Chapter 191
After sending Diandian's mother to Yuefu in Mixc City, Yu Wenhao hurried to the company.

While driving, he felt a little sad, not because of Diandian's father, that guy, Yu Wenhao only met him once, but for such a person, meeting him once is enough.That side didn't leave him with any good impression, and it was impossible for him to become friends with such a person in his life, no matter how rich he was.

Yu Wenhao was on behalf of Diandian's mother and Diandian. He felt a little sad. He felt that Diandian's mother was a very good person. The two of them are completely different types of people. Diandian should be very close to her mother and somewhat distant from her father. That's why she was ashamed to let her father attend the school's parent meeting.

Diandian became so polite and excellent because she followed her mother.Yu Wenhao feels that this is too unfair to Diandian, she is so young, she has to go through such a change, just like Qianqian, she is so young, she is going to be tortured by a serious illness.

I hope that the things that Diandian's mother is worried about will not happen to Diandian.

Yu Wenhao knows that some teachers are very snobbish, and some teachers even classify parents into very useful, useful and possibly useful, and finally there is another category, which is collectively called garbage.They see their children, who they regard as trash, as equally negligible trash.

Yu Wenhao hopes that even if there are one or two teachers like this among the few teachers, they can still treat her kindly without destroying her.

Yu Wenhao just arrived at the company and parked his car in the three-dimensional parking garage. When he was walking towards the workshop, his cell phone rang. Yu Wenhao took a look. It was Sansan, so Yu Wenhao picked it up.

"Hey, let's have dinner together tonight." Sansan said.

Yu Wenhao asked, "Why?"

"The one who is short of milk is here." Sansan said, and Yu Wenhao understood, this is the widow's arrival.When the widow arrived, he couldn't push even if he wanted to. This meal must be eaten.

Yu Wenhao said, "Okay."

"Hey, there is one more thing, Qianqian's matching report, can you ask Professor Zheng for it?"

"No need, I have this in my phone." Yu Wenhao said.

"That's great, send it to me quickly."

Yu Wenhao asked, "Why?"

"Didn't I tell you last time, I asked the people in my branch to contact them. They have now contacted the bone marrow banks in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. They are all places with a lot of Chinese, and there must be a superficial matching report. Only if they are single, they can compare." Sansan said.

Yu Wenhao hurriedly said, "Okay, Sansan, thank you, I'll send it to you right away!"

"Thank you, you have dinner tonight. Just arrive on time. I'll send you the location later."

Hanging up Sansan's phone, Yu Wenhao immediately clicked on Sansan's WeChat, found the Qianqian High Match Matching Report from her mobile phone album, sent it to Sansan, and Sansan replied with an OK expression.

The widow came today to participate in the commendation meeting for outstanding community directors in Hangzhou City. The commendation meeting was held in the Civic Center of Qianjiang New City. The commendation meeting ended before five o'clock. You still have time.

But this guy, if he came to Hangzhou for this reason, he would just let him go, and he would not be willing to go back and forth in the same day.When he set off from Yongcheng, he called Sansan and said to him:

"Is there such a bullshit? In the past, this kind of meeting, everyone should not have a good meal after the meeting. Now, just give a certificate and we're done. Let us go back by ourselves. A broken certificate, what's so rare, I will spend 20 yuan You can buy it yourself."

Sansan said: "Don't be hypocritical, you are afraid that people don't know that you just got an excellent community director, come on, it's not uncommon to have a broken certificate, you sell it to me for 50 yuan, why don't you?"

The widow smiled happily: "The widow is now an excellent director and has been on the list. How about it? Do you want to celebrate for me?"

Sansan agreed, enough wine and milk at night.

"Okay, I'm happy with your words. I really can't get anything better than a sugar daddy." The widow laughed loudly and hung up the phone.

After the commendation meeting was over, the widow drove to Tianyuan Hotel not far from the Civic Center to stay, and sent the location to Sansan.Sansan booked dinner at Song Yunxuan in Grand Hyatt, near Tianyuan Hotel.

After Yu Wenhao got off work, he was reluctant to leave the section of the road from the company to Qianjiang New City empty. As usual, he still took two orders before approaching the vicinity of Song Yunxuan. He turned off the driver's app and rushed to the banquet. If he didn't go, his phone number It's going to blow up again.

Yu Wenhao was of course the last one to arrive. When he walked into the box, the dishes were already on the table, but everyone was waiting for him without moving their chopsticks. Apart from Sansanermao and the widow, there was also Qiqi sitting in the box. , to Yu Wenhao's surprise, Zhan Wei was also there.

