Chapter 209 Smoke

The two left the Lakeside Police Station and got into the car. Yu Wenhao asked Qiqi, "How do you know I'm here, and you will find me here?"

"Officer Zhou told me, of course." Qiqi said, "He probably knows that you must be good at everything, and you will suffer in the end. With me by your side, it won't be like this, and it's not easy for him to help you openly."

Yu Wen thought about it, that's probably what Police Officer Zhou meant, that's why he kept asking himself if he wanted to go to the hospital.

Qiqi sighed, and she said: "The result is still the same, you are still doing well, and they didn't ask them to pay a penny."

Yu Wenhao said: "It's not easy to pay for it. It's not easy for them to think about it. The takeaway boy in front is almost crying. I really didn't turn on the turn signal. If he hit him, the takeaways on the car would really be thrown away. If none of them were delivered on time, he would be complained. To blame, to blame, to blame that woman, I was so mad by her that I forgot to turn on the turn signal."

Qiqi turned her head and stared at him: "Is there something wrong with you? Then if they beat you, those takeaways can be delivered on time? They won't be complained today? Their customers will tell them, oh, so you beat someone on the way. It's okay, it doesn't matter. If the takeaways don't arrive, they won't be delivered?"

Yu Wenhao was left speechless by Kiki's question.

Qiqi went on to say: "Then I've already gone to work. I received a WeChat from Police Officer Zhou. I have to say to the guests with a smiley face, I'm sorry, I have to leave first, and you can call another little girl. Grandma, I was touched by him for an hour in vain, and I didn't get a penny tip. Hey, I should have let those two bastards pay for it."

Yu Wenhao laughed, and said, "I'll compensate you."

Qiqi rolled his eyes at him: "Then you continue to touch me?"

Yu Wenhao was speechless again.

Yu Wenhao's phone dinged, and he looked at it. It was Brother Wang, who transferred 2000 yuan to him, and left a sentence below: "Whoever sees it has a share, accept it."

Yu Wenhao knew that he couldn't refuse the money, so he accepted it, and replied with a thank you. Brother Wang sent an emoji of playing mahjong.

It seems that Xinchang's work has been done, and Brother Wang's benefits are as he expected, and he has also received them. Yu Wenhao is happy for Brother Wang.However, he said that day that if it is done, I will double the fare for you. Yu Wenhao thought he would give you another one thousand, but he didn't expect what he meant. It turned out that he would give you two thousand after doubling.

Yu Wenhao shook the phone towards Qiqi, and said to her: "Did you see that, someone really paid me a favor fee, and if I have a share, I will share it with you."

"Okay, okay, brother, don't show off, you look like a panda, don't solicit customers tonight, be careful to scare the customers into complaining about you, you can accompany me to a place tonight." Qiqi said, "I originally wanted to get off work late, so I asked Zhanbi to take two hours off to accompany me."

Say hello to Yu Wenhao, where are you going?
"On the bank of the Qiantang River, it's at the Liuhe Pagoda." Qiqi said, "When you pass by the place where you buy cigarettes, please stop for me."

Yu Wenhao turned around and drove in the direction of Liuhe Tower. When he passed a 77 supermarket, he pulled over and stopped. Qiqi got out of the car and ran into the supermarket. After a while, she came back with a vest bag in her hand.

Qiqi got into the car, Yu Wenhao asked, "What did you go shopping for?"

"Aunt Towel, do you want to take a look?"

Qiqi opened the bag as she spoke, and handed it over to Yu Wenhao. Yu Wenhao quickly turned her head away, and Qiqi giggled.

However, Yu Wenhao still saw that there was a stick of Zhonghua cigarettes in the vest bag.

Yu Wen felt very strange, and asked, "You don't smoke, why do you buy cigarettes? Give them away?"

Kiki nodded.

