Roaming in the dark night

Chapter 105 Brainwashing Yourself

Chapter 105 Brainwashing Yourself
The two arrived at the parking lot below, got into the car, and Yu Wenhao handed over 2 yuan to Brother Wang. Brother Wang looked at him and said:

"Why? It's yours, so you can accept it. The money is safe. If it's not safe, I won't let you accept it. You won't be able to see this President Zhu in the future."

Yu Wenhao was perplexed, he said, "No, Brother Wang, I can't accept this money."

"Why can't you accept it?" Brother Wang said, "You have seen Mr. Zhu. Let me tell you, his current situation is similar to when I was cheated by the Beijingers. The company is already in a desperate situation. But he is not completely dead, because he is not completely dead, and his credibility has not been completely lost. He is not an internal core person, and he does not know his real situation. From the outside, he looks pretty good.

"Maybe, he still drives a luxury car, lives in a luxury house, and has the ability to move around and get a little money. He just took the money to make the last struggle. He didn't know that he jumped, so he jumped If he entered the cliff, he would be doomed to be smashed to pieces. I can guarantee that within a month, all his money will be cheated out, and he won't even be able to go back.

"Less than, it's not that I don't have empathy. Looking at him, I thought of myself. It's not that I don't sympathize with him, but it's useless. One is that I have no choice, and it is impossible to sit down with him and persuade him. He, I don't even have the chance to be alone with him, the people who follow him, if they catch such a plague pig, how can they let it go.

"Also, most people, even if I try to persuade him at this time, he won't listen or believe it. Instead, he will only think, is it because you are unreliable and using these words to prevaricate me? He always He turned around, went to other places, and still did the same thing. If he didn't get cheated out of his money, he wouldn't give up.

"Even if he is deceived, he will not give up. He is now convincing himself every day that this is true, and he dare not think that it is a fake. Why, because this is his only way out, yes His only hope is that normal people, when they encounter this kind of thing, will think, is this a scam? He will also think, what he thinks is, how can this be a scam.

"The way of thinking is completely different. Instead of constantly reminding himself to be careful, he is constantly suggesting that he should be at ease. He has no way to face it. What if this is fake? Such a situation is very realistic and very Harsh question. It can also be said that he is evading, or paralyzing himself.

"I have experienced it, and I know this situation too well. I have seen too much in the past few years. There is an old lady from the Northwest. I see it several times a year. Every time I see her, I will Persuading her to go back, she promised me to go back every time, but after a while, I could receive a call from her, and said to me excitedly on the phone:
"'Mr. Wang, this time the funds are 100%, and it will definitely be successful. Just wait, I've done it here, and I'll give you hundreds of thousands of flowers.' Besides thank you, what else can I say? It didn't take long, maybe in some place, I ran into her again. She saw that I was embarrassed and said that it still didn't work.

"In addition to inviting her to dinner, I still persuaded her to go back. But it was useless. Once a person did this, he was brainwashed, not by others, but by himself. It is what I said before, non-stop Convincingly suggest to myself, convince myself, hypnotize myself, believe that this must be true, dare not think it is false.

"This old lady is very kind, honest, and pitiful. After her husband died, she led a few people, set up a construction team, and contracted some small projects in the local area. By doing this, she earned some money. They built a big house in the town to raise her four children.

"Later, she took over a township government building from them. After the house was built, she couldn't get a penny, and it took several years to get it. There was no money there, but here, She didn't want to owe construction materials, workers' wages, etc., so she paid them all, and ended up putting all her savings into it.

"Her construction team, because of the shortage of funds, was almost unable to solve the problem. At this time, she was fooled by a fellow villager, who said that she could get money in Beijing, and said that it would be enough in a week. She took the remaining ten 20 to [-] yuan, less than [-] yuan, arrived in Beijing.

"After arriving in Beijing, the routine is the same. Every day I see this kind of banker and middleman, and they can give her tens of millions or hundreds of millions. She has never seen such a world before. She talked about the hype, and even patted her chest to assure her that her mind was in a mess, thinking that Beijing had a lot of money, and her construction team had hope.

