Chapter 215 The First Day

The first day in the warehouse was spent peacefully. The nurse came in and gave Qianqian various physical examinations.The doctor prescribed anti-epileptic drugs to Qianqian, saying it was to prevent possible epileptic reactions after chemotherapy.At the same time, Cao Fang was notified that formal chemotherapy would start the next day, so both Cao Fang and Qianqian should be prepared.

"The dose of chemotherapy this time will exceed any previous one you have done, so the reaction will be greater." The doctor told them.

The nurses came in and mopped the floor, disinfected the floor with disinfectant, collected garbage, delivered hot water, and took out all the basins and slippers in the ward for re-disinfection.Cao Fang took the disinfectant and wet wipes and began to wipe the bedside table, toilet and all the utensils in the ward. Feeling uneasy, she wiped the walls with disinfectant.

Qianqian was sitting on the bed, holding some iPads and watching cartoons. Like other items, the iPads had been sterilized when they were brought in.

A nurse came in and brought a breathing trainer, and asked Qianqian to practice [-] times a day on the breathing trainer.The nurse told Cao Fang that this was to prevent superficial pulmonary fibrosis, and it would be very dangerous if a lung infection occurred during the pretreatment process.

The so-called pulmonary fibrosis refers to the phenomenon that some functional cells in the lung tissue are replaced by fibroblasts. Large doses of chemotherapy drugs such as cyclophosphamide can cause pulmonary fibrosis.

"We must let Qianqian persevere every day, okay?" the nurse said to Cao Fang.

Cao Fang said yes, turned her head to look at Qianqian, and Qianqian nodded, both of them felt that it was not difficult to blow four hundred times a day to the tube of the breathing trainer.

Before the nurse left the ward, Qianqian started to practice with the tube of the respiratory trainer. The nurse gave her a thumbs up and praised her, Qianqian is so good!

In the afternoon, Jiang Yihe went to pick up Diandian, and Diandian wore a Nike baseball cap that Jiang Yihe gave her, and she came out of the Peach Blossom Lane looking heroic.

After getting into the car, Jiang Yihe asked, "Dian Dian, did any bad guys come to pick off your hat today?"

Little nodded, and she said yes, "Xie Chunyang came to take off my hat in the morning and called me a little monk, but I scolded me and cried, and the teacher asked him to write a self-criticism."

Jiang Yihe was greatly admired.She knew that Diandian was wearing a hat to school today, and her classmates would be very curious when they saw her hat was naked, and would take off her hat to have a look, only to find that there was a bald head inside, and they would laugh and laugh at her.

Last night, Diandian's mother sent a WeChat message to Diandian's head teacher, telling her about why Diandian shaved her head, and asked the head teacher to take care of her, and the head teacher agreed.

Looking at Diandian, Jiang Yihe thought that when she was as big as Diandian, when she went to school, her classmates laughed at her country accent, so she could only avoid it and cry silently by herself.

"Come on, tap, sister give me a hug." Jiang Yihe said.

Diandian smiled and leaned over, and hugged Jiang Yihe.

Jiang Yihe started the car, and said to her little by little: "Sister Yihe, I want to visit my sister."

Jiang Yihe said yes, then we will go to the hospital first.

They went to the hematopoietic stem cell transplantation ward of Zhejiang No. [-] Hospital, walked to the glass window outside the shallow ward, and looked inside through the glass.

Qianqian is sitting on the bed, watching cartoons.Cao Fang sat on the stool, bowed her body, rested her head on the shallow bed for a while.Entering and exiting the escort cabin next door has to be disinfected, which is too troublesome, and in order to accompany Qianqian, Cao Fang did not go into the inner room, but took a nap outside.

Jiang Yihe tapped his finger on the glass twice, raised his head to see the two of them, grinned, got off the bed immediately, and ran over, Cao Fang woke up, and followed.

