Roaming in the dark night

Chapter 17 Shallow Disease

Chapter 17 Shallow Disease
More than three years ago, my daughter Qianqian, who has always been very lively, suffered from frequent nosebleeds and a loss of appetite. She didn't even want to eat KFC, which she used to like very much.

Cao Fang took her to the hospital for an examination. Various tests and examinations were done. Finally, the doctor told her the results with a solemn expression. Cao Fang felt dizzy and almost fainted.

She sat on a chair in the hospital corridor, dialed Yu Wenhao's phone number, and when the phone was dialed, she felt that her heart and throat were blocked by something, and she couldn't say a word.

Yu Wenhao yelled hello on the other end of the phone, but there was no sound from Cao Fang's side. In the end, her daughter Qianqian picked up the phone and called him Dad.

Yu Wenhao asked Qianqian what was wrong, and Qianqian said, "Dad, I'm sick."

"Where's mom?" Yu Wenhao asked.

Qianqian said, "Mom is crying."

When she received the call, Yu Wenhao was in the office, and Cao Fang took Qianqian along for the examination at the Qiantang Branch of Run Run Shaw Hospital.

Yu Wenhao's heart trembled, Cao Fang was crying, and he immediately had a premonition that his daughter's illness was not a minor illness.

Yu Wenhao ran to the gate, and didn't even have time to go to the garage to wait for the car to pick it up. Seeing an employee coming on a shared bicycle, he called him "Use it for me", got on the bicycle and rushed to Run Run Shaw Hospital. It took him more than ten minutes to pedal for a road of more than one kilometer.

Yu Wenhao found Cao Fang and Qianqian in the corridor. When Cao Fang saw him, she hugged him and burst into tears. Qianqian was frightened and cried too.

Yu Wenhao took a look at Qianqian's medical records and checklists, and it was also a bolt from the blue.

The two of them sat in the corridor for more than two hours, Cao Fang's tears had dried up, and Yu Wenhao also felt hopeless.

At that time, Qianqian was more than four years old and less than five years old. She was still very ignorant of what happened, she only knew that she was sick.But this is not the first time she has been ill, she has given birth many times, and she has been to the hospital many times for injections and salt water. She doesn't know why her parents are so sad this time.

Qianqian snuggled between the two of them, she turned her head to look at her mother from time to time, and then at her father. When she looked at her mother, her eyes were red and she touched her head.When she looked at her father, her father's eyes were also red, and he also touched her head.

In the end, Qianqian couldn't bear it any longer, and said to her mother, "Mom, I'm hungry."

Only then did Yu Wenhao and Cao Fang wake up. It was already past one o'clock in the afternoon, long after lunch time.

Yu Wenhao and Cao Fang said, "Let's go. I'll ask someone in the afternoon to find a relationship. Tomorrow, we'll go to Zhejiang No. [-] Hospital and find an expert. Maybe there's something wrong here."

Cao Fang knew that the test sheets in her hand were all machine-tested and printed out by the computer, and they were not seen by the doctor's naked eyes. How could it be wrong?Run Run Shaw Hospital is also a large hospital. Like Zhejiang No. [-] and No. [-] Zhejiang University, it belongs to Zhejiang University. The equipment here may be the same as Zhejiang No. [-] Hospital.

But Cao Fang was not reconciled, unwilling to accept this result like this, she nodded.

The three of them finished their meal next to the hospital, Yu Wenhao was worried, he didn't let Cao Fang drive, but he drove Cao Fang's car to take them home, and he took a taxi to work by himself.

When he arrived at the unit, Yu Wenhao went to Mr. Qu and told him about the matter.Mr. Qu helped him find a reporter from the Hangzhou newspaper who ran the hospital line, and contacted a professor Zheng from the Department of Hematology at Zhejiang No. [-] Hospital.

The result of the reexamination at Zhejiang No. 30 Hospital was the same as that of Run Run Shaw Hospital. It was chronic myelogenous leukemia.Professor Zheng reassured them that it’s not that scary. There are many ways to treat leukemia now, and targeted drugs are also very effective. Ten thousand.

