Chapter 115
Yu Wenhao and Cao Fang sat by the pond until almost four o'clock before going back. Meng Zhen and Jiang Yihe didn't call them all the time, so the three of them were probably still playing somewhere.

The two walked back, only to see Meng Zhen and Jiang Yihe slumped on a chair face to face, swiping their phones. Cao Fang asked:
"What about Qianqian?"

"Forced her to sleep." Meng Zhen said, "I'm going crazy."

"What did you play?" Yu Wenhao asked.

"Riding a horse, driving a go-kart, and playing on the rainbow slide, and this, I went picking strawberries." Jiang Yihe pointed to a basket of strawberries on the table and told them.

Meng Zhen looked at Yu Wenhao and Cao Fang, and asked, "Where's your fish? Could it be that you didn't catch any of them?"

"Who said there is none." Cao Fang showed them the bucket in her hand, and the two laughed. They saw that there was only a small fish weighing four or five in the bucket.

"You guys are amazing too. Come to a place where one person is limited to catch ten catties of fish, and you only caught this one fish?" Jiang Yihe said.

Meng Zhen laughed: "Tell me honestly, are you two just dating?"

"Get out." Cao Fang scolded, and laughed embarrassedly.

Jiang Yihe made a phone call and went out. After a while, a waiter came over. Jiang Yihe said to him:

"Take our fish and make a fish pot later."

The waiter stared at the bucket on the ground, puzzled.Meng Zhen said: "Tell the chef that this fish is fish essence, and you must treat it well. See if you see it. The two of them fished for an afternoon before they caught such a fish."

The waiter looked at Cao Fang and said hello to Yu, couldn't help but also laughed.He turned his head and asked Jiang Yihe:
"Isn't it too little to make a fish pot?"

Jiang Yihe said: "Yes, you catch another one for us."

The waiter took the bucket in his hand, weighed it, and said, "I put this one away, let's grab two big ones."

Jiang Yihe said yes.

The waiter carried the bucket and walked towards the pond. Jiang Yihe called out, "Hey, are you going to catch fish like this?"

The waiter waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "It's just two, I can grab them with my hands."

The four people here laughed, Meng Zhen and Jiang Yihe watched Cao Fang and Yu say hello, and kept laughing, laughing at them for being amazing, where people can catch fish with their hands, you can't even catch fish.

Cao Fang was embarrassed by their laughter, and said: "Don't blame me, I am so old, it's the first time I fish, and he taught me."

Meng Zhen and Jiang Yihe gave Yu Wenhao a thumbs up together, and Yu Wenhao also smiled.

Meng Zhen said: "I see, it's not that my brother can't fish, but he mainly doesn't want to kill."

Cao Fang and Jiang Yihe's stomach hurt from laughing.

Yu Wenhao walked to the opposite tent, saw that Qianqian was sleeping soundly, he backed out, walked back to the opposite side, Cao Fang asked:
"Fell asleep?"

Yu Wenhao nodded, and Jiang Yihe said, "As soon as the front head stuck to the pillow, I fell asleep."

The four of them were sitting and chatting, until three waiters came over, one was carrying a large bowl of fish, and the other two were carrying a tray with several other dishes in it.Several people looked at me and I looked at you, it was a little strange.The waiter said, this is a gift from our lady boss.Yu Wenhao and Cao Fang, only then did they know that the proprietress was Jiang Yihe's friend.

Meng Zhen said: "Friends of the rich second generation are different. They will give away a table of dishes as soon as they are given away. If they are my friends, they will get a [-]% discount at most. Give me a [-]% discount."

Cao Fang and Yu Wenhao laughed, and Jiang Yihe grimaced at Meng Zhen.

Barbecue was the side dish for dinner, and the two little girls had no desire to grill anymore, so Yu Wenhao stood up and went to barbecue, Cao Fang walked to the opposite tent.

After a while, she came over with Qianqian in her arms. Qianqian hadn't fully woken up yet and was rubbing her eyes.But as soon as she got to the table, she woke up, broke away from Cao Fang, and went to sit between Meng Zhen and Jiang Yihe.

Eating, drinking, and eating until they were full, they stopped. At this time, it was getting dark, and several people stood up, saying that they wanted to digest and digest, and they walked along the grass, aimlessly.

The grassland is huge. At this time of night, there seem to be more people than during the day. Not only the row opposite the tents, but also a lot of barbecue grills and tables appeared on the grassland. The air smells of charcoal fire and cumin, as well as One after another the yelling and laughter of people.

At one end of the grass, a screen was propped up, and a movie was playing. They walked over, sat down on the grass, and watched it for a while, without thinking.Not far from here, someone started singing karaoke, they stood up again, and went to listen to someone singing for a while.

Meng Zhen felt itchy in her heart. She led Qianqian up and sang "Invisible Wings" together. The two sang very well and won a lot of applause.

The two sang another song "Blooming Flowers Along the Way", and then the applause came down.

They walked back to their table and saw that the tableware had been taken away. There was a cardboard box on a beach chair, which contained all kinds of fireworks. Several people cheered.

Yu Wenhao was in charge of carrying the cardboard boxes. Everyone went to the fireworks display area together and started to set off the fireworks.

After setting off the fireworks, we returned to the big grassland. There was already a bonfire on the grassland, and many people sat around there.They also leaned over, and strange men and women formed a big circle. From time to time, some people stood up and danced around the campfire.In the end, someone encouraged everyone to get up, holding hands, and following the rhythm of the music, they kicked to the left and kicked to the right.

At the beginning, everyone's movements were coordinated, but soon became chaotic, and everyone laughed and scattered along with the chaotic dance steps.

They returned to their tables, feeling some room in their stomachs again, and several of them started grilling again.

Jiang Yihe asked Cao Fang: "Should we sleep here or go back?"

Cao Fang looked at Yu Wenhao. Yu Wenhao didn't leave the car today. He will leave the car tomorrow morning no matter what. He said:

"Let's go back."

Qianqian wanted to stay here very much in her heart, but when Yu said hello to her and said, shall we go back, when Dad has to leave the car tomorrow morning, Qianqian still nodded and said yes.

"Then I won't drink, you drink." Jiang Yihe and Meng Zhen said, "I will see you off later."

Cao Fang put a bottle of beer in front of Yu Wenhao, and said to him, "You drink with Meng Zhen, and I will drive."

It was past eleven o'clock when everyone ate, and they were ready to go on the road. It was Meng Zhen who went to take Jiang Yihe's car, and she took Meng Zhen home.

When parting, Qianqian hugged Meng Zhen first, and said goodbye to her. When she hugged Jiang Yihe again, she was about to cry again. Jiang Yihe approached her ear and said:
"Qianqian don't cry, you will call me tomorrow morning, don't forget."

Qianqian nodded with a "hmm".

Cao Fang drove, Yu Wenhao and Qianqian sat in the back seat, got into the car, and after a while, Qianqian's head fell on Wenhao's lap and fell asleep.

Cao Fang looked back from the rearview mirror, but she didn't see Qianqian, she asked:
"Are you asleep again?"

Yu Wenhao said yes.

Cao Fang smiled and said, "She is really happy today..."

In the middle of the conversation, he suddenly felt unable to continue. Yu Wenhao saw that her eyes were red, but he pretended not to see it.

 Thank you for the reward on 55618 on the road, after three o'clock in the middle of the night!Thanks for all the upvotes and readings!Good evening everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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