"She carries a bag with money in it every day. She goes out to eat with others, and then she pays the bill. At night, she also goes to KTV, where she holds her little sister and sings. Waiting in the corridor outside the box, when the inside was over, she went in, tipped the little sisters one by one, and paid the bill.

"The money I brought was spent in less than a week, but the hope is still there. What those people told her is to wait a few more days, just wait a few days. She can only wait and call back to borrow Money, she is very popular, big money can't be borrowed, but small money is fine, so that she can continue to stay in Beijing.

"All kinds of stories, those people told her all kinds of stories, and told her that the boss in Guangdong had already arrived at the airport, but he received a call saying that his father died in the hospital, so he had to rush back and deal with it Come back later.

"Anyway, there are stories like this, which make you feel that it will be fine soon, but it will not be good. Including saying that the finance has already gone to the bank to transfer money, let them go to the bank and wait, they are in the bank, wait until the bank is almost off work, They didn't even get a dime. They told them that when the treasurer walked to the door of the bank, his high heels broke and he fell and was sent to the hospital.

"She would believe such a childish story full of holes. Why? She kept persuading herself to believe it.

"Later, the middleman couldn't bear it, and the old lady followed them every day. They told the old lady that the banker really couldn't make it through, and he asked us to go directly to Shenzhen and go to his company to go through the formalities. The middleman told her that their air ticket After buying everything, I asked the old lady to buy the air ticket by herself, and they met in Shenzhen, as usual, and those people showed her all the information on the air ticket.”

"The old lady couldn't afford a plane ticket, so she had to take the train. When she arrived in Shenzhen, she didn't see those middlemen coming to pick her up at the station. They called her back to Beijing, and they told her that the banker had been waiting for her for a long time, but she didn't arrive. , She was on the train, and the mobile phone signal was not good. The banker really couldn't wait for her to go to the United States, so they had no choice but to go back to Beijing first.

"They also gave her a call, saying that she was a friend and asked her to contact him. The old lady had no relatives in Shenzhen and had no money with her, so she could only make this call. When they saw this person, when they talked about it, everyone I can't remember who the person who called the old lady was. Some kind of friend, maybe I met him when I was working on a project somewhere, and left a phone call.

"The other party is also doing funds, and then she also cheated on the old lady in various ways. The old lady stayed in Shenzhen for more than half a year, and then she seemed to go to Changsha, and she followed others.

"It's a routine to make money, that is, there are various reasons on Monday, and the banker can't make it because of these reasons. When it comes to weekends or holidays, he is full of hope. Let me tell you, the banker's ticket has been booked. Monday Come when you get to work, and I will show you the ticket information.

"What time did this happen? In [-] years, before I even started making funds, the old lady had already started doing it. From a middle-aged woman who was less than fifty, she became an old woman. Ma'am, I'm still working on it, I was in Fuzhou earlier this year, and I saw her."

"Has she ever done it successfully?" Yu Wenhao asked.

"What do you think?" Brother Wang said, "How could it be possible to do it successfully? It's probably just following someone. I received a security deposit of 1 to [-] like this two or three times. I took her to collect it once. Later, she She's a little shrewd, but she doesn't have the money to be deceived. Now she is doing odd jobs everywhere. When she goes to a place to do a project, she does odd jobs there.

"There is really no way. When I have no money for food, I call her children for help. The children scold me, but I can't ignore it. Give her some money for food. The construction team has long since disappeared, and the children call her Going back, she refused to go back, and there was nothing they could do.

"Her son lied to her once, saying that her grandson was seriously ill in the hospital. She went back once. After going back, of course, the son would not let her out and locked her at home. You know what happened? Lou climbed down and ran out again.

"Xiaoyu, let me tell you, people who get involved in this circle, that's it, it's almost like joining a cult."

(End of this chapter)

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