Chapter 370 Heavy meeting, vote!

At this moment, it is exactly 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

Outside, the sun is brilliant and bright.

But in the No. [-] meeting room of the Yiren Bureau, it was heavy and depressing.

Even the sunlight coming in from the window seemed to be too frightened to move.

The atmosphere is heavy.

Especially after Li Qianqiu finished speaking, it was even heavier.

They already know what happened yesterday.

Never expected that Chen Yu would be so fierce.

Killed the Luo family and beat the face of the Yin family Zhao family to pieces.

What's more, because of this incident, even the old director Li Qianqiu, who had retired for many years, had to come out again.

"Tell me what you think."

"What do you all think about this matter?"

After glancing at the crowd, Li Qianqiu waved his hand and spoke slowly.

There was silence at the scene.

Everyone frowned and did not speak.

They are thinking about how to break the situation.

Today's Chen Yu is no longer a person, but a symbol.

The symbol of the Long Country Alien Realm!

A little carelessness will cause the entire alien world to be in turmoil.

Dust, dancing in the sun, soundless.

The meeting room was quiet, and everyone's breathing and heartbeat could be heard.

After several minutes of suffocating silence, one person spoke slowly.

"In my opinion, bow your head."

"We accompanied Chen Yu to the Zhao family of the Yin tribe for peace talks."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere on the scene changed suddenly.

Everyone behaves differently.

A strong man's face flushed instantly, and his fists clenched suddenly, making a cracking sound.

The skinny old man next to him sighed and shook his head with difficulty.

A balding middle-aged man raised his head to the ceiling with his eyes closed, but his palms were shaking slightly.

Directly opposite the person who spoke, a slightly younger man slapped his palm on the table.

"Hmph, peace talks? The Zhao family of his hidden family belongs to the Dragon Kingdom. Logically speaking, all the foreign forces in the Dragon Kingdom are under our management!"

Clearly, this person is an eagle, unwilling to compromise.

And his words immediately gained the support of several people.

"That's right! Why are there peace talks? I think Chen Wudi has done a good job! These hermits are useless people, what are you afraid of?"

"Exactly! We have encountered so many catastrophes in the past, and we haven't seen them come out to help, but now they come out to point fingers? It's disgusting!"

"I agree with Chen Wudi's approach. If you can't break it, you can't build it! Let these bastards know, who has the final say in the world of Longguo and Yiren!"

Several people looked excited and filled with righteous indignation.

However, some people just looked at them coldly and snorted coldly.

"You guys are still too young and too impulsive."

"The Yin clan has been passed down for so many years, and how many foreigner bureaus want to deal with them. What happened? Isn't the family living well?"

"That is, your feelings are understandable, but reason is more important than emotions! We cannot fight against the strength of the hermit race. Not even Chen Wudi!"

"Now there is actually a tight balance between us and the Yinzu. Although the Yinzu is stronger than us, behind us is the Dragon Kingdom, and they don't dare to be too presumptuous."

"But if we push them too hard, we will not be able to bear the consequences."

"Yes, this is a game between us and the Yin Clan. Chen Wudi is still too young and impulsive."

"This time, there wouldn't be such a big event, but Chen Wudi, hey, after all, the journey was too smooth, which made him swell."

"Yeah, if Chen Wudi can lower his head a little this time, then the matter will not escalate to this point."

While the doves were talking, they began to complain about Chen Yu.

These words immediately upset the hawks.

"What? You can't stand up anymore? If it weren't for Chen Wudi, what would be the situation in our alien world?"

"Oh, it's all Mr. Chen's fault? How dare you say it out loud? I think you are too timid to kneel down in fright!"

"Presumptuous! We are considering the overall situation! Have you ever thought about what to do if Chen Yu loses? What to do if Chen Yu is killed?"

"Heh, what's the use of thinking about it without even doing it? Chen Wudi has never lost a single defeat, and he won't lose!"

The scene became chaotic, like a vegetable market.

Li Qianqiu frowned more and more, and after listening for a while, he roared angrily.

"Okay! Shut up!"

In a word, let the scene immediately quiet down.

The hawks and doves looked at each other with dissatisfaction in their eyes.

"The matter has come to this, it is meaningless to discuss who is right and who is wrong. What we have to do now is to gamble!"

Everyone present was stunned and looked at Li Qianqiu.

"Old Director, what do you mean?"

"What do we want to bet?"

After Li Qianqiu was silent for a moment, his eyes suddenly became extremely sharp.

"Just take a gamble, this time, Chen Yu, can he solve the hidden danger of the hermit clan once and for all!"

A word, like thunder, exploded in everyone's ears.

The hidden danger of the hidden race is a matter of how many years and generations.

Chen Yu, can he solve it?
"Everyone, think about it, if Chen Yu can succeed, what kind of result will it be?"


Do you still need to think about this kind of thing?

As long as it succeeds, the benefits will be unimaginable.

First of all, fame!

The majesty of the Long Country Alien Bureau will reach its peak, and no one in the Long Country Alien Realm can provoke it anymore.

Moreover, as the people who solved the hidden dangers of the hidden race, although they didn't do anything, they will all be recorded in history!

Second, is the actual benefit!

The hermits occupy the blessed land of the cave.

The resources in these places are unimaginable to outsiders.

If they can get it, it will greatly improve both the alien world and their own cultivation!

In the future, it will also have a huge impact on the return of the Long Country Yiren Realm to its peak.

It can be said that this kind of benefit is so great that it is unimaginable.

But what if you lose?
That is beyond redemption.

For so many years, no one has been able to solve the hidden race problem.

Why can Chen Wudi solve it?
And if they fail, then they will become sinners in the world of Longguo Yiren!
The same should be engraved in history.

But, that is eternal infamy!

Huge benefits and huge risks make them very entangled.

Li Qianqiu stared at everyone.

He had expected these reactions.

After all, this matter is of great importance, and everyone will be entangled.

"I know everyone's doubts, but have you ever thought about it, if this opportunity is missed, maybe in the future, there will never be someone like Chen Yu again!"

The crowd was silent.

They knew very well in their hearts that Li Qianqiu was right!

It takes a few years for a person like Chen Yu to be born.

If you miss it, you may never have another chance.

Da da da. . .

The wall clock on the wall, the minutes and seconds flow.

After a full 10 minutes of silence, Li Qianqiu spoke slowly.

"Then, let's vote now!"

"In the name of Longguo Yiren Bureau, do you support or oppose Chen Yu?"

"If you support it, please raise your hand."

(End of this chapter)

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