Chapter 283

Time flies, and the alien conference is getting closer and closer.

In the past few days, Chen Yu also had a general understanding of some of the situation in Yun Nan's alien world.

I feel quite emotional.

It can be said that the local Yiren Bureau does not have a high status here.

Quite different from other places.

It is the four local forces that really hold the absolute right to speak.

Other scattered forces, some cling to each other, some embrace the thighs of the four major forces, and some go alone.

Among them, the Alien Bureau plays a coordinating role.

As long as there is no chaos in the Inhuman World and no interference with normal society, they won't ask too many questions.

As for the struggle between forces, they also turned a blind eye.

"Mr. Chen, you should go and pay a visit."

"I have been here for decades, and they are really not easy to offend."

Yuan Shancui still wanted to persuade Chen Yu.

Tomorrow is the Alien Conference.

If you don't go today, you will completely tear yourself apart from the four major forces.

At that time, at the Alien Conference, Chen Yu will inevitably be criticized in various ways.

He still couldn't bear it, watching Chen Yu deflated.

After all, Chen Yu was a character pushed to the table by the Alien Bureau.

Chen Yu shook his head and didn't care.

"No, I can see them tomorrow."

"Director Yuan, let me remind you as well."

Glancing at Yuan Shancui, Chen Yu spoke lightly.

"Foreigners Bureau, enforce the law on behalf of the sky, don't fall into your own prestige."

"This, hey..."

Arching his hands, Yuan Shancui exited the room.


This guy is really hopeless.

He had already reminded himself so, but he was still obsessed with it.

Forget it, he had to accept the brutal beating of reality.

Not long after leaving the room, many people from Yun Nan's Alien Bureau surrounded him.

"Yuan Bureau, what's the matter?"

"Will Mr. Chen visit the four major powers?"

"You must persuade him, otherwise, we might lose face in the Foreigners Bureau tomorrow."

"That's right, young people can't be impulsive, they still need to know how to deal with the world."

The crowd was chattering.

Everyone knows the conversation Chen Yu had with Yuan Shancui when he first arrived.

They are all worried about this.

Why is Mr. Chen so stubborn?

Young people are too rigid, this is not good.

"Hey, it's useless."

Yuan Shancui shook his head, quite helplessly.

"All the good and bad things have been said, but he won't listen."

"There's nothing I can do."

"I was so kind, but I was taught a lesson. It's really..."

After saying this, Yuan Shancui showed dissatisfaction.

Hearing this, everyone sighed and shook their heads.

"Oh, Mr. Chen is still too young."

"Really, he will suffer a lot if he listens to people's advice to eat enough."

"Hmph, it's just that he was pushed to the front of the stage by the Yiren Bureau. Although he has strength, how can he compete with the four major forces?"

"He has no idea how deep the water is at Yun Nan's side."

"That's right, we all have good intentions. He really doesn't understand."

"Why don't we want to fight hard? But we must also pay attention to methods."

"Forget it, forget it, what does he do? He will know our kindness only if he loses face once."

Yuan Shancui waved his hand to stop everyone's chattering.

"He is Dragon Lord, how can we people in the mountains and wild places guess it?"

"Tomorrow, we'll just enjoy his performance."

Everyone heard the resentment in Yuan Shancui's words, and nodded.

Soon, the next day will come.

The Alien Conference has begun!

There are many mountains and forests in Yunan, and the natural scenery is very good.

The venue of the conference is in the famous Longteng Mountain Scenic Area.

On this day, the scenic spot was completely closed, and various alien forces entered the scenic spot with special passes.

Chen Yu, Yuan Shancui and others arrived here very early.

Looking at the surrounding scenery, Chen Yu nodded.

Above the sky, the blue sky and white clouds, the Huifeng is smooth.

Not far away, there are lush green hills.

As soon as the wind blew, Wanshu shook its branches and leaves, making a rustling sound.

Next to it, there is a large lake, glowing with lingering waves in the sun.

The platforms and seats are all set up.

"Mr. Chen, this is the venue, what do you think?"

"Exactly. When are they coming?"

"The agreed time is to start at 10 o'clock."


I looked at my watch, it was 9 o'clock, and there was still an hour.

Chen Yu was not in a hurry either, he closed his eyes after sitting down and rested his mind, and secretly operated the Secret Art.

The most important thing now is to break through as soon as possible.

As long as you reach the alchemy state, it will be a new world.

Chen Yu has suffered too much in the past, which has also cultivated his motivated state.

Don't want to waste any time.

Yuan Shancui sat beside Chen Yu and didn't say much.

Now he is too lazy to persuade Chen Yu.

The same is true for other people in the Yiren Bureau, each doing their own thing, and they don't pay much attention to Chen Yu.

As time went by, different forces from all sides came one after another.

Follow the signs and sit in your seat.

When everyone saw Chen Yu, their eyes flickered slightly.

There was curiosity, sneer, and disdain.

They have already received the news that after Chen Yu came, he did not visit the four forces of Wuzhijiao, Galuo Village, Wudumen, and Abai Tribe.

One side is Chen Wudi, who is famous all over the world.

On the other side, are the four major forces.

Chen Yu did not lower his stance, he must have annoyed the four major forces.

There will inevitably be some conflicts and collisions at this Alien Conference, and it must be much more exciting than in the past.

There is a good show to watch.

Soon, Valon came along with everyone from the Witch Cult.

Father and son Zama and Uka were among them.

As soon as he arrived at the scene, Wa Long saw Chen Yu with his eyes closed and rested.

After a cold snort, Valon led everyone to sit down.

"Grandpa, is he Chen Wudi?"

Wuka looked at Chen Yu with starry eyes.

Although both grandpa and father said that Chen Wudi was nothing special, it did not hinder Wuka's admiration for Chen Yu.

"Well, that's him. Proud young man."

Wa Long took a puff of welding smoke, squinted his eyes and spoke.

In the past few days, he has not waited for Chen Yu's visit, which made him very uncomfortable.

This approach obviously did not take their witchcraft seriously.

Lack of awe!

"He is so young and powerful."

Yuka clenched his fists, his face flushed with excitement.

It is always a joy to meet an idol.

"Hehe, let's be careful later, don't ruin the idol of the hut card."

Wa Long said with a smile, causing everyone in the Cult of Witches to burst into laughter.

Chen Yu's ears moved, and he took in all Wa Long's words.

However, he didn't react at all, he still closed his eyes and meditated.

Soon, people from the other three major forces also arrived.

After taking their seats, they looked at Chen Yu and sneered.

Don't give us face?

Alright, then next, it depends on how your Alien Conference is held!
And in the forest not far away, several figures crouched on the trees, looking straight at Chen Yu.

They are evil cultivators, sneaking into this place to watch the Alien Conference up close.

"Tsk tsk, this is Chen Wudi? I heard that he didn't give face to the four major forces. This time it's interesting."

"Jie Jie, look at this Chen Wudi, can he become invincible here?"

It's ten o'clock soon.

Chen Yu also opened his eyes, looked around the audience, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Are they all here?"

(End of this chapter)

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