Qianqian ran to the front of the glass and made faces at Diandian through the glass, the two of them giggled.Qianqian lowered her head, put her bald head against the glass, and touched it with her hand.Then, she took off the baseball cap on her head, put her bald head against the glass, and Qianqian also reached out to touch it.

Then, the two bald heads pressed against each other through the glass, the two grinned their teeth, and pressed hard for a while, neither of them defeated the other, the two separated their heads and giggled.

Cao Fang and Jiang Yihe watched from the side, and then laughed too.

When Jiang Yihe delivered the meal at noon, she had already seen Qianqian and Cao Fang, and she asked:

"Master, how is this afternoon?"

"It's okay." Cao Fang said, "It's the same as in the morning. I have nothing else to do except cleaning, and I regret it a bit. Maybe we came in early, and if we knew this, we might as well come in tomorrow."

Jiang Yihe said: "When you come in tomorrow, there must be such a process. In the hospital, you are probably given time to adapt to the environment inside."

"That's right, you're right, Yihe, maybe that's what it means." Cao Fang said.

There are no windows in the entire ward, and the only thing that can be seen outside is through the glass on this side, and outside the glass, most of the time, you can see nothing but the empty corridor.

The only contact they have with the outside world is when doctors and nurses come in and talk to them. Other than that, they can only chat with people through the screen of their mobile phones or computers.In this claustrophobic space, staying for such a long time really requires a process of adaptation.

The two then chatted about the company's accounts, and Jiang Yihe said goodbye to them with a little bit.

Jiang Yihe and Diandian left, Cao Fang and Qianqian began to feel bored, there was still a while before dinner time, and Cao Fang felt that all the things that should be done were done.Fearing that staring at the iPad for too long would be bad for Qianqian's eyes, Cao Fang forbade Qianqian to watch cartoons.

Turning on the TV, there was nothing to watch, and because the room was so well sealed, the sound of the TV echoed in the ward, which made people feel uncomfortable, so Cao Fang simply turned off the TV.

Cao Fang looked at the breathing trainer, and said to Qianqian: "Or, let's blow it another hundred times? More training will never hurt."

Qianqian said yes, and she started training with a breathing trainer.

Seeing Qianqian's cheeks bulging and deflated, Cao Fang couldn't help but feel a little melancholy when she thought that life in this warehouse would take at least a month.But thinking that after leaving the warehouse, Qianqian would be able to recover. Every morning, instead of taking Qianqian to send Diandian to school, she would send the two of them to school together.

Thinking of Qianqian carrying her schoolbag, wearing her favorite school uniform, holding hands with Diandian, disappearing into the Peach Blossom Lane, starting the car by herself, and leaving without waiting for Qianqian to get out of Peach Blossom, Cao Fang felt that all this was worth it.

After dinner, Cao Fang went inside to take a bath, came out after disinfection, wiped Qianqian's body again, and took care of the child.

The nurse came in and told Cao Fang that she would give Qianqian a bag of medicine today.After the infusion tube was inserted, Qianqian lay there and asked Cao Fang to tell her a story, so Cao Fang picked up a storybook and read it to her.

Originally, on the first day Qianqian entered the warehouse, she had to undergo radiotherapy according to the procedure. Professor Zheng said that Qianqian's condition was well controlled, and her physical indicators were also good.Therefore, Qianqian did not have radiotherapy today, and directly prepared for chemotherapy starting tomorrow.

After hanging up a bottle of potion, Qianqian asked Cao Fang to continue telling her a story. Cao Fang asked her to choose one by herself, and Qianqian chose one. Halfway through the reading, Qianqian fell asleep.

Looking at Qianqian who was sleeping, Cao Fang thought that from tomorrow onwards, it would be a fierce battle for Qianqian, and it was the beginning of a huge torture.

 Thank you for the reward of wandering aa!Thank you for the monthly tickets of Nanke Yimeng 79, Huoshaoyun 0406, Xiangyu Lina, and Shuyou 20211013005727248!Thanks for all the votes and reading!Good evening everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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