I predicted the future live and shocked the whole network

Chapter 460: Solve it casually while talking and laughing

Dragon King plot? !
Wan Yong was shocked when he heard this, and his face looked extremely ugly.

That's just what he said teasingly.

But who would have thought that it would actually happen in front of him now?

This is simply magical!
Looking at these big guys who came to visit Chen Yu, Wan Yong's scalp went numb.

Although he didn't recognize most of them, there were still one or two whom he had met.

But not in reality, but on TV and the Internet!
Those are his unattainable existence.

But in front of Chen Yu, everyone was so humble.

What kind of existence is this young man?
Staring at Chen Yu, Wan Yong was filled with doubts.

At this moment, a person walked out of the community.

Seeing this, Wan Yong immediately greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Du, I'm really sorry, something has been delayed here. So many people came suddenly and all the peaches I brought you fell on the ground. I'm really sorry."

Wanyong made an excuse and explained to the person opposite.

Mr. Du's name is Du Minglou. He is the big client that Sun Lei and others are going to visit this time. He lives in the villa at the bottom of Ziyue Xingchen Residence.

Du Minglou waved his hand and didn't care. He looked at the lively scene at the entrance of the community with curiosity on his face.

"What's going on here? Why are there so many people here?"

"They seemed to know the young man, and they all came to see him."

Wan Yong pointed at Chen Yu and hurriedly explained.

Only then did Du Minglou see Chen Yu and nodded.

"It turns out that I came to visit Mr. Chen, so it's no wonder."

"Eh? Mr. Du, do you know him?"

Wan Yong's eyes widened and he was quite curious.

Sun Lei and others also pricked up their ears.

Du Minglou chuckled and said, "I know him, he doesn't know me."

"Mr. Chen and I both live in Ziyue Xingchen Residence and have met him several times."

"You, what did you say?! He, he lives here?!"

Wan Yong's eyes widened and his tone changed.

Sun Lei and others gasped, their scalps numb.

What is this community?
The most upscale community in Jinchuan!
Those who can live here are not ordinary people.

With a status like Du Minglou's, he could only come in.

Chen Yu lives here, doesn't it mean that he is the least and on the same level as Du Minglou?

Oh my god, is this a dream?

"Mr. Du, then, which villa does Xiaoyu live in here?"

Sun Lei plucked up the courage and asked.

Du Minglou glanced at Sun Lei and raised his eyebrows.

To shout so intimately, he must have a good relationship with Chen Yu.

The smile on his face couldn't help but grow a little more now, and he looked kind.

"Mr. Chen, he lives in the top villa No. [-]."

It was like a thunderous explosion, making Sun Lei and others numb.

Just now, they were still discussing what kind of existence could live in Villa No. [-].

But they didn't expect that the owner of the villa was right next to them.

Sun Lei was shocked and suddenly remembered something Chen Yu said before.

"Go to Ziyue Xingchen Residence for a second show."

"Perhaps you have not only heard of it, but also seen it."

The words are still in my ears.

Looking back now, these are all intentional.

It's just that I didn't take it seriously.

Wan Yong was stunned, feeling cold from head to toe.

He knew Ziyue Xingchen lived in this community.

He understood the significance of Villa No. [-] very well.

That not only represents amazing financial resources, but also shows the overwhelming power of the homeowner!
Is that why he dares to talk to me like this?
Recalling the conversation with Chen Yu just now, Wan Yong was shocked.

"Villa No. 1, then, how high is his status?"

Du Minglou was startled when he heard this, smiled and shook his head, then pointed to the sky with one hand.

"How high is the status? It's probably that high." Wan Yong, Sun Lei and others looked up at the sky at the same time.

The galaxy is dazzling, and countless big stars hang high in the sky, making people fascinated and looking up.

Wan Yong could only feel an indescribable panic slowly growing in his heart.

At this moment, Chen Yu turned his head and looked at Wan Yong.

"Now do you think this is still a joke?"

With one word, the entire scene suddenly became silent.

Although the bosses from all parties did not know who Wan Yong was, from the meaning of Chen Yu's words, it was obvious that he had some issues with Wan Yong.

Did you have any issues with Mr. Chen?
Where can I find such a good opportunity to show my courtesy?
At the moment, everyone was staring at Wan Yong, their eyes were fiery and filled with a sense of oppression.

Wan Yong took several steps back, his knees softened and he almost fell to the ground.

These people who came to visit Chen Yu were all boss-level existences.

And everyone is a stranger.

He has been in a high position for many years, coupled with his own strong temperament.

That look was almost like reality, which made Wan Yong feel extremely frightened.

Forcing a smile, Wan Yong said: "Mr. Chen, misunderstandings are all misunderstandings. I apologize for what I just said."

Chen Yu just looked at Wan Yong quietly, his expression not changing at all.

Turning his head, he looked at Sun Lei.

"Brother Lei, how are you going to deal with him?"

"Huh? This..."

When Sun Lei was called by Chen Yu, he was excited and a little confused.

Wan Yong looked at Sun Lei and said, "Sun Lei, I admit that my tone before was a bit too strong."

"But that's also because I think highly of you and hope to put more burdens on you."

"I have traveled a longer road than you and have seen more things than you. I hope to use my experience to guide you."

Sun Lei was a little confused, and Chen Yu's expression was a little strange.

This Wanyong is still acting like a leader?

"That's all, Brother Lei, since you don't know what to do, let me decide."

"Does any of you know about Gaoming Group?"

Chen Yu asked everyone who came to visit him.

Gaoming Group is the company where Sun Lei and Wanyong work.

An old man's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, Gao Yuansheng, chairman of Gaoming Group, listens to me very much."

"Well, then you can talk to him tomorrow and let this Wanyong get out of the Gaoming Group. Sun Lei is a good friend of mine and he should be properly settled."

"Haha, don't worry, Mr. Chen, I'll call him now."

Naturally, such a good performance opportunity cannot be missed.

The old man immediately dialed a number.

"Hey, Xiao Gao, it's me, your Uncle Qin."

"I have something to tell you..."

"Yes, we'll do it right away without any delay."

As soon as I hung up the phone, the universal mobile phone rang.

Wan shook his hand and quickly answered the phone.

"Hey, Director Gao, it's me, what are your instructions?"

"What, I got laid off?"

"Director Gao, there is a misunderstanding, there is a misunderstanding."

"Hey, hey..."

The phone was hung up and Wan Yong's face turned pale.

Sun Lei and the others looked at each other, their minds buzzing.

Are you sure this isn't a dream?

In just a few words, Wanyong, who was so superior in their eyes, was solved?
Looking at Chen Yu's indifferent face, they only felt that it was unreal.

At this time, Chen Yu bowed his hands to everyone.

"Thank you for coming. I have some personal matters today. Please go back."

After greeting everyone, Chen Yu looked at Sun Lei and the others with a smile.

"Brother Lei, let's go and have a second show at my house?" (End of Chapter)

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