Chapter 238
After the transplant, Qianqian lived in the warehouse for another 25 days, which can be said to have suffered all kinds of hardships.The only thing is that her new cells are growing very well. Although Qianqian's rejection reaction is still constant, after the inspection, Professor Zheng decided to let Qianqian out of the warehouse.

After leaving the warehouse, Qianqian can be transferred to other general wards to continue hospitalization. Professor Zheng and Yu Wenhao Cao Fang said:

"I don't think it's necessary, and I don't need to spend that much money. To be honest, for Qianqian's current symptoms, it can be said that for our hematology department, we have done everything that should be done. For other departments, Qianqian has also changed. It has become their intractable disease, and they have no good solution, so living in a hospital is actually the same as living at home."

Qianqian's current situation is that, first, she keeps urinating. Many times, before she realizes, the urine will flow out, and her pants are wet. Qianqian is embarrassed and anxious, and can only cry.

When she urinates, she doesn’t even feel any pain, but she doesn’t feel it herself. She has to wear diapers all day long. Every twenty minutes and a half hours, Cao Fang and A Lian will change her diapers. Wet and then disinfect.

What's more, I can't be exposed to the wind. As long as there is a little wind blowing, Qianqian will burst into tears and snot in an instant, and I can't control it.

Professor Zheng had never encountered such a situation before. He organized consultations in various departments of the hospital, but he couldn't find out the reason. Even the doctors in the psychology department were there, but he still had no clue.

Professor Zheng greeted Yu and Cao Fang said:

"The human body is very complicated. As far as our current medical capabilities are concerned, we don't even have a half understanding of it. In a situation like Qianqian, to put it figuratively, it can only be said that a certain part in her body is missing, or it is shut down, or it is During the marrow removal, a certain switch in her body was turned off, allowing new hematopoietic stem cells to enter. Unfortunately, the switch was not turned on.

"We don't know now, what is the part that is shut down, and where is the switch."

Yu Wenhao asked, "Will Qianqian's body recover after a while?"

Professor Zheng looked at Yu Wenhao and Cao Fang, and was silent for a long time. He said:
"Less than, Xiao Cao, I really want to say good words to comfort you, but it is useless. According to my experience, most of the rejection reactions of patients after transplantation are long-term. Deficiency. We must know that whether blood or hematopoietic stem cells are the most basic and important foundation of the human body, the foundation is not solid...

"Why does the relapse of our leukemia take as long as five years? If there is no relapse in five years, we will think that your leukemia has been completely cured. Do other tumors have a cycle as long as five years? One of the characteristics of blood diseases One, is its secrecy and obstinacy."

After hearing this, Yu Wenhao and Cao Fang felt ashamed. They understood Professor Zheng's words, that is to say, as long as there is no recurrence in five years, the leukemia virus in Qianqian's body will be gone, and her life will not be in danger. Rejection, likely to follow her long-term, changed her forever.

Although these rejections would not kill her, they caused her to lose her normal life and social skills. She suffered from incontinence, tears and runny nose when she saw the wind, followed by a high fever. Not to mention going to school, Qianqian even had the right to go out. , have been deprived.Unless she has a cover when she goes out, cover her up and make her a person in a cover.

Professor Zheng told them that the examination found that the superficial kidney had mutated, and there was a possibility of kidney failure. This was probably related to her frequent urination and incontinence. Although this change is very slow, it will not be worse in the future. Hard to say.

Cao Fang looked at Professor Zheng with red eyes, and asked, "Mr. Zheng, what do you think we should do?"

Professor Zheng sighed, and he said: "My suggestion is to wait until there is a fully compatible match, and then give Qianqian a second transplant. If I can't live a normal life for a long time, I am more worried that Qianqian's psychology will appear. The problem is, she will feel that she is a useless person and start to give up on herself."

After hearing this, both Yu Wenhao and Cao Fang were silent. They knew that what Professor Zheng was worried about was true. Many times, for people, mental illness is even more terrifying than physical illness.

