



Bai Qiuyi held up the sign again.

"700 million!"

The scene immediately became agitated.

The discussion became louder.

Yuan Ya clenched her fists tightly, breathing slightly short of breath.

Could it be that this most underrated auction item will be the biggest dark horse?

In Box No. 2, Zhou Shan's face was a little ugly.

"It's obviously the person sitting in the lobby, how dare you argue with us?"

Park Soo Hyun laughed and didn't care.

"It's okay, isn't this more fun?"

"How fun is it to make them desperate with money?"

"I, let these Dragon Kingdom people see what it means to be rich!"

With a big wave of his hand, Park Soo Hyun followed the offer.

1000 million!

At the price point, there was a dead silence at first, followed by exclamations.

"My God, who is in the No. 2 box?"

"Hey, just added 300 million? Isn't that too grand?"

"As expected of the person sitting in the box, it really is extraordinary."

Chen Yu frowned, quite surprised.

1000 million, this price is very interesting.

After beckoning, the staff immediately stepped forward.

"Who is in box 2?"

"Wait a minute, I'll ask for you right away."

As a VIP in Box 1, enjoy various privileges.

One of them is that you can get to know all the people who participated in the ranking meeting.

Soon, some basic information about the personnel in Box 2 was obtained.

"Oh? A stick? Interesting."

Chen Yu was a little surprised.

Not long after I came back from Hanbang, I unexpectedly met the guy from Hanbang.

"Those two people..."

"Baiming Mountain..."

Looking at the young and old who were bidding with Park Soo Hyun on the screen, Chen Yu fell into deep thought.

"Xiaoyu, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing. Judging from the behavior of these two people, they should be different people, but I don't know why they want ten thousand years of stalactites."

"Oh? Let me see."

Ye Cangsheng heard the words and carefully looked at Bai Mingshan and Bai Qiuyi.

"Hey, it really is a different person, which is interesting."

Chen Yu still had no plans to make a move, and wanted to check the situation again.

In the arena, Bai Mingshan frowned.

"Grandpa, what should I do now?"

Bai Mingyi panicked.

Park Soo Hyun's oppressive attitude made him very uneasy.

"No matter what, the Wannian stalactite must be obtained! Keep following!"

"it is good!"

Bai Mingyi gritted his teeth and raised the sign for the third time.

"1500 million!"

Bai Mingyi directly increased the quotation by 500 million, trying to scare off Park Soo-hyun.

At the scene, an exclamation suddenly sounded.

Yuan Ya was taken aback, stood up from the sofa, and stared at the screen with wide eyes.

A pair of beautiful eyes, full of incredible.

Fifteen million, this price far exceeded her imagination.

The host froze for a moment, then flushed with excitement.

"1500 million! Is there any higher one?"

In Box No. 2, Zhou Shan folded her hands on her chest and gritted her teeth angrily.

"These two dogs don't pay attention to us at all."

"Is raising the price so much to scare us?"

Park Soo Hyun smiled lightly, and said: "Since they want to scare us, then let's reciprocate and pay them back."

Go ahead and quote!

3000! ! !
As soon as the price came out, the scene suddenly boiled!

This time, everyone couldn't sit still anymore, they got up one after another, and looked towards box 2.

Adding 1500 million at one time, what kind of arrogant move is this?
"God, who the hell is in the No. 2 box? He's so fierce?"

"Looks like a stick."

"Is Bangzi so rich and powerful?"

Yuan Ya's breathing was extremely rapid, and her heart was pounding.

At this moment, she was both excited and shocked.

3000 million, this price is 10 times higher than the starting price!
Bai Mingshan's body softened immediately like a deflated rubber ball.

Bai Qiuyi's face was devastated, full of despair.

This time they came here, just for this one auction item, and brought more than 2900 million.

I thought it was a safe bet, but I didn't expect to lose!
Seeing this scene, Chen Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

"This stick is very arrogant."

In Box 2, Zhou Shan pointed at the screen and giggled.

"Hey, Suhyun, look at them, their expressions are so funny."

"And the old and the young, how hopeless it is."

"It's so funny, so funny."

Park Soo Hyun picked up two glasses of red wine from his side and handed Zhou Shan a glass.

A proud expression appeared on his face.

"This 3000 million is enough for them to recognize the gap."

"Come on, let's drink to their awe!"

The wine glasses collided, and the scarlet liquid swayed back and forth.

"3000 million, is there a higher price?"

"3000 million once."

"3000 million twice."

The host shouted excitedly, his voice trembling a little.

In Box 1, Chen Yu smiled and spoke slowly.

"It's time to start."

After a greeting, the staff pressed the quotation button.

A line of words appeared on the big screen behind the host.

"Box No. 1, 5000!"

(End of this chapter)

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