Chapter 70 Everyone Kneeled!

Seeing the person coming, Zhao Ge's eyes widened, his face full of shock.

Ge Shan and Gong Yan were also shocked.

"Zhao Ge, what are you talking about? This old man is a congenital master?"

Ge Shan subconsciously roared.

Zhao Ge's expression changed, and he quickly covered Ge Shan's mouth.

"What are you talking nonsense! You are so disrespectful, be careful not to be overheard by him, Mr. Chen will not be able to save you!"

Gong Yan frowned and said, "Zhao Ge, do you know this Mr. Shen?"

Zhao Ge shook his head with a wry smile.

"Where do I have the chance to meet this old man?"

"To be honest, the reason why I heard about this old man's name is because of a chance encounter seven years ago."

Seven years ago, Zhao Enxiong encountered danger in the no man's land in the northwest.

Shen Yuancheng happened to play there at that time and saved his life.

After returning, he told Zhao Ge about Shen Yuancheng's various deeds.

After that time, Zhao Ge firmly remembered Shen Yuancheng's name in his heart.

Unexpectedly, this senior actually appeared here!
"Mr. Chen still knows these old seniors? This network is really powerful."

Gong Yan exclaimed in a low voice.

Ge Shan pushed away Zhao Ge's hand and widened his eyes.

"Damn, you don't see one shadow of the Xiantian master on weekdays, but I didn't expect to see two of them today."

"Two? You should grow your eyes. Haven't you noticed that the three people behind Mr. Shen are also innate masters?"

Zhao Ge rolled his eyes at Ge Shan.

This idiot has really poor eyesight.

Ge Shan was taken aback, staring carefully at the three old men behind Shen Yuancheng, he couldn't help but gasped.

Indeed, as Ge Shan said, the temperament of these three old men was no different from that of Shen Yuancheng.

And talking and laughing happily with each other, obviously they are all of the same level.

"Nimma, did you stab the grandmaster's nest? Five grandmasters gathered here? This..."

Gong Yan clenched her fists tightly, her expression shocked.

"Our choice is indeed not wrong. Mr. Chen can become friends with these four people and eradicate the Song family. Wouldn't it be easy?"

Zhao Ge nodded in agreement.

"That's right, Mr. Shen and the others also saw Mr. Chen's potential, and that's why they got to know him."

"For us, this is a huge plus."

At such a young age, Chen Yu has already stepped into the innate realm.

Shen Yuancheng and the others took a fancy to Chen Yu, which is also very reasonable.

"Tell me, Mr. Shen, what are they doing here?"

Ge Shan asked in a low voice.

Gong Yan said: "I think it should be pointing Mr. Chen? After all, Mr. Chen is too young, maybe he hasn't fully adapted to the innate realm?"

Zhao Ge nodded, agreeing with Gong Yan's analysis.

The three stood aside, watching Shen Yuancheng and the others come to Chen Yu.

"Haha, Chen Yu, we ran all the way here from Nanshi."

Shen Yuancheng laughed loudly.

After going back last time, Shen Yuancheng showed off Chen Yu's improved Golden Wind Illusory Palm.

The four decided to go to Nanshi to visit Chen Yu.

Unexpectedly, he thought of Nanshi, but found that Chen Yu had already left.

They followed all the way and found Jinchuan City.

After many inquiries, it was only then that Chen Yu lived in Villa No. 1 of Ziyue Xingchen Residence.

The three of them looked at each other with some pride in their hearts.

Look, what is a card face!
In order to meet Chen Yu, the four innate masters chased him all the way.

This is the treatment that Peerless Tianjiao has!

Isn't that the case in those fantasy novels?

A group of bigwigs helped each other when they saw the amazing younger generation.

Mr. Chen is the kind of evil junior in the novel.

"Mr. Chen, after you taught me last time, I benefited a lot."

"After going back, several old friends clamored to come to ask you for advice."

Chen Yu understood and nodded.

