I predicted the future live and shocked the whole network

Chapter 256 We want to protect Mr. Chen's family!

Chapter 256 We want to protect Mr. Chen's family!
Listening to the phone, Ye Cangsheng's face became more serious.

"okay, I get it."

"Video meeting at six o'clock tonight? I will attend on time."

"Understood, it is impossible for me to disclose such a big event."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Cang heaved a sigh of relief and frowned.

"Is it finally here? These black list hunters are really a pack of hungry wolves who smell like meat."

Earlier, someone offered a sky-high price of one billion US dollars on the black list to buy Chen Yu's life.

This has caused a huge sensation all over the world.

Various forces have been discussing this non-stop.

Such a sky-high price can be called the highest in history!
Dark list hunters are a group of experts who specialize in hunting down dark list characters.

They come from all over the world, and their purpose of hunting down the strong players in the dark list is also different.

Some are for excitement, to enjoy the thrill of killing.

Some are for money, hoping to get a good return.

Some are for fame.

Others are bored.

In short, all the dark list hunters are powerful and independent lunatics.

Corresponding to the dark list, the dark list hunter also has a leaderboard.

According to the comprehensive measurement of the number of strong people killed, their level, and the degree of mission completion, etc., such a list was shot.

For a long time, the dark list and the dark list hunter have been in opposition.

The two sides are inherently a life-and-death struggle.

"I don't know who came this time."

Soon it was time for the evening meeting.

The meeting will be held in the form of online video conference.

The host of this meeting is the director of the Long Country Alien Bureau.

Feng Yichen.

He is a man in his sixties.

She has short, cropped hair, and under the extremely thick two sword-shaped eyebrows, her big eyes are piercing.

Looking at each other, it even feels like meeting two small light bulbs.

The overall figure is very broad and heavy, giving people a very stocky and strong feeling.

This is somewhat inconsistent with his elegant name.

In addition to him, all the top executives of the Long Country Alien Bureau also participated in the meeting.

Shen Yuancheng, Du Xun, An Xia, Zuo Xiao and other guests, Long Zun, were also listed one by one.

Seeing that everyone was present, Feng Yichen nodded slightly.

"Everyone, this emergency meeting is for the secret hunters to come to Dragon Kingdom."

"Chen Yu, as the No. [-] Dragon Venerable in our Alien Bureau, was ranked No. [-] on the dark list not long ago, with a bounty of one billion."

"Now these dark list hunters have gradually rushed to the Dragon Kingdom."

"We have to come up with a plan to protect Chen Yu!"

With those words, everyone's faces became serious.

Darkbang hunters, this is a pack of bloodthirsty wolves.

It has been decades since he set foot in the Dragon Country.

It is not clear what the identity and strength of the opponent is.

But these people have been licking blood with knife edge all year round, fighting life and death, and have extremely rich combat experience.

And it is very difficult to deal with it by unscrupulous means to achieve the goal.

"Old Feng, do you have any information about these blacklist hunters? And their plans?"

Shen Yuancheng asked.

Everyone else pricked up their ears.

These things are also what they care about the most.

Without this information, it is very difficult to develop a conservation plan.

Feng Yichen shook his head.

"Unfortunately, no."

"But based on the current information we have, it is also sufficient to make a deployment."

"The first is the number of people. There should be more than [-] people who sneaked into the Dragon Kingdom this time."

"We only know that this time there is a hermit who ranks 10th among the dark list hunters!"

"According to our investigation, this hermit has a record of killing innate master level powerhouses three times!"

"Besides him, there is very little information about other people."

Everyone shrank their pupils and gasped.

Dark list hunter ranked 10th!

Kill the innate master level powerhouse three times!
More than twenty people came!

Adding all this information together, it is enough to imagine the severity of the situation this time.

Shen Yuancheng frowned, his face was cold.

"It seems that this time is not optimistic. However, Master Chen has made great contributions to good fortune, and this hermit may not be his opponent."

The others nodded slightly.

Although the situation was severe this time, everyone was not too worried.

Chen Yu's strength lies there.

Although the hermit is mysterious and has a good record, they don't think they can beat Chen Yu.

As long as Chen Yu is careful and doesn't show any flaws, there won't be too many problems.

However, Feng Yichen shook his head.

"Unfortunately, the hermit's target this time is not Chen Yu."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Not Chen Yu?

What does it mean?
Could there be anyone else besides him?

Feng Yichen took a deep breath and said, "According to our understanding, the target of these people should be Fengshi!"

Those words made everyone's brains explode.

Feng City!

That's the residence of Chen Yu's mother, Wu Shaolan!

"Looking at everyone's expressions, you should already know?"

"Yes, their target this time is Wu Shaolan!"

"As long as Wu Shaolan is caught, Chen Yu's weakness will be caught!"

"At that time, no matter how they handle Chen Yu, it will be easy."

"So our goal this time is not to protect Chen Yu, but to protect Wu Shaolan!"

At this moment, everyone's faces were extremely solemn.

That's right, Chen Yu is very strong, unbelievably strong.

But what about Wu Shaolan?

She's just an ordinary woman.

Facing strong men like hermits, how could they be able to cope?

"Old Feng, what should we do now?"

Shen Yuancheng was a little anxious.

Chen Yu has the grace to teach him, and Wu Shaolan is like his grandmother.

He will never allow anyone to hurt Wu Shaolan.

"This meeting is also to convene everyone to go to Feng City to protect Wu Shaolan."

"Old Ye, you have been with Chen Yu all this time, what do you think?"

Ye Cangsheng pondered for a moment, and said, "Actually, Xiaoyu should already understand the current situation."

"During this time, I accompanied Xiaoyu to the Qizong."

"There he refined body protection and arrays, which were used to protect Wu Shaolan."

"Maybe this time, the hermits may not be able to succeed. We don't need to go to war."

For some reason, after the initial worry, Ye Cangsheng inexplicably relaxed.

In his sixth sense, he firmly believed that the hermits would not be able to succeed.

He didn't know where this confidence came from, but he just had this feeling.

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback, with strange expressions on their faces.

Relying on treasures to resist those dark list hunters?
Isn't this a joke?
Feng Yichen was also stunned.

Is this still the always cautious Ye Cangsheng?

How could you say such a thing?
Shaking his head, he let out a long sigh.

"Old Ye, don't be blindly confident."

"Everyone, I have decided that Shen Yuancheng, Du Xun, An Xia, and Zuo Xiao will lead the team and select 35 players to go to Feng City to protect Wu Shaolan."

"The time is one month!"

"Attention, this matter must not be leaked, especially not to let Chen Yu and Wu Shaolan know, so as not to increase their worries."

"Chen Yu has made so many contributions to the country, we, the Yiren Bureau, have to do something for him!"

After arranging everything, Feng Yichen ended the meeting.

That night, Shen Yuancheng and others set off for Feng City.

Not long after they arrived, many dark list hunters also arrived in Feng City!
All of a sudden, the situation gathered.

(End of this chapter)

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