
Let those wild monkeys in the East learn to fear and kneel down!

The entire God's Forbidden Forum has completely boiled over.

Behind the screen, there were extremely excited faces with an abnormal flush.

They were gearing up and preparing for a big fight.

Someone bought the latest keyboard and repeatedly adjusted the keys.

Someone prepared snacks and beer, and rubbed their hands vigorously.

Some people collect all kinds of insulting words on the Internet, fearing that they will not have enough firepower when the time comes.

Excited, everyone gets excited.

In the assembly order, many people from the overseas alien world were telling their preparations.

However, the appearance of a comment made everything different.

"God, I just received news that the celebration cocktail party my grandpa attended was suddenly canceled at short notice!"

Suddenly, many people's attention was attracted.

The owner of this comment was bragging just now that his grandfather was participating in a high-end wine party.

The initiator of the wine bureau invited many big shots to celebrate Chen Yu's failure.

Why was it canceled only halfway through?

Just as I was wondering, many more comments popped up.

"Damn it, I just received news from the family that our celebration banquet was also terminated midway!"

"Oh, it's the same here! The celebration banquet has also been terminated!"

"What? Yours has stopped? It's the same for us, we have stopped the celebration banquet."

"Same! We have stopped here too. It was very sudden!"

The comments one after another gave everyone a bad feeling.

In order to celebrate the victory, celebration banquets are being held in various places in the overseas alien world.

It would be understandable if one company stopped due to special reasons.

But with such a large-scale interruption, something must have happened.

"Hey, what happened? Why did it stop suddenly?"

"Isn't Chen Wudi dead?"

"What emergency happened?"

"This is completely confusing."

"When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. I feel like something big is going on!"

"Ask me quickly, what happened."

"That's right, go and ask your family why the banquet was suddenly suspended."

An atmosphere of anxiety and uneasiness gradually spread in the God's Forbidden Forum.

Soon, everything came to fruition.

Someone immediately posted a message explaining why.

"God, I've asked people in the family. I just can't imagine that such a thing would happen!"

"Chen Wudi is not dead! He is not even injured at all. All the legends who went to Senna Island this time were killed by Chen Wudi!"

Soon, other people continued to post.

"Oh my god, it's the same here! That devil Chen Wudi was the one who killed our people from the alien world!"

"I got the same news here! The party ended because of him!"

"Everyone, I am shattered. I never imagined that things would turn out like this! That devil Chen Wudi, how on earth should we deal with him?"

One comment after another, like a bomb, overturned the entire forum.

Everyone was stunned.

At the last moment, they were still planning how to attack the Dragon Sky Forum in the Dragon Kingdom's alien world.

Everyone is fully prepared and intends to enjoy the rare pleasure of suppression.

The next moment, the overseas alien world will collapse?

Did the special reversal happen so quickly?
"God, I didn't even drink a sip of the beer I prepared!"

"The new keyboard I just bought is so useless?"

"Why did this happen? How did Chen Wudi do it?"

"The mysterious East, the terrifying East! Oh my god, I feel like that place is the real forbidden area of ​​God!"

"Why does a character like Chen Wudi exist?"

"I'm already desperate!"

"We are going to kneel before Dongfang."

"Those are not wild monkeys from the East, they are giant dragons flying in the sky!"

"I feel that our sky has become dim! The future of this world is not with us!" "God has abandoned us!"

. . . . . .

At the assembly order, there was originally a burst of laughter.

But now the people are in mourning.

All kinds of comments are full of despair, panic and helplessness. . .

Behind the screens are real people from the alien world.

Some directly smashed the keyboard to pieces.

Some took out their pistols and shot themselves.

Some broke down and cried.

. . . . . .

"Are we still going to the Dragon Space Forum?"

A comment appeared, making everyone feel a sharp pain in their hearts.

go with?
Go Nima!

What did you do in the past?
a shame?

Such a luxurious lineup was completely killed by Chen Wudi, how could they survive?

If you can't get over to the other side, that's fine.

An impact operation against the Dragon Sky was just aborted.

After despair comes self-paralysis and madness!

After learning the news, the God's Forbidden Forum was once again abuzz.

But this time is different.

Post after post has become somewhat hysterical.

"Could it be that our overseas alien world will really be stepped on by that man? I can't accept it!"

"That's right! There must be some special reason this time. No matter how strong that guy is, he can't do this! He must have used some despicable means!"

"Yes, otherwise, this kind of thing would never happen. He and Long Guo will both have to pay a heavy price!"

"Damn it, we want revenge, we want those wild monkeys in the East to know fear!"

"We can't let them go like this! If you dare to blaspheme our majesty, you must die to apologize!"

"I have received news from my family that the overseas alien world will take action against the Dragon Kingdom!"

Over the years, the overseas alien world has become accustomed to being aloof.

Now being killed by Chen Yu without leaving any trace behind, this is something they cannot accept.

A storm is brewing against Chen Yu.

. . . . . .

The Dragon Sky Forum is equally lively at the moment.

The trip to Senna Island touches everyone’s heart.

They said everything, some were worried about Chen Yu, while others were sarcastic.

"Hmph, how dare this guy Chen Wudi go to Senna Island? Does he really think he is invincible?"

"Hey, it's okay to be arrogant in the nest. But when you go overseas, people won't spoil you."

"That's right, full of losses, modesty benefits. Chen Wudi is just too arrogant, which is why he is in the current disaster."

"When something happens to him, it also affects our entire alien world. Because of him alone, we have offended the entire overseas alien world, and the future will be difficult."

"Yeah, I'm convinced. There are such high-quality beings in the overseas alien world, why do we have to go against them?"

"This time, we were tricked by Chen Wudi!"

"Let him go crazy again. I'm very curious this time, what will be his ending?"

Many people hid behind the screen, waiting to see Chen Yu's ending.

A young man looked at the comments on the forum with his fists clenched and his eyes red.

"Damn, they are a bunch of retarded and weak-minded people. Are you still here to slander Chen Wudi?"

His name is Shao Le, and he is the youngest son of the Shao family. He has always regarded Chen Yu as his super idol.

On weekdays, he likes to hang out in the Dragon Sky Forum.

Now that I see these remarks, my lungs are about to explode.

Just as he was angry, his cell phone rang.

I glanced at the screen and saw it was the family phone.

"Hey, brother, what's the matter?"

"I, Cao, what did you say? Chen Wudi slaughtered everyone on Senna Island?!"

Shao Le stood up with a bang, widened his eyes and shouted loudly. (End of chapter)

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