Roaming in the dark night

Chapter 182 The Long Afternoon

Chapter 182 The Long Afternoon

Li Mingxuan looked at the phone, there was no text message with money in the account, it was almost ten o'clock, and Xiao Mu hadn't called the money yet.

Li Mingxuan pressed the speakerphone of the landline on the table, entered Xiaomu's mobile phone number, the call was made, and then a notification that the user could not be connected came from the phone.Li Mingxuan couldn't believe it. She picked up her mobile phone, found Xiaomu's number, dialed it, and the same notification sounded inside.

Opening WeChat, Li Mingxuan remembered that she and Xiaomu had already broken off their friendship last night.

Li Mingxuan thought about it, and called one of Xiaomu's roommates. They had supper together twice. Li Mingxuan and her exchanged numbers, but they basically had no contact with each other.

The phone was connected, and Li Mingxuan asked the other party, do you know where Xiaomu is?
"Xiaomu? Where did Xiaomu move to you?" The other party was surprised and asked, "When we got up in the morning, we saw that the door of his room was open, everything inside was removed, and the key was placed on the outside table. We thought it was him. I moved to your place, and I can’t get through to him, why, no?”

Li Mingxuan quickly said: "Oh, I don't know, I'm not in Hangzhou, I'm on a business trip, so I'll call home and have a look."

After putting down the phone, Li Mingxuan realized that Xiaomu should have already escaped, this bastard only has such promise!Li Mingxuan scolded severely, just get out, get out, it's fine!
But think about it, so much money is with this bastard, and it was all taken away by this bastard, Li Mingxuan still feels a little distressed.She didn't know exactly how much there should be, but she knew a rough number, two to three million must be there.

Li Mingxuan thought about it for a while, and then stopped taking care of Xiaomu's affairs.

What made Li Mingxuan feel even worse was that this morning, Lao Shi didn't even call to ask her to come over.He passed by the door of her office twice, but he didn't come in. It was still the same, and he didn't even turn his head to look this way.

Li Mingxuan was a little annoyed, she simply walked over, closed the door, turned back and lay down on the sofa, thinking in her heart, if I don't see you, I won't see you anymore, I don't want to see anyone now.

"Don't talk to me from now on!" Li Mingxuan cursed in the direction of Lao Shi's office.

Last night, I lay there thinking about things, and I didn't sleep well all night.Li Mingxuan lay on the sofa for a while and fell asleep. When she woke up and opened her eyes, it was already past twelve o'clock, and she was slightly surprised.

She stood up, walked over to open the door, and walked into the corridor to have a look. During the lunch break, all the doors of the offices were closed, including Lao Shi's.Li Mingxuan was thinking about going downstairs for dinner, but felt too lazy to go, she walked back to the office, sat down at the desk, opened the drawer, took out a pack of salted egg yolk pancakes, and ate two pieces.

After eating, I would be stunned and couldn't bear it, so Li Mingxuan still picked up the landline on the table and called Lao Shi's office.The phone rang seven or eight times, and when it was picked up, Lao Shi's lazy and impatient voice came from the receiver:
"Hello, who is it?"

Li Mingxuan felt her throat was a little dry, she swallowed and said, "It's me."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, and then there was an "oh": "What's the matter?"

Li Mingxuan herself felt a little embarrassed, but she still said coquettishly: "I, I miss you."

Lao Shi said: "I'm a little tired, let's rest for a while, okay?"

Before Li Mingxuan could respond, Lao Shi hung up the phone.

Li Mingxuan held the microphone in her hand, but she was shocked. She felt that something must be wrong, something must have happened between her and Lao Shi.At this moment, she felt that she was no longer Lao Shi's treasure, but a piece of trash, which he threw out the door.

It seemed that Lao Shi slapped him severely in the face in public.

Li Mingxuan's heart tightened, and then, tears of humiliation rolled down from his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, pride prevented Li Mingxuan from picking up the phone, and dialed again, asking Lao Shi why.Pride made Li Mingxuan make a decision in an instant, she decided to fight Lao Shi hard, you fucking ignore me, okay, let's see, who is it in the end, I will talk about it with a straight face your.

The whole afternoon, Li Mingxuan was alone in the office, the door of the office was closed all the time, Li Mingxuan didn't want to see Lao Shi in front of her door anymore, walking back and forth.She didn't want to see him pretending not to turn his head this way on purpose, she knew he did it on purpose.

You want to pretend, right?I don't want to watch it yet.

This afternoon was very long for Li Mingxuan. She was restless, sighed, muttered to Lao Shi's office, and cursed at Lao Shi's office.

She felt that she was wrapped in a large mass of indistinctness, and she couldn't break free, couldn't get rid of it, and couldn't see clearly.

She waited, waiting for the phone on the table to ring, as if only the ringing of the phone could pull her out of this chaos.But the phone on the desk was silent all the time. Li Mingxuan remembered at this time that although she was an assistant to the chairman in the company, she actually existed like air. Except for Lao Shi who would call her, no one else would call her. she.

The original Li Mingxuan had never realized this, but this afternoon, she suddenly realized it, and felt a little funny and a little panicked.Am I not from this company?So who am I and what am I doing here?
She walked up and down the office, looking at the phone on the desk.She longed for it to ring, and when she picked it up, there was Lao Shi's soft voice inside. If so, Li Mingxuan would cry while holding the phone, and then when Lao Shi came in and hugged her, she would beat him and scold him. Him, call him bad things.

Li Mingxuan waited until it was past six o'clock, and it was already time to get off work. The phone on the desk still didn't ring. She felt that she was about to collapse and couldn't stand it anymore.

At this moment, the phone on the table rang, and Li Mingxuan thought she had heard it wrong. Then, without pricking up her ears, she had already heard that the phone was accurate, and it kept ringing. Li Mingxuan hurriedly grabbed it. Pick up the handset:


"Are you still there?" Lao Shi's voice came from the phone.

Li Mingxuan suppressed her excitement, and said "Yes", "It's still there."

"Okay." Lao Shi spit out a word, and then hung up the phone.

Li Mingxuan held the microphone in a daze for a while, and then she couldn't bear it anymore, she put down the microphone, smoothed her hair with her hands, and then walked towards the door, she was going to Lao Shi's place.

Opening the door, there was a person standing at the door, Li Mingxuan was stunned. The person who came was not Lao Shi, but their company's legal consultant, Lawyer Yu from the law firm.

Lawyer Yu was very small, only about 1.6 meters tall. Even standing in front of Li Mingxuan, Li Mingxuan would look down on him.

Li Mingxuan asked in surprise, "You came to see me?"

Lawyer Yu nodded and smiled at Li Mingxuan: "Assistant Li, let's go in and talk, shall we?"

Li Mingxuan was stunned again, looked into the corridor behind him, and asked: "Who is that, Shi...Dong Shi asked you to come to me?"

Lawyer Yu still nodded.

"What about him?" Li Mingxuan asked.

"Oh, he asked me to talk to you first."

Lawyer Yu was still smiling. From this face, you couldn't tell what he was looking for you to talk about, let alone whether it was a bad thing or a good thing.

 Thank you Broken Back Mountain for your reward!Thank you for the monthly tickets of Xinghai Bookworm 1977, Duli Hanqiu, Summer Solstice Katydid, Huoshaoyun 0406, Quadratic VC, Wangwang Xianbei, Rainman rainman, Sand Dust Mood, Nalan 18, Jianxifeng, Romantic Cherry Blossom!Thanks for all the votes and reading!Good evening everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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