Roaming in the dark night

Chapter 218 One Day Is Very Long

Chapter 218 A Long Day
Qianqian fell asleep drowsily, and seemed to have a low-grade fever. Cao Fang asked her if she wanted to eat anything, but she shook her head and said no, until the nurse came in to start the afternoon chemotherapy.

Cao Fang told the nurse about shallow vomiting. The nurse told her that it is normal to vomit four or five times a day. You have to be prepared. This is because you have taken antiemetics, and some people vomited bile from morning till night.

Painkillers are very expensive, more than 800 a day, and they are still at their own expense. Not everyone who enters the warehouse is willing to take antiemetics.

Cao Fang had just taken Qianqian's temperature, and she did have a fever. Cao Fang told the nurse the temperature.The nurse said that this is a normal reaction of the human body. Now the chemotherapy drugs are killing the white blood cells in Qianqian's body. The fever is her body's collective resistance.

There are only two small bottles of medicine in the afternoon, and the two infusion tubes are infused at the same time. The nurse adjusted them to the slowest drip rate, and only one drop will be dripped in a few seconds. Even if the two small bottles of medicine are administered at the same time, it will take three hours.The nurse told Cao Fang not to adjust too fast, Qianqian's body would not be able to bear it.

It is conceivable that these two bottles of potion are powerful.

The whole afternoon, Qianqian was always groggy, and Cao Fang couldn't relax anymore. She knew that she was blindly optimistic at noon, and now the test of Qianqian officially began.

In the middle, Qianqian vomited again, but it seemed that there was nothing left to vomit. After vomited a puddle of clear water, she couldn't vomit anymore.

Meng Zhen opened a WeChat group, and they were all in the group. Cao Fang sent them photos of Qianqian with various tubes stuck all over her body, and told them that Qianqian had vomited and had a high fever. Meng Zhen and Jiang Yihe immediately became nervous and asked if they had eaten something unclean?
Cao Fang quickly said no, it was a normal reaction to chemotherapy, and she had already taken antiemetics today, if she didn't take it, it would be even worse, and many people would vomit from morning till night.

Jiang Yihe and Meng Zhen breathed a sigh of relief.

Cao Fang remembered, she said to Jiang Yihe: "Yihe, you will pick up a little later, don't bring her here."

Jiang Yihe knew that Cao Fang was afraid of being frightened by seeing Qianqian like this, so she said yes, I understand.

Cao Fang then said to Yu Wenhao: "Tomorrow morning, you should send Diandian to school first, and then come over to deliver meals. I guess Qianqian will not be in a good condition starting this afternoon. Don't let Diandian see it. It's better... Let them meet after the transplant and when Qianqian starts to recover."

Diandian's mother said: "Cao Fang, it's okay, you should experience it, let Diandian experience it, and you should give Diandian some encouragement."

Cao Fang said: "I don't want it anymore, Dian Dian is so young, there is no need to go through these things, isn't it that we adults are here to let children have less of this kind of experience?"

Yu Wenhao said: "Cao Fang is right, please listen to Cao Fang's advice on this matter."

Diandian's mother said: "Okay."

Jiang Yihe said: "Diandian definitely won't do it."

Cao Fang said: "I know, when Qianqian's condition is a little better, I will ask her to call Diandian and let them video."

Meng Zhen was a little tired listening to Cao Fang's voice, and she asked, "Sister Cao Fang, are you okay?"

Cao Fang said it's okay, what will happen if you are locked in such a small space, and the outside world will be turned upside down, I don't think I will know.

When Yu Wenhao and Meng Zhen came to deliver the dinner, Qianqian had already finished the infusion, all the tubes on her body were removed, and she felt a little more comfortable. Although she still had a low-grade fever, she was able to get out of bed.

The four stood on both sides of the glass, and Meng Zhen also called Jiang Yihe's phone to let Diandian and Qianqian video.

Yu Wenhao asked Cao Fang how she was doing in the afternoon. Cao Fang said that she had been running a low-grade fever, but the doctors and nurses said it was normal. The chemicals were destroying the superficial white blood cells and the immune system.

"In just a few days, the white blood cells will drop from more than 1 per milliliter to 0. It's scary to think about it." Cao Fang and Yu Wenhao Meng Zhen said.

