I predicted the future live and shocked the whole network

Chapter 409 Celebration Drink!Drink early!

Chapter 409 Celebration Drink!Drink early!
Time flies.

The ten-day appointment between Chen Yu and Zhao is getting closer and closer.

All forces in the alien world are also looking forward to it more and more.

Some people lamented for Chen Yu, thinking that Chen Yu's move was too impulsive, and in the end he just lost face and became a laughing stock.

Some people sneered at Chen Yu, just waiting to see the joke.

In fact, many forces have begun to get together and hold banquets to celebrate Chen Wudi's failure.

The world is in turmoil!
. . . . . .

Aotao Hotel, Ba Yuanzhou, Xihai Province.

This is a landmark building in the city and a place where the top wealthy people in Xihai Province spend their money.

The sky garden on the top floor has no partitions, only nine thick pillars holding up the ceiling.

On the four sides, there are 360-degree panoramic high-strength glass, overlooking all the beautiful scenery of Ba Yuanzhou.

This place is not open to ordinary people.

There are very few people who usually come here.

But at this moment, there are dozens of people here, three tables have been opened, and they are drinking and chatting.

Everyone is dressed differently and of different ages, both young and old.

But one thing is the same, that is, everyone is a prominent figure in the alien world!

Sitting in the center was an old man in Tang suit. He picked up a glass of wine. Everyone in the science department fell silent and looked at him.

"Everyone, today we, 10 factions including Xihai Fang Family, Siyemen, Gucheng Luo Family, Fengyu Xiaolou, etc., have gathered here together. The purpose is very simple."

"That's a celebration! Celebrate Chen Wudi's failure!"

"I, Fang Baisheng, would like to thank you all for giving me face and coming here to attend the banquet. Everyone will eat well, drink well, and be sure to have a great time!"

After Fang Baisheng finished speaking, everyone raised their glasses and drank the wine in one gulp.

Visitors from all walks of life smiled and spoke in high spirits.

"Haha, Mr. Fang is so polite. We feel relieved to see Chen Wudi deflated!"

"That's right, Chen Wudi bullies us like this. If he collapses this time, we will be happy."

"Mr. Fang holds this banquet today. It's just the right time, just the right time!"

Laughter filled the wine table.

Before Chen Yu Hengkong was born, the alien world in Xihai Province was somewhat similar to an independent kingdom.

Although he nominally accepts the management of the Alien Bureau, in fact, he listens to the instructions but not the propaganda.

Various alien forces are linked together to form a huge group.

Especially the Xihai Fang family, which is deeply rooted and powerful.

Even the alien bureau is helpless about this.

For so many years, Xihai Province has been like the back garden of these alien forces.

They can do whatever they want.

Except for some things that violate principles, it can be said that there is no scruple.

Many ordinary people have been persecuted.

And this pattern completely changed after Chen Yu made his debut!
Kill a batch, suppress a batch, and release a batch.

Especially the Fang family, three young descendants have been killed by the alien bureau.

One raped a married woman and beat her two-year-old child into a disabled person.

One is to use special means to help people solve competitors.

One severely injured three veterans.

Originally, this kind of thing was nothing in the eyes of the Bai family.

What happened to bullying a few ordinary people?
Just pay some money.

Is 100 million per person enough?

If it’s not enough, add another 100 million!

But, just because of such a trivial time, the Alien Bureau arrested the three of them without saying a word, and killed them on the same day after they were found out!
Together with the related 13 Fang family members, their cultivation levels were also abolished and imprisoned.

The person with the shortest term will be detained for more than ten years!
This made Fang Baisheng extremely angry and went to the Yiren Bureau to ask for an explanation.

As a result, the alien bureau ignored him at all.

Later, I used my connections to find a leader above, and all I got was a word from Chen Yu.

"Shut up and obey, otherwise, your entire Fang family will be destroyed!" He is so strong and domineering!
Not a word of nonsense!I won’t explain anything to you at all!
After all the forces in the alien world in the West Sea learned about it, they were shocked and frightened, and restrained themselves a lot.

Since then, the Xihai Yiren World has stopped being arrogant and has completely accepted the management of the Yiren Bureau.

But even though they restrained themselves, they still thought about Chen Yu's early death all the time!

They want to go back to their old ways.

But Chen Yu's record all the way was too scary, leaving them with no hope.

Especially when Chen Yu and Sakura Takeshi Kishimoto show off.

They were extremely excited, thinking that Chen Yu was finally going to die.

As a result, Kishimoto Takao was killed!

This makes them even more desperate.

Is there anyone in the world who can subdue Chen Yu?
Just then, the Hidden Clan appeared!

Chen Yu and the Yin tribe are at odds!

When he heard about the appointment on the 10th, Fang Baisheng was trembling with excitement.

But now, there is only more than one day left before the 10-day appointment.

He couldn't hold it in any longer and started to celebrate with a big feast!
During the banquet, everyone changed glasses until the glasses were dry.

Many people put their arms around each other and told each other the pain of being oppressed by Chen Yu.

The love was so true that I even cried aggrievedly.

"Why don't I just play like a young woman? The fucking alien bureau castrated me, castrated me!!!"

"Last time I was driving, I hit a delivery man. If it had been before, I would have left a long time ago. Who cares whether he lives or lives? Now? Why the hell do I have to stop the car to apologize to him and then compensate him! Can you imagine? Me, A stranger, why should he apologize to ordinary people!!!"

"Brothers, come on, drink more, Chen Wudi is going to die this time, and our good days are coming back!"

"Haha, yes, yes! Come on, drink! Drink!"

The atmosphere gradually reaches a climax.

At this moment, a middle-aged man's cell phone rang.

He got on the phone.

"Hey, I'm having a celebratory drink in Bayuanzhou. What's going on?"

"Huh? A statement from the Alien Bureau? What statement? Is Chen Wudi scared?"

"See for yourself? Okay, I'll come to Kangkang."

After hanging up the phone, he opened the link sent from the other side while still quite drunk.

"A statement to all of the Inhuman World."

"The Wu family of the Five Great Hidden Tribes announced that from today onwards, they will surrender to the Dragon Kingdom Stranger Bureau and be at their disposal..."


With a jolt, he woke up from the wine and looked at the screen with wide eyes, not daring to miss a word.

"This, this is!!!"

His hands couldn't stop shaking.

Unspeakable shock and fear spread in his heart.

At this time, a man was holding a wine glass, hooking his neck and laughing.

"Old Zhang, what are you looking at on your phone? Come and have a drink on your big day!"

"Drink? I'll drink you and numb you!!!"

With a curse, he suddenly yelled.

"Stop! Stop everyone! Stop everyone!"

The scene fell silent, and everyone stopped moving, looking at Lao Zhang in shock.

Fang Baisheng frowned and said, "Zhang Ao, what's going on with you?"

Zhang Ao raised his phone, his hands trembling crazily and his voice trembling.

"It's over! Chen, Chen is invincible, he wins!!!"

Chen Wudi won?What does it mean.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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