But to do a second transplant for Qianqian, the two of them shuddered at the thought. Besides going to the warehouse and suffering the second time, where could they find a perfect match?Just found it, Qianqian has already entered the warehouse, will there be another temporary regret?Are they really going to destroy Qianqian again?Just this time, Qianqian has already turned into a de facto "useless person", what will happen again?

For them, it is disappointment when they cannot find a perfect match, but when they find it, it is the beginning of great fear.

Qianqian can leave the warehouse and the hospital, but Yu Wenhao and Cao Fang are not happy at all.Whether it is for them or Qianqian, this is not a new beginning, but the beginning of another difficult day.

In and out of the warehouse, Yu Wenhao now feels that Qianqian has not gained a new life, but has been made old.

The doctor prescribed more than a dozen medicines for Qianqian, including those for anti-rejection, anti-epilepsy, anti-diarrhea, anti-fever, anti-relapse, anti-pneumonia and cystitis, and anti-kidney failure.Cao Fang used a notebook to carefully record, and the doctor told her one by one what medicine she should take when Qianqian had any symptoms.

In addition, they have to send Qianqian to the hospital for reexamination once a week.

Getting ready to be discharged from the hospital. On a hot day, I need to go downstairs from here and then walk to the parking lot.In order not to be blown by the wind, Cao Fang put on long clothes and trousers for Qianqian, also put on socks, mask and hat, and then wrapped Qianqian's entire face with a silk scarf, only showing A pair of eyes and, finally, sunglasses.

Jiang Yihe also arrived by car, Yu Wenhao asked Cao Fang to take Jiang Yihe's car, and Qianqian could just follow him, but Cao Fang quit, saying that she wanted to accompany Qianqian.

In summer, the sun was scorching hot outside, and the inside of the car was more like an oven. The three of them got into the car, but Yu Wenhao didn’t dare to turn on the air conditioner. Sweating.

In the car, Cao Fang hurriedly took off Qianqian's hat, mask, scarf, and glasses. She was light, dark, and red, and she was almost bored.

Yu Wenhao was afraid that everyone would suffer from heat stroke, so before driving, he drank a bottle of Huoxiangzhengqi water, and forced Cao Fang and Qianqian to drink it too, and they both frowned and drank it.

Fortunately, at this time in the afternoon, the roads were clear, so Yu Wenhao speeded up and drove home. Although the window was not open, the car became cooler, but immediately, shallow tears came out. Cao Fang hurriedly used a scarf to wrap her The face is covered again.

When they arrived at the underground parking lot, Cao Fang put on Qianqian's full armor first, and after confirming that she was correct, she opened the door and the three of them got out of the car.

Take the elevator upstairs, and at home, Meng Zhen, Lao Yao, and the repairman from the company are already here, and they are helping to renovate Qianqian's room.

Seeing them enter the door, Meng Zhen hurried over, put his arms around Qianqian and said:
"Let's go, Qianqian, let's go and see your world."

Everyone followed Meng Zhen and Qianqian into Qianqian's room. Yu Wenhao saw that the air outlet of the air conditioner had been installed with a windshield to block the direct wind. One-third of the room was close to the ceiling. , Pull up a curtain hanging to the ground, so that the temperature inside the curtain drops, but the wind cannot blow.

Meng Zhen was still not at ease, on Qianqian's upper and lower bunk bed, Qianqian's bed below was surrounded by a circle of cloth curtains, so that Qianqian would not be able to blow the wind completely inside.

Arriving here, Cao Fang was finally able to take off Qianqian's full armor. She was already soaked through, and she had no strength, and she sat slumped on the ground.Meng Zhen and Jiang Yihe quickly helped her up, fearing that the ground would be cold.

 Thank you On the Road-Tiantian, Tianyi Pavilion, Xinghai Bookworm 1977, Broken Back Mountain, 18 o'clock in the middle of the night, Baby Tin Soldier, the third reward from top to bottom!Thank you Hongliu, Pingtan Zhiwei, zippozyj, Nalan 20170712211627767, Governor, book friend 20210301105254586266, book friend [-] for the monthly pass!Thanks for all the votes and reading!Good evening everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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