"Now that imatinib has entered the medical insurance, it is no longer like in "I'm Not the God of Medicine". If you add up a year, you only need to bear the total cost of 3 to [-] yuan at your own expense, and you can control the children. condition." Professor Zheng told them.

Of course, the [-] to [-] that Professor Zheng told them was only in their hospital.Only after I got really sick did I realize that money is not money at all, it’s just running water, which keeps flowing out. Many people who can’t get into the cabin and are waiting hopelessly outside the ICU are people whose water has run out and their wealth has been exhausted.

Qian Qian has leukemia. According to the current medical conditions, there are three ways to treat leukemia: radiotherapy and chemotherapy, targeted drug therapy, and bone marrow or stem cell transplantation.Chemoradiation is the most traditional and direct treatment method, and it is also a helpless choice for those patients who have passed genetic testing and are not eligible for targeted drug treatment.

This method of treatment, in addition to making the patient miserable and making life worse than death, can only delay the patient's life for a few years at most.Yu Wenhao and Cao Fang were reluctant to let their daughter suffer, and they were not reconciled. They did not agree to choose this treatment plan.

Qianqian was lucky. After genetic testing, she was eligible for targeted drug treatment. Professor Zheng proposed a treatment plan for her at that time, suggesting to take imatinib, a targeted drug produced by Swiss Novartis, which is specially designed to treat chronic myeloid leukemia.However, targeted drugs can only alleviate and control superficial symptoms and prolong the life of patients, but cannot cure leukemia.

After controlling the superficial condition, one must consider at the same time that bone marrow or stem cell transplantation is the only possible way to cure leukemia.

The first step in performing bone marrow and stem cell transplantation is type matching. At Zhejiang No. 3000 Hospital, they first took out a superficial "Matching Report". The matching report is divided into high-resolution and low-resolution, also called high-quality matching and low-quality For matching, Yu Wenhao spent more than [-] at his own expense to make a high-quality matching for Qianqian.

Then Yu Wenhao and Cao Fang also spent more than 3000 each to make a high-quality match, to see if their bone marrow and Qianqian match.

In the HLA typing report, the numbers of all allele groups are consistent, that is, if all ten points are all consistent, it is called complete relative compatibility. Only five or more points, even nine points, can only be regarded as semi-identical relatives.

The test results made Yu Wenhao and Cao Fang very frustrated. They and Qianqian were both semi-identical.

Professor Zheng told them: "It's not surprising. Generally, parents and children are half-matched. The probability of perfect match is equivalent to winning the lottery. Let me hang it for you."

The so-called linked bank is to submit matching applications to the China Hematopoietic Stem Cell Donor Database, referred to as the "China Marrow Bank" and the five major cord blood banks in the country, and search for suitable matches across the country.

What followed was a long and torturous wait. After waiting for almost a month, Professor Zheng sent Yu Wenhao a WeChat message, telling him that there was news from the bone marrow bank and found four matches that matched Qianqian.


When Yu Wenhao received this WeChat message, he was in a meeting in the office building, and Mr. Qu was speaking.Qianqian is saved!Yu Wenhao was overjoyed and couldn't help but yelled, which startled everyone in the conference room.

Everyone stared at him blankly, and Mr. Qu also felt baffled.Yu Wenhao quickly explained to Mr. Qu and the others, saying that she had just received a notification from Zheyi and that Qianqian had found a match.

Mr. Qu and the others in the conference room were also very happy for him when they heard the news.

Mr. Qu waved his hand towards Yu Wenhao: "Go, you go and deal with this matter quickly, what kind of meeting are you still having here, go and go! It's really nonsense!"

Everyone in the conference room laughed, and Yu Wenhao also laughed. He quickly stood up and walked out of the conference room.

 Thank you for the rewards at 1977 o'clock in the middle of the night, two fish up and down, Xinghai Bookworm 18!Thank you Nalan [-], windinwing, and Anran for the monthly pass!Thanks for all the votes and reading!Good morning everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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