Roaming in the dark night

Chapter 11 City Ferryman

Chapter 11 City Ferryman

It was past eleven o'clock, and Yu Wenhao left Huanglong Hotel, drove the car, and continued to walk aimlessly on the street, waiting for orders.

Those who drive online car-hailing services call themselves city ferrymen. Whether it’s a sea of ​​people or a sea of ​​desires, I will drive you from here to there. Search the streets.

Since it is a ferry, there are regular ferrymen, and there are wild ferries. Just like when taxis were popular in the past, there were a lot of illegal cars. Now the online car-hailing industry also has a lot of illegal cars.The so-called black car, in their own words, refers to all savages without dual certificates, or half-savages with only single certificates.

Quan Savage even borrowed someone else's ID card, registered on the platform, and used someone else's name, not his own. For semi-wild people, they usually have a person ID card, but no car ID card.

According to the current requirements of transportation management, online car-hailing must have complete personal and vehicle certificates, that is, online car-hailing, the vehicle must have the "Network Taxi Booking Car Transport Certificate", and the driver must have the "Network Booking Taxi Driver's License" , but in actual operation, if the two certificates of people and cars are complete, then most people and cars will quit the ranks of online car-hailing, especially in the past few years.

Many platforms can only turn a blind eye to this. If he strictly requires, about half of the online car-hailing vehicles under his banner will go to other platforms.In the past few years, there was a platform that even provided humanitarian aid, that is, if you were caught by the traffic control and fined [-], you could apply to the platform, and the platform would help you bear the fine.

This is tantamount to encouraging those vehicles and drivers with incomplete dual certificates to join their platform in disguise.

It's easier to get a witness certificate. As long as you have more than three years of driving experience and no criminal record, you can still pass the test with a little effort.

The car license is more troublesome, not only the car itself has requirements, for example, the age of the car cannot exceed four years, the wheelbase of fuel and gas vehicles is not less than 2650 mm, the taxable price is not less than 10 yuan, and the wheelbase of new energy vehicles is not less than 2600 mm.

Many cars didn't even have these basic conditions, so they were naturally stopped outside.

The most important thing is that if you want to get a car license, your private car must be modified and turned into a commercial vehicle. The state stipulates that a commercial vehicle must be scrapped after 8 years or 60 kilometers, and there is no fixed scrapping period for private cars.In addition to insurance, the annual insurance premium for a commercial vehicle is two or three times that of a private car, which greatly increases the cost of the vehicle.

Moreover, once a private car becomes a business car, it is impossible to change it back. When you want to sell your car, no one will ask for half the price. Anyone who buys a second-hand car will buy a business car ?

Yu Wenhao was driving around the street. He saw many cars similar to his, and they were also walking in a leisurely manner. He knew that these cars, like him, were all online car-hailing cars, and most of them were two-way cars. They are also waiting to snatch orders for black cars with incomplete certificates.

At this point in time, there are already few taxi-hailing people, and correspondingly, there are not many online taxi-hailing companies still in operation.But in the recent period, Yu Wenhao was itching with hatred in his heart. He felt that there were obviously more vehicles, and the list became more and more difficult to grab.

The reason is that during this period of time, the transportation management has strengthened its efforts to catch unlicensed cars, during the day, and before nine o'clock in the evening, when there are many taxi drivers.

At the time when the transportation management frequently dispatches law enforcement, or when a driver enters the line to report that there is a car inspection, the platform will immediately set up a "fence", that is, all the cars with incomplete dual certificates will be surrounded outside.The platform no longer distributes orders to the vicinity of the rectification point, or the bustling areas of the city, to cars with incomplete dual certificates.

In this way, these black cars did not receive business during the peak hours of the day and evening, and the traffic plummeted. They had no choice but to wait until after eight or nine o'clock in the evening, the "fence" of the platform was removed, and the law enforcement officers of the transport management also went home to sleep. Now, they will come out on the street to grab orders.Because of this, in the middle of the night, there are many more ferrymen, and it is difficult to grab the order.

