I predicted the future live and shocked the whole network

Chapter 422: Capture God’s Forbidden Forum

Chapter 422: Capture God’s Forbidden Forum
God's Forbidden Zone, the largest forum in the overseas alien world.

The number of views every day is huge.

There are also a lot of active users on it.

All the latest news, information, and even some inside stories that ordinary people can't imagine can be seen on it.

At the same time, it also has functions such as trading, entrustment, etc.

Moreover, the God's Forbidden Zone completely hides the login information, even the most powerful hackers cannot crack it, and the protection of users is extremely in place.

This also gives the God's Forbidden Zone a very high degree of freedom.

It can be said that the overseas alien world has achieved complete network informatization.

The God’s Forbidden Zone Forum is the distribution center for all information.

All alien forces have dedicated personnel stationed on the forum to keep abreast of the latest developments.

Even various countries have appointed specialists to pay attention to the above information.

There are also a large number of individual visitors looking for the information they need on the forum.

Now, on this forum, the most popular thing is the battle between Chen Yu and Zhao.

News about the participation of the Dark Judgment Office and the Justice Tribunal in the war also spread on the forum, immediately exciting all parties.

"Oh, God, are they those two powerful forces that have been fighting for thousands of years? They are actually united with the Zhao family?"

"It's really unimaginable that these two bitter enemies will one day unite."

"These two ancient beings have disappeared for hundreds of years, but they reappeared for Chen Wudi."

"These great existences will definitely let the entire Dragon Kingdom and the alien world know how powerful we are."

"Chen Wudi can be considered No. 1 in the world for receiving such treatment."

"This time, Chen Wudi will definitely die."

"Chen Wudi should have died long ago!"

"Who knows why these two forces are willing to join forces with the Zhao family? What agreement did they reach?"

Someone asked a question and it was quickly answered.

According to insiders, after this joint attack on Chen Yu, Chen Yu's body will be taken overseas.

Relevant institutions will conduct anatomical research on it.

At the same time, all Chen Yu's belongings will also belong to the two forces.

All this is to explore why Chen Yu became so powerful in a short period of time.

These words made the God's Forbidden City boil.

"Yes, let's show those natives how powerful we are!"

"So, in our eyes, Chen Wudi is just a guinea pig."

"Under the glory of God, there will be no shadow. Chen Wudi's shadow will dissipate soon."

"What Chen Wudi did is against human nature and extremely cruel. We do this for all mankind!"

The crowd is passionate.

Since Chen Yu's debut, he has achieved miracles one after another without losing a single victory.

He has no respect for the overseas alien world and has repeatedly failed them.

And because of Chen Yu's relationship, the alien world of Dragon Kingdom no longer respects them as much as it did in the past.

After the two sides had conflicts in the past, as long as they threatened a little bit, the Dragon Kingdom and the Human World would give in.

He even took the initiative to apologize with gifts.

But now?

How dare those barbarians confront them? !

And this kind of change between the alien world has also spread to the ordinary world.

Sanctions and other methods that were once extremely useful are now useless.

This made the overseas alien world extremely angry.

You have been kneeling before us for so long, why do you stand up?
What qualifications do you have to stand up?

We are aloof, so you should lie down in front of us like dogs, wagging your tail and begging for mercy!
They want to suppress Chen Yu and tell the world who is the son and who is the father!

But unfortunately, they were helpless against Chen Yu.This greatly damaged their proud self-esteem.

They could only be helpless and furious, but there was nothing they could do about Chen Yu.

And now, the great beings finally take action!
Chen Yu will undoubtedly die.

The entire Dragon Kingdom and the alien world will tremble under their majesty.

The entire God's Forbidden Zone was filled with excitement.

"But if we intervene in the battle between Chen Wudi and Zhao, will there be any consequences?"

Some people also expressed such concerns.

But soon, replies appeared one after another, full of disdain.

"Consequences? What consequences can there be? The Dark Judgment and the Justice Tribunal are just guests there. Did anyone see them taking action?"

"That's right, what do you think of this fact? The two parties were visiting, and they found that Chen Wudi and Zhao were fighting. The two parties couldn't bear it, and tried hard to break up the fight, but in the end, Zhao still beat Chen Wudi to death?"

"Oh, upstairs, you are a genius, that's the truth!"

The whole forum was full of relaxation and joy.

Soon, all parties were discussing how to humiliate the Dragon Kingdom and the alien world after Chen Yu died.

"Don't they have a Dragon Space Forum? Let's go and have a go! Let them know what awe is!"

"That's right! Not only on the forum, but also through various channels to issue statements to humiliate them!"

"Yes, let them know that what they think is invincible is just garbage in front of us!"

However, the appearance of a post shocked the entire God's Forbidden Forum.

"In mourning, your Dark Judgment Office and Justice Tribunal are gone."

Among the posts that fill the screen, this post is so out of place and eye-catching.

Many people clicked in, wanting to see what was going on.

As soon as you enter, it is the statement of the Dragon Kingdom Stranger Bureau!
The Zhao family failed, and both the Dark Judgment Office and the Justice Tribunal were destroyed!

Suddenly, the entire forum went crazy!

"Oh, God, this, how is this possible? How could these two ancient and great beings fail?"

"This, is this fake news? How could something like this happen?"

"No, this is not true! Chen Wudi cannot be the opponent of the Dark Judgment Chamber and the Justice Tribunal."

"Oh my god, I went to check it out. This is really a statement from the Dragon Kingdom Strangers Bureau. Everything is true!"

Dragon Kingdom, an ancient sect somewhere.

In the antique study room, a young man in his twenties sat cross-legged on a stool and stared at the screen in front of him.

On the screen, it was the God’s Forbidden Forum.

It was the post announcing the funeral that he clicked on, and he was the one who posted it.

Looking at the reply below, he grinned.

"Hey, a bunch of red-haired ghosts, you still want us to kneel down? Let my idol Chen Wudi teach you how to behave!"

"Next, the other brothers should be rushing in, right?"

Exit the post and the young man clicks to refresh the forum.

Sure enough, after his first post, many new posts appeared.

"The ten-day agreement is over, Chen Wudi is still invincible!"

"I'm sorry, you are disappointed, that man won again this time!"

"I really want to see your ridiculous appearance live."

"Hey, hey, hey, are you thin dogs okay? None of you can beat them?"

. . . . . .

All kinds of posts are popping up like crazy, but there is only one core.

Chen Wudi won!
The entire God's Forbidden Forum has completely fallen!

(End of this chapter)

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