Meng Zhen asked Qianqian what she wanted to eat tomorrow. Qianqian at this time was no longer the same as at noon. She had no appetite at all, and at the same time her throat started to hurt, and she couldn't even swallow water. She didn't want to eat anything.

Cao Fang thought for a while, and said to Meng Zhen, "I guess I can't eat it anymore. Let's make rice soup and egg custard for her tomorrow."

Meng Zhen said yes.

After Yu Wenhao and Meng Zhen left, Cao Fang asked Qianqian to eat, but Qianqian was afraid and didn't want to eat anything. Cao Fang forced her to drink a little mung bean soup and chicken soup.

After dinner, Cao Fang didn't remind Qianqian, Qianqian picked up the breathing trainer by herself, saying that today's training was not finished, and she wanted to continue training.

After blowing into the pipe more than a dozen times, she stopped, Cao Fang asked her what was wrong, and pointed to her throat, Cao Fang asked if she wanted to vomit?
Qianqian said, "No, it's because my throat hurts."

Cao Fang said, "Then we won't train."

Qianqian looked at her and said, "But, but the nurse sister said that she must complete four hundred strokes a day, and I have already promised her."

As Qianqian said, she picked up the pipe and continued to blow. Her throat hurt very much. Every time she blew, she felt like being cut by a knife. However, she persisted, her eyes were filled with tears from the pain, and she continued to blow.

Cao Fang watched from the side, her eyes were also red.

Yesterday I thought it would be easy to beat [-] times a day, but now I realize that it is not an easy task to persist in completing it.

Finally completed four hundred strokes, Qianqian collapsed on the bed with no strength left.

Cao Fang sterilized all the equipment again, and then wiped Qianqian's body, changed the bed sheets, weighed her body, took her temperature, measured her blood pressure and finger oxygen with a finger pulse oximeter, dripped eye drops and smeared ointment on her nose and buttocks.

After all this was done, the nurse came in, unbuttoned Qianqian's top first, and pasted the electrode patches of the ECG monitor on both sides of her chest and abdomen, and then started the infusion.
This evening, there was only one bag of potion. Cao Fang saw that the dripping rate was faster than in the afternoon. She felt a little relieved in her heart, and felt that this difficult first day was finally over.

After more than an hour, after the infusion was completed, Qianqian fell into a drowsy state again, and still had a low-grade fever.Cao Fang felt a little sleepy, and was worried about going in, so she sat on the stool and took a nap with her head resting on her shallow heels.

After only sleeping for more than half an hour, Cao Fang was woken up by a moaning sound. She opened her eyes and closed her eyes tightly, sweating profusely.

Cao Fang's heart froze, she rushed over and grabbed Qianqian's hand, which was hot. Cao Fang was startled, and hurriedly touched Qianqian's forehead, which was also hot.

Cao Fang took a thermometer and was startled. Qianqian's body temperature reached [-] degrees. She quickly pressed the emergency button and hugged Qianqian in her arms. Qianqian was hot and soaked. Cao Fang hugged her and put her face against Qianqian's, trying to cool her down.

The nurse came in and gave Qianqian an injection of antipyretics, only then did Qianqian's temperature begin to drop.

Qianqian was in a coma all the time, and she was still talking nonsense, Cao Fang didn't dare to be careless anymore, and kept holding Qianqian all the time.After Qianqian's temperature subsided, Cao Fang wiped Qianqian's body, changed her clothes and sheets.Sitting down again, it may be because of the relaxation of the person, and then I began to feel that I couldn't stand it anymore and closed my eyes.

After more than two hours, Qianqian's temperature began to rise again, and he was drenched again.

Cao Fang pressed the button, and the nurse came in, and found that Qianqian's temperature had reached [-] degrees again, so she quickly took an ice pack to cool her down, but it still couldn't cool down.The doctor also came over. After examining Qianqian, he decided that even though it was only more than three hours since the previous injection, he still asked the nurse to give Qianqian another antipyretic injection.

After the antipyretic injection, the doctor, Cao Fang and the nurse said, don't stop tonight, keep using ice packs to cool Qianqian, and don't let her temperature rise again.

Both the nurse and Cao Fang agreed.

The doctor confessed to Cao Fang: "Wipe her body frequently to dissipate the heat."

Cao Fang quickly agreed.

 Thank you Fengxuebiantian, winsonliu for the monthly pass!Thanks for all the votes and reading!Good evening everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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