Yu Wenhao's car has both certificates. He is not afraid of transportation management or the "fence" of the platform, but his pressure is greater than theirs.Those who drive wild cars have no cost if the car is parked. He is different. This car has been driven for more than four years, and it will be scrapped for more than three years. He has to buy a new car, so the pressure comes.

In addition, he was originally a part-time driver, and the usage rate of the car was only half of that of a full-time driver. He had to use these three years to receive as many orders as possible every day, so that he would not suffer a loss when the car reached the end of life.

When Yu Wenhao first started online car-hailing, whether it was transportation management or the platform, the requirements for dual certificates were not as high as they are now. Yu Wenhao also hesitated for a long time, whether to apply for a car certificate, and he obviously suffered a disadvantage. .

After hesitating to the end, Yu Wenhao went to do it.

When he was young, Yu Wenhao was not afraid of heaven and earth, and would rush to the front with a stick in a group fight. Seeing that the opponent was holding a knife in his hand, he would still rush there, quite demeanor of a desperate Saburo.

After getting married and having a family, he felt that he was short of breath and could no longer be a stunned young man.After getting Qianqian, it became shorter again, and I felt shrunk. No matter what I did, I would think that I was already a person with a family and children.

When Qianqian fell ill, Yu Wenhao felt that all her arrogance disappeared, and she became submissive, cautious and fearful.He felt that if his car was impounded and he could no longer drive, or he and his family could not afford it if he was caught by traffic control and faced a huge fine.

Therefore, Yu Wenhao went to complete all the formalities in a regular manner.

Thinking about it now, it was a disadvantage at the time, but it is a good thing now. Now that he is driving on the road, he doesn't have to worry about being stopped by the traffic control.There is no need for suspicious people to get on the car, worrying whether the other party is fishing for law enforcement.

The most important thing is that his car is now more than four years old. If he didn't apply for a license back then, he wants to get it now, and the vehicle is no longer up to standard.

While driving the car, Yu Wenhao was thinking wildly. Before he knew it, he was driving on Baochu Road. The phone beeped, and a ticket came in. Yu Wenhao quickly grabbed the ticket first, and then took a closer look. The customer was at The +Queen bar.Yu Wenhao knew this place, it was on the side of Baochu Road close to the West Lake, but it was on the side of the road barrier.

At this time, at the intersection of Baochu Road and Beishan Street, you can make a U-turn.Yu Wenhao stepped up the gas pedal and rushed over.

When Yu Wenhao arrived, the customer had already come out of the bar in the alley and stood at the entrance of the alley on the side of Baochu Road.A middle-aged man, who seemed to have drunk a lot of wine, was standing there with one hand propping up a sycamore tree next to him.When Yu Wenhao drove the car closer, he squinted his eyes to look at the license plate and waved to him.

Yu Wenhao stopped the car, and the man opened the door and sat in, bringing in a smell of alcohol.

"It's going to the Olympic Games, Hangzhou No. [-], right?" Yu Wenhao asked.

"Right." The other party nodded.

Although the smell of alcohol was heavy, he seemed very sober, so Yu Wenhao was relieved.

The most unlucky thing about driving an online car-hailing service at night is that the guests who have drunk too much alcohol are picked up, and when they get in the car, they can't help but vomit quickly in the car.It doesn't count for a car wash fee to go in for nothing. Even if such a guest arrives at his destination, how to get him out of the car is also a troublesome matter.

 Thank you Xinghai Bookworm 1977 for your reward after three o'clock in the middle of the night!Thank you Xinghai Bookworm 1977, Xiaoqiu Aihuahua, Jizhimi, fanzi999, book friend 20221002095258676 for the monthly tickets!Thanks for all the votes and reading!I wish everyone good health!

(End of this chapter)

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