Qiqi and Yu Wenhao said: "Dip the tip of the pen to rest today, so I dragged him here together."

Yu Wenhao said yes, if I knew he was resting, I would call him too.

"Hey, if you don't fucking come, I'm going to drink beer on an empty stomach until the third bottle!" The widow scolded Yu Wenhao when he saw Yu Wenhao.

Yu Wen took a good look at him, and cursed back: "Whatever the world is, a hooligan can be advanced."

Everyone in the room laughed, and the widow shouted: "I'm a bit of a hooligan, but the ten major events in our community this year haven't happened in half a year, and I've already completed seven of them. Hey, are you convinced?"

Yu Wenhao said, "I admire you for your top-notch bragging skills!"

Ermao shouted: "It's really been a long time since I played, come on, there are many people today, and there are new friends, let's blow one."

As he spoke, he picked up the beer bottle, and everyone else applauded. He raised the bottle, and Qiqi was the only one who raised the glass. The widow gave her a white look and said:

"What do you pack, change the bottle!"

Qiqi said: "If I drink too much, do you want me to arrange it later?"

The widow immediately succumbed, and he said: "Okay, you are the biggest today, I want to curry favor with you..."

"Then Qiqi, you find him the biggest one." Sansan took up the widow's words, Yu Wenhao and all of them laughed, only Zhan Wei didn't laugh, he didn't know what the joke was.

Putting down the empty bottle, the widow stared at Yu Wenhao, Yu Wenhao looked at him and asked, "What do you see me doing?"

"See if you are friends enough, if you are friends enough, just watch me." The widow said.

"Fast fart, what are you staring at?" Yu Wenhao asked.

"Isn't tomorrow's "Hangcheng Daily" printed at your place? There will be a list on it. You can watch it for me, and don't miss my name."

"Get out!" Yu Wenhao couldn't help laughing, "We only care about printing, not editing, if you are not on the list, it is because you are notorious, have been reported by others, and have been removed temporarily."

"I, I, I, I can report this kind of thing." Ermao said.

The widow gave the two of them a blank look, and then said in the tone of a veteran cadre: "You have to be kind, do you know? Pink eye disease is a serious problem."

Everyone laughed.

The widow stood up, walked to the side cabinet, came over with a vest bag, handed it to Yu Wenhao, Yu Wenhao opened it and saw that there were bags of traditional Chinese medicine inside, Yu Wenhao was puzzled, and asked:

"what is this?"

"Baby." The widow said, "I heard a guy say that there is a genius doctor in Longyou who specializes in treating leukemia, so I ran to Longyou and found him. This is the medicine he specially prepared for Qianqian. "

Yu Wenhao said: "Don't talk nonsense, Chinese medicine can also cure leukemia?"

"Who is talking nonsense to you, you are really good. When I went, there were two children who were about the same age as Qianqian and they were watching. They are much better now. I have read their medical records. It is really leukemia. I I still don’t believe it, so I called their doctor, Western medicine, and they actually told me that the condition of these two children is obviously improving.” The widow said.

Yu Wenhao was still skeptical, he said, "Is it possible?"

"Don't believe me." The widow said, "This is how you see a doctor. The Chinese medicine doctor, he had a fever and diarrhea, and went to the emergency department of the hospital. He must have consulted a Western doctor. He doesn't know Chinese medicine. You think Western medicine can't do it. The same goes for western medicine, if he has some intractable disease and knows that western medicine can't cure it, he will still go to Chinese medicine and take herbal medicine."

When the widow was talking, Zhan Wei remembered that he and Wang Wenhui's mother had found the vice president of the Provincial Cancer Hospital, a professor at Zhejiang University. After reading Wang Wenhui's examination results, he told them:

"If the patient is my daughter, I'll drag her back now, don't suffer from that kind of suffering, and see if I can find some herbal medicines to eat."

Zhan Wei and Yu Wenhao said: "The widow brother's words still make sense, brother Yu, you can try."

Sansan patted Yu Wenhao on the shoulder, and said to him: "Just try it, anyway, Chinese herbal medicine has no side effects. Don't worry, I have sent out the matching report of Qianqian, and they will look for it right away. In addition, when I return to Canada next month, I will also go to the bone marrow bank there to make contact, and now there are many Chinese in Canada.”

Zhan Wei asked Kiki in a low voice, what are they looking for?
Qiqi told him about looking for a shallow match.

(End of this chapter)

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