Roaming in the dark night

Chapter 228 Decision

Chapter 228 Decision
Yu Wenhao and Cao Fang, when Qianqian found out that they had chronic myeloid leukemia, they did genetic testing, and the results showed that the decapitated allelic groups of the two were consistent with five points for Yu Wenhao and Qianqian, and six for Cao Fang. Points of coincidence are all semi-corresponding.Only when the full set of alleles are identical, is it fully compatible.

For hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, the biggest risk for patients is recurrence and rejection.

The rejection caused by stem cell transplantation is terrible. To put it vividly, you have built a new house, but because of the weak foundation, half of it collapsed.You may be cured of leukemia, but then you have other symptoms, and you are still not a healthy person.

The rejection caused by stem cell transplantation can be divided into acute rejection within [-] days and chronic rejection after [-] days.Acute rejection mainly includes skin damage, intestinal damage and liver damage.Chronic rejection is mainly manifested as Sjogren's syndrome, arthritis, cystitis, anemia, organ failure, etc., and can even affect every organ and tissue in the body.

Compared with haploidentical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, fully identical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation has a smaller risk factor of rejection, a lower recurrence rate, and an advantage of more than 20.00% in the five-year cure rate.

After hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, relapse or rejection occurs, and in order to be cured, based on the current medical conditions, the only option is to perform a second transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells.

Therefore, when Qianqian and Yu Wenhao and Cao Fang were found to be half-matched by the genetic testing results of Yu Wenhao, Cao Fang, and Qianqian, Professor Zheng's suggestion was to wait until a fully compatible match was found before proceeding. transplant.

It was chronic myeloid leukemia, not acute, and she was not in immediate danger of life. Drugs could control her condition and buy her time, time to wait and find.One is to wait for a fully compatible match, and the other is to wait for the development of medicine, which can bring more and new means of treating leukemia.

Professor Zheng's hematopoietic stem cell transplant center, half of the patients are haploidentical transplants.But these patients are all acute patients. If they don’t get transplanted immediately, their lives will be in danger, and they can’t find a perfect match. The lesser of two evils, they will take the huge risk of rejection to gamble , for haploidentical transplantation.

Qianqian is now in the marrow-empty stage. If there is no reinfusion of hematopoietic stem cells within 48 hours, for her, there is less than [-] hours of hope for survival because of the volunteers' remorse. There is no time to wait.

This is also why the attending doctor said, if you want to regret the donation, you should say it earlier, at worst, we will continue to wait, and if you say it now, we will not even have time to wait. Isn’t this the reason why it is harmful.

After the volunteers repented, it was impossible to find another suitable match in such a short period of time.The only option, which can save Qian Qian's life temporarily, is to risk recurrence and rejection and give her a haploidentical transplant.

This is also the fastest and most effective method. Both Yu Wenhao and Cao Fang have already done genetic testing, and there is no need to do it again. They can immediately enter the ward to separate and collect peripheral blood hematopoietic stem cells.After more than three hours of collection, or longer, a sufficient number of hematopoietic stem cells were collected and reinfused into Qianqian's body.

Because the incident happened suddenly, even if Cao Fang or Yu Wenhao were given immediately to create a mobilization agent for blood stem cells, there might be no way to immediately increase the number of hematopoietic stem cells in their peripheral blood, so a longer collection time or a second collection would be required .

As soon as Professor Zheng said, Yu Wenhao and Cao Fang immediately understood that this was the only way to save Qianqian's life, so Yu Wenhao said, let me do it.Cao Fang said, I'm still here.

Professor Zheng looked at Yu Wenhao, then at Cao Fang, and said:

"Let's go, Xiao Cao. She has one more compatibility point than you. Although we don't know what this means, for Qianqian, this one point will definitely reduce the risk of rejection."

Both Yu Wenhao and Cao Fang nodded. Professor Zheng made a choice for them when he said so.

Like Yu Wenhao, Cao Fang is also shallow and chronically ill. She has become a doctor, and she has some knowledge about this field. She knows that mobilizing agents have limited effect, and she may not be able to collect so much in her peripheral blood at once. Hematopoietic stem cells, she and Professor Zheng said:

"Mr. Zheng, can you directly extract my bone marrow?"

Human bone marrow contains the largest number of hematopoietic stem cells. If the bone marrow is directly extracted, of course there will be no shortage of hematopoietic stem cells.However, bone marrow extraction requires a longer recovery period for the donor.

Professor Zheng shook his head: "It's not necessary. If it doesn't work, it's a big deal to do a second collection tomorrow. After that, there is still a long recovery period, and Qianqian still needs someone to take care of it."

Professor Zheng picked up his mobile phone to look at it, and exclaimed: "Great!"

When the three of them were talking, the others couldn't sit still, they all stood up and gathered around to listen. When Professor Zheng said it was great, everyone else looked at him.

Professor Zheng greeted Yu and Cao Fang said: "When you didn't come back earlier, I had someone send the matching report of Qianqian to the five major cord blood banks across the country. Now the Shanghai Cord Blood Bank has found a match with Qianqian. cord blood."

Yu Wenhao and Cao Fang didn't know why they were looking for umbilical cord blood since they had already decided to use Cao Fang's hematopoietic stem cells.

Professor Zheng explained to them, telling them that umbilical cord blood contains totipotent stem cells, which can generate cells needed by various organs of the human body.

"Before haploidentical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, infusing a bag of umbilical cord blood hematopoietic stem cells can reduce the risk of rejection of haploidentical hematopoietic stem cells." Professor Zheng told them, "Or in other words, whether it is Xiao Cao or less than , Your hematopoietic stem cells in your body, after such a long period of evolution, are likely to have defects, but there are no cord blood."

Everyone understood the words, and asked repeatedly: "Professor Zheng, since umbilical cord blood is so good, can't we all use umbilical cord blood? Is it because it is expensive? There is no problem with it."

"I know you are rich." Professor Zheng rolled his eyes blankly, "There is not such a large amount. It needs at least two hundred milliliters of suspension containing hematopoietic stem cells to be transfused back into Qianqian's body. And a bag of umbilical cord blood Suspension, only [-] to [-] milliliters. However, it is indeed expensive, a bag costs [-], at your own expense, no problem, right?"

Before Yu Wenhao and Cao Fang had spoken, Sansan said there was no problem.

"Okay, no problem, that's it. You take Xiao Cao and go to separate and collect immediately." Professor Zheng and the attending doctor said.

The attending doctor said yes, and left with Cao Fang.

"You, big money, thank you for your hard work. I will drive to Shanghai immediately and go to the Shanghai Cord Blood Bank." Professor Zheng said, looking at his watch, "When you arrive, they should have already left work. I will let them wait for you. After you get it, you rush back immediately, here, you need to transfuse umbilical cord blood before transfusing Xiao Cao's stem cells."

Sansan agreed, no problem.

Zhan Wei said from the side: "I'll go together, two people drive, there is no need to stop on the road."

Professor Zheng nodded: "I will ask my students to bring a cryogenic safe deposit box and go with you."

 Thank you Baby Tin Soldier, Tianyi Pavilion, Xinghai Bookworm 1977, Broken Back Mountain for their rewards!Thank you zippozyj, Fengxuebiantian monthly pass!Thanks for all the votes and reading!Good afternoon everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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