Glancing at a few people, he was secretly amazed.

It seems that there are many masters in this world.

In a short period of time, he has already met several innate masters.

On the side, the three of Zhao Ge had question marks on their heads.

What the hell?



Is it wrong?

Shouldn't you give advice to Chen Yu?
Why did the roles switch?
Just as he was thinking, the three people behind Shen Yuancheng took a step forward and bowed their hands to Chen Yu at the same time.

"Mr. Chen, it's a pleasure to meet you."

The three introduced themselves, namely Du Xun, An Xia, and Zuo Xiao.

Like Shen Yuancheng, they are all veteran innate masters.

It's just that after becoming innate masters, several people lived in seclusion and were unknown to the world.

"Earlier, Mr. Chen pointed out Lao Shen, which opened my eyes, so I came to visit this time, and I also want to ask Mr. Chen to give us some advice."

The three bowed deeply, with a humble attitude.

Zhao Ge, Ge Shan, and Gong Yan's eyes almost popped out.

Is this Nima really here to ask for advice?

God, how could this be?
How old is Chen Yu, how old are they already?

Now, instead, they look like students?

Is Mr. Chen so powerful?

Staring at Chen Yu, the three realized that they had made a mistake.

It wasn't because the four of Shen Yuancheng were delighted to see Lie Xin, and wanted to support the younger generation.

Instead, they wanted to seek Chen Yu's advice!
Chen Yu's strength was far beyond their imagination.

"My dear, what kind of existence is Mr. Chen we are following?"

Ge Shan looked bewildered, talking to himself.

Zhao Ge looked complicated, and said: "He, like a god and Buddha, is an existence that we can't imagine!"

Looking at Du Xun, An Xia, and Zuo Xiao, Chen Yu was also a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, they came thousands of miles to seek their own guidance.

After thinking about it, Chen Yu didn't refuse.

The status and status of these people are all very important, and it is also a good thing for me to form a good relationship.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen!"

Du Xun and the others were overjoyed and asked Chen Yu for advice.

Practice, combat skills, everything they can think of, they are asking for advice.

Even when it comes to rising, it is even a rehearsal on the spot.

Chen Yu didn't hide his secrets either, and gave pointers one by one.

To him, the things the four of them asked were as shallow as children.

Chen Yu's biggest headache is not giving pointers, but how to explain the profound things in a simple way so that they can understand.

After all, they are not immortal cultivators, so they may not be able to understand if they speak too deeply.

Just like this, they chatted from sunset until late at night.

The three of Zhao Ge stood like minions, watching the exchanges between the big brothers, both in awe and bewildered.

Is this the boss's world?
The topic is too advanced, I can't understand it.

What Jingyuan keeps one, it works innately.

What kind of gods accompany each other, walking all over the nine palaces.

Obviously I can recognize every word, but when they are combined together, I just don't understand it at all.

"Okay, do you have any doubts?"

After chatting for a long time, Chen Yu asked.

The four looked solemn, shook their heads, and then all knelt down and bowed solemnly to Chen Yu.

"My lord, please be respected by the students!"

Chen Yu's explanation this afternoon opened a new door for them.

If they make breakthroughs in the future, it will be because of today's lecture.

Only then did they realize how big the gap was between themselves and Chen Yu.

Not just strength, but understanding of practice.

They are not in the same dimension at all.

Chen Yu has the kindness to teach them, and he can be regarded as their mentor.

This kneeling is justified!

Watching the movements of the four, Chen Yu just put his hands behind his back and did not stop them.

This prayer, he can afford it!

The three of Zhao Ge stood aside, staring dumbfounded.

Four innate masters!
Kneel down to Mr. Chen!
God, who would believe this?

After the four knelt down, they stood up.

Shen Yuancheng looked at Chen Yu and said, "Sir, there is one more thing I want to tell you."

"I received news that Xing Qianlei will leave tomorrow and come to Jinchuan City!"

(End of this chapter)

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