Yu Wenhao walked along Hupao Road, passed through the opening of the Qiantang River Bridge, and arrived at the parking lot at the foot of Liuhe Pagoda.There are no people here at night, there are no residential areas around, and there is no charge for the parking lot at night. There are only two or three cars parked in the huge parking lot.

The two got out of the car, crossed Zhijiang Road, and arrived at the bank of Qiantang River.It was past eleven o'clock, and the lights on the other side of the river had been turned off. There were no people on the riverside here at night, and even the street lights were particularly spaced apart, making the lights dim.Tens of meters away from them, there are fishermen leaning on the stone railing by the river, guarding a single lamp, facing the dark Qiantang River in front of them.

Under the river embankment outside the railing, near the water surface, there is an engineering channel about one meter wide. Where they came, there is a ladder, which goes deep against the river embankment and connects this engineering channel.

The tide of the Qiantang River is unpredictable, and tourists are swallowed by the tide every year. It is forbidden for tourists to go down the passage below. On the top of the stairs, near the stone railing, there is an iron gate with warning signs of "no climbing" and "no entry".

Qiqi and Yu Wenhao said, "I'm going to climb over and go down."

Yu Wenhao said hello, I will go there first, and then I will support you from inside.

Yu Wenhao climbed over the iron gate.Qiqi put the cigarette in her hand through the middle of the iron grille to Yu Wenhao, and Yu Wenhao put it on the steps beside it.

Qiqi climbed to the top of the iron gate, turned over, Yu Wenhao was underneath, first supported her feet, then her hips, and put her down.

The two walked down the steps to the engineering channel by the water below.Qiqi opened the cigarette, took out a pack from it, and then opened it. She handed the remaining cigarettes to Yu Wenhao, and said to him:

"Brother, help me unpack every pack of cigarettes."

Yu Wenhao said hello.

Qiqi then took the pack of cigarettes, took them out one by one, lit them with a lighter, took a puff, then spit them out, squatted down, and put the lit cigarettes on the edge of the concrete road.

A whole cigarette was removed, lit, and placed in a long row by the water, and a long row of sparks was reflected in the water, which looked like two parallel lines of light.

Qiqi and Yu said hello: "Brother, let's sit for a while."

The two faced the river and sat down on the concrete road. Yu Wenhao knew that Qiqi was going to give this cigarette to someone who was no longer alive. Yu Wenhao asked:

"Qiqi, who are you giving it to?"

"Grandma, today is the day she passed away." Qiqi said, "When I was young, my parents both went out to work, and I grew up with my grandma. Grandma was addicted to cigarettes. At that time, the family was poor, so she could only buy the cheapest cigarettes to smoke. She was reluctant to throw away the cigarettes until the last puff, so there was always a scar between the index finger and middle finger of her right hand, which was burned by the butt of the cigarette.

"We also have a river there, but it's not as wide. It's just a small river. When I was in junior high school, one day my grandmother went to the river to wash clothes. She passed out suddenly, fell into the river and drowned. The water in the river was only as deep as a person's knees. Grandma died lying in the water like this. The doctor in the village said that it should be a cerebral hemorrhage or high blood pressure. Anyway, she passed away just like that.

"Grandma left, and I was the only one at home. On this day every year, I would go to the consignment store to buy a pack of cigarettes, go to the place where my grandma drowned by the river, and order for her. At that time, I had no money, so I could only buy a pack of the cheapest cigarettes.

"I told my grandma that when I get rich, grandma, I will definitely buy the best cigarettes and let you smoke as much as I want. Later, when I come out to work and have money, every year on this day, I will buy a Zhonghua cigarette and come to the water to ask my grandma to smoke."

Qiqi said, remembering, she yelled towards the dark river: "By the way, grandma, I forgot to tell you, this is my brother, come and recognize him."

 Thank you for the rewards from the third from top to bottom, more than three o'clock in the middle of the night, Xinghai Bookworm 1977, and Broken Back Mountain!Thank you book friend 20230110232920300 for your monthly pass!Thanks for all the votes and reading!Good afternoon everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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