Chapter 359 Chen Wudi?What is he!
Seeing Gongsun Zan going away, Gongsun Ming was dumbfounded.

Looking at his little daughter-in-law under someone else's body, he politely smiled.

You still have to guard the door, waiting for the other party's orders at any time?
God, what kind of murder is this!
The reason for this is that Gongsun Zan also has a deep meaning.

Gongsun Ming has been so smooth in the past, let this incident let him know that there is nothing in the world that cannot be let go!

If you give up, you will gain!

An hour later, the room opened.

Zhao Yuankong walked out of the room feeling refreshed.

Behind them, on the big bed, the three women looked tired, their eyes flickering.

"I'm leaving first, you clean it yourself."

After speaking, Zhao Yuankong walked out of the house.

There are still many fun things outside, and he has already arranged the next itinerary.

After release, it's time to go, too.

Throughout the whole process, Gongsun Ming lowered his head and said nothing, but his tightly clenched fists were constantly shaking.

Zhao Yuankong took two steps, stopped, and turned to look at Gongsun Ming.

"Gongsun Ming? There is a woman inside, is it your wife?"

"She performed very well and made me very comfortable. You will be blessed in the future, and this is your reward."

With a flick of the fingers, another pill was thrown to Gongsun Ming.

After learning about the efficacy, Gongsun Ming's expression changed suddenly.

If such a elixir is placed outside, it will be a treasure.

Even if his Gongsun family tried their best, they couldn't get one.

Now, just by his wife serving him once, he has obtained such a treasure!

For a while, Gongsun Ming didn't hate Zhao Yuankong so much anymore.

Even, some joy?
Stretching his head to see the mess in the room, Gongsun Ming took a deep breath, turned around, and left the place.

That's right, what you give is what you get!

Serve the Zhao family well, and the Gongsun family will gain unimaginable benefits in the future!
And the next most important thing is the reception!
The hidden Zhao family, Chen Wudi, and various forces.

This is destined to be the most grand event in the entire Long Kingdom alien world, and it will definitely be recorded in history!
And his Gongsun family will also be engraved in history.

What is the love of children?
This is the top priority!
. . . . . .

On the same day, the Gongsun family began to prepare for the reception.

And send invitations to all forces.

For a moment, the world of Longguoyi was greatly shaken.

Previously, everyone was guessing what kind of intense scene between Chen Yu and Zhao Shi would be when sparks collided with the earth.

After all, neither side is good.

Among them, quite a few people believed that Chen Yu would win in the end in the struggle.

After all, that was Chen Wudi!
Since his debut, he has never paid homage.

Although the Yin clan is strong, they still exist in the records after all.

There are not many people who have actually seen them.

Even because of this, a big debate was sparked on the Longzhikong Forum.

Some people support Chen Yu, while others support Yinzu.

They are not giving in to each other, they are passionate about writing, and they are fighting each other.

And all of this came to a result with the issuance of invitations from the Gongsun family.

Chen Wudi, I'm scared!

At the reception, I will apologize to the Zhao family of Yin clan!
Even Chen Wudi, a powerful Yin clan, dare not confront him head-on!

The news spread like a hurricane.

On the Longzhikong forum, there were one post after another about this matter.

"Faith collapsed! This time, that man is finally no longer invincible!"

"Idol, why are you doing this?"

"Why do you cherish this body, why don't you dare to fight to the end?"

"I'm waiting, it's a wrong payment after all."

"After today, I have no idol!"

"The sky and the earth are dark, just like my mood at the moment."

"Why? I can't accept it."

There was a sound of wailing.

In addition, there are many voices of gloating.

"Haha, I have already said that no matter how strong Chen Wudi is, he cannot be an opponent of the Yin Clan."

"Hey, hey, where are those who support Chen Wudi? Come on, come on and argue with me again."

"Hehe, what Chen Wudi has never been defeated, what is invincible when he debuted, and what is a living myth are all bullshit! As soon as a real strong man is born, he will be cowarded immediately."

"It's ridiculous that those of you who supported him must feel very uncomfortable seeing him bow his head and admit his mistake with your own eyes, right?"

"I said long ago that Chen Wudi is self-willed, domineering and unreasonable, and he will definitely suffer big losses one day. You can see it now."

In addition to the Internet, various forces are also discussing this matter.

Many of the alien forces are full of joy.

Originally, the Alien Realm of the Dragon Country was managed by the Alien Realm in name, but in fact, it was still a mess.

The forces of all parties listen to the tune but not the propaganda, and they are all local emperors.

It's just that the basic mutual respect is maintained with the Yiren Bureau.

The Yiren Bureau doesn't trouble them, and they don't go too far, so that the Yiren Bureau can catch it.

However, after Chen Yu was born, everything changed!

Chen Yu's strong suppression, especially after Yun Nan and his party, almost completely unified the entire alien world.

Yang obeys and Yin violates, listen to the tune but not the announcement?


If you dare not obey the orders of the Yiren Bureau, you will be punished immediately.

The control of the Inhuman Bureau has reached the strongest state since its establishment!
And this situation made many alien forces feel uncomfortable.

Nobody wants to have a presence on top of their head that manages them.

Therefore, many alien forces were very dissatisfied with Chen Yu.

But what about dissatisfaction?

They are amazing.

Therefore, he could only complain secretly, hoping that Chen Yu would be deflated.

What's more, he even hoped that Chen Yu would die one day.

Only in this way can they become their own emperors again.

The appearance of the hidden race made them very excited.

Chen Wudi, you also have a day of frustration!

You should understand this time, the world of Longguo Yiren, you are not the only one who has the final say!

On top of you, there are still people who can press you down!

You also have to learn to be in awe!
Many forces even got together in twos and threes and held a banquet.

At the banquet, everyone drank happily and enjoyed themselves.

"Haha, everyone, come on, cheers! Bow your head for the first time for Chen Wudi, cheers!"

The wine glasses collided, and the wine was tumbling in the glasses, reflecting the smiles on everyone's faces.

Everyone raised their heads and drank the wine in their cups, happily.

"Tsk tsk, Chen Wudi, I don't know what expression you will have when you bow your head at the reception?"

"Hey, it's probably like eating shit."

"You said, if the Yin clan could make a move and wipe out Chen Wudi, how great would that be?"

"This statement is reasonable! But once Chen Wudi is wiped out, the Overseas Inhuman Realm may overwhelm us again."

Concerns were raised.

However, someone immediately refuted it.

"Hey, just press it. Anyway, it's the entire Long Kingdom alien world. What does it have to do with our families?"

"That's right, wasn't it the same before Chen Wudi was born? At that time, we lived comfortably!"

"That's right. At that time, my Lu family had a good relationship with the Overseas Inhuman World. As a result, when he was born, our relationship with the outside world was not good."

"That's right, if you want me to say, he is the biggest sinner in the alien world of Longguo! Die early and die soon!"

"Damn it, I'm in a hurry, I'll let the whole family go out tomorrow!"

Everyone exchanged cups and cursed Chen Yu.

A person in charge said: "Everyone, the banquet is about to begin tomorrow. Why don't we go together and take a look at Chen Wudi's ugly appearance?"

There was a sudden silence during the banquet, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, then they all got up and raised their wine glasses.

"So, very good!"

(End of this chapter)

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