Chapter 263 Terrifying Lineup
Overseas, underground world.

The wind is surging.

In a bar, a strong man held a glass of spirits in his hand, raised his head and drank it down.

On the opposite side of the bar, a bartender in a tuxedo with a mustache was carefully wiping a glass.

Since it was afternoon, the bar was not open yet, so there were no people there.

"Dear Holding, this is your third drink, and you'll be drunk after that."

The bartender didn't look at him, just looked at the glass, and spoke lightly.

The strong man shook his head.

"The hermit is dead. The guy I hate the most is dead. I'm very sad."

"Since you are sad, then go to the XLGL Prairie, where Chen Wudi is waiting for you."

The bartender smiled teasingly.

Holding heard this, raised his eyelids to look at the bartender, and rolled his eyes.

"Are you going? You are the eighth in the dark list. Mr. Van der Sar!"

"Chen Wudi, he is provoking all of us!"

For the last few words, the strong man accentuated his voice.

The bartender, namely Van der Sar, froze his hands and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Yeah, I want to teach him a lesson."

"Then are you going?"

Holding's eyes lit up, a little excited.

Putting down the cup, Van der Sar nodded with a smile, and slowly raised a finger.


Suddenly, a faint blue flame burst out at his fingertips.

With the appearance of the flames, the temperature of the entire bar dropped sharply, and a layer of frost actually condensed on the ground.

"I also really want to see why this young man from Dragon Kingdom is so bold."

"Haha, good! I haven't seen you make a move for a long time."

He smashed the wine glass on the bar, and Holding rubbed his hands excitedly.

"Damn dog, let him know what awe is this time!"

Such a scene was staged everywhere.

Many dark list hunters were enraged and went to the XLGL prairie from all over the world.

Dragon Kingdom, Alien Bureau, conference room.

There are no seats left.

Everyone sat upright, with serious faces.

Feng Yichen sat at the front, patrolling the audience with a pair of tiger eyes.

"Convey the latest request and accept the order of the sage. This XLGL prairie battle has a lot to do with it. We must go all out to prepare."

"The lowest goal, Chen Yu will not die! The national prestige will not be lowered!"

"The highest goal is to annihilate the enemy and deter all directions!"

"This time, all the post-acquired peak and above personnel of the Longguo Yiren Bureau, no matter where they are guarding, will go to the XLGL prairie!"


Everyone's heart was shocked, and a kind of blood was surging in their chests.

In a sense, this is how many years, once again against the whole world.

Although the Dark List Hunter is an existence that operates in the dark, it is also affiliated overseas.

Their attitude towards the world of Longguo Yiren is no different from that of the overseas forces.

The battle with the dark list hunter is the strongest voice!

"Show me Longwei, kill!"

In an instant, a real murderous aura suddenly rose and spread throughout the room.

The people sitting here have all gone through iron and blood.

Although it had been a long time since he had done anything, the evil spirit that crawled out from the pile of dead people had always existed.

Guan Gong does not open his eyes, but opens his eyes to kill!
Now, this group of people opened their eyes!
Feng Yichen nodded and said, "Xiao He, report the latest news."


On the side, a middle-aged man in his thirties bowed to everyone and opened the folder in his hand.

"According to reliable sources, there are currently more than 130 dark list hunters who are rushing from various places abroad to the designated location in the XLGL prairie."

"A total of 54 people who sneaked into the country before have also rushed to the battlefield."

"And, the number is still increasing!"

"At the same time, 100 of the 82 money hunters in the dark list went."

"Out of the top 50, there were 41."

"Among the top 10..."

After a pause, Xiao He swallowed, his voice trembling slightly.

"There are 7 people!"

In the conference room, there was a dead silence.

There was a strong shock on everyone's face.

The pressure like a mountain came surging.

Although they were mentally prepared, they were still frightened after hearing this number.

Close to 200 people!
What kind of lineup is this.

With such a lineup coming, can Chen Yu really stand it alone?

Feng Yichen frowned, and there was deep worry in the depths of his eyes.

"Because Chen Yu took the initiative to make an appointment this time, considering various factors, we cannot use any secular power except the alien game."

"This time, everyone must do everything possible to protect Chen Yu, and be prepared to sacrifice!"


Hearing these two words, many people were in a trance.

Haven't heard the word for many years.

But, after a trance, it is decisive!

They understand that this decision is the most correct.

In this battle, as long as Chen Yu survives, they will win!

When the time comes, Longwei will not fall!
The self-confidence of the entire Long Kingdom alien world will be completely raised!
The inner demons who fear outsiders will be defeated.

For the Inhuman World, the benefits are immeasurable.

Moreover, Chen Yu is not dead, and one day he will be able to lead the Longguo Yiren Realm to the peak again.

A big man touched his bald head and grinned.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect that I would have a glorious day? This is not bad."

An old man with a serious face nodded slightly.

"The general will inevitably die before the battle, but the horse leather shroud is also chic."

"Hey, everyone, if we go to Huangquan together, let's get together and have a drink."

"If he is really dead, I hope that kid Chen Yu will burn us more paper money."

In the conference room, there was a chuckle.

The serious atmosphere is much lighter.

Feng Yichen waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Okay, let's all get ready, everyone leave a suicide note for Xiao He."

"If he dies, he will give the suicide note to your family."


After Feng Yichen finished speaking, he took out a suicide note from his arms and handed it to Xiao He.

From his face, there was no fear, only determination.

Just like those people with lofty ideals who threw their heads and blood for the country in the most difficult years in the past.

Although times have changed, some things are still passed down!

Xiao He clutched the suicide note tightly, trembling all over, with red eyes.

After the meeting, everyone packed up and went to the XLGL prairie immediately!
. . . . . .

XLGL prairie, nearly 18 square kilometers of fertile soil.

The scenery is beautiful and the world is vast.

When the wind blows, the Wanli Grassland rolls like a green carpet, and the air is full of sweet fragrance.

The sky is blue, and the white clouds are lying lazily, quietly overlooking the world.

This is the depths of the grassland, inaccessible.

And Chen Yu, standing here at this moment, lying on the ground, with his hands behind his head, a piece of grass in his mouth, looking at the white clouds in the sky.

What a leisurely look.

"It's such a good place, it's a pity to kill someone."

Chen Yu sighed lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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