Roaming in the dark night

Chapter 241 Kiki and Zhan Wei

Chapter 241 Kiki and Zhan Wei

Zhan Wei's working hours are from eleven o'clock in the middle of the night to seven o'clock in the morning.

Except when he was at work, he was like a lonely ghost (this is what Qiqi said), wandering up and down the Tenglong Building, the rest of the time, he was in the studio, almost even his own room I seldom go there, although they are all in the same building.

After work, Zhan Wei went to a small shop nearby and ordered a bowl of Pian Erchuan or pork liver noodles.There is no air conditioner in the small shop, only an old ceiling fan above the head that is full of oily fumes, whirling and whirling, even though it is morning, it is still hot, Zhan Wei ate a bowl of hot noodles and two poached eggs, and it was already Is a profuse sweat.He really wanted to yell "Enjoy it, enjoy it!"

He unbuttoned his jacket, walked back to the Tenglong Building with his chest open, entered the elevator, and went not to his room, but to his studio.

After opening the door and entering, the first thing to do is to enter the bathroom, take a quick shower, and then walk to the row of computers and monitors. These machines are on 24 hours a day.

Zhan Wei raised his foot, kicked the swivel chair aside, and lay down with a straw mat on the floor.He lay there, from bottom to top, staring blankly at the screen for a while, and sometimes when he thought of something, he would jump up from the ground and stand and work for a while.

More often, he fell asleep just looking at it.

At one o'clock or two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhan Wei is always woken up by Qiqi, who is wearing a pair of slippers, a pair of shorts, and a T-shirt on top. As soon as she comes in, she curses, calling Zhan Wei such a pig, pig To be as messed up as you are.

While cursing, Qiqi put the clothes that Zhan Wei had changed into the vest bag, and took them to her room to wash later. She didn't shy away from it, and even stuffed his shorts into it.

When she came down, she had already brought a bag of clean clothes, and the security uniform in it had been ironed. Every night, when Zhan Wei put it on again, he was dressed up. It was the only trousers in their entire Tenglong Building. A security guard with two trouser seams.

Qiqi came out of the bathroom, walked over, stood next to Zhan Wei's head, looked down at Zhan Wei from above, Zhan Wei also woke up at this time, and opened his eyes to look at Qiqi.

Qiqi kicked his arm lightly, and asked, "Hey, hey, dip the tip of the pen, what do you want for lunch?"

Zhan Wei couldn't think of what to eat, he said, "Anything."

Qiqi muttered: "Casual, casual, casual every day, dipping the tip of a pen, there is nothing casual, believe it or not, I will eat poop for you."

As she said that, Kiki herself laughed.

Zhan Wei said yes.

Kiki nodded, you wait.

"Hey, it's settled, you support me." Kiki said.

Zhan Wei said yes.

She picked up Zhan Wei's mobile phone from the table, sat down on the swivel chair, then tiptoed to the ground, pushed the swivel chair, and started roaming around Zhan Wei on the ground.She sat on the swivel chair and turned around while staring at the screen to order food. When the meal was ready, it usually took exactly two turns.

Put Zhan Wei's mobile phone back on the table, then sat there, looked down at Zhan Wei, and asked:

"Dip the tip of the pen, without me, wouldn't you be unable to take care of yourself?"

Zhan Wei nodded and said yes, "I'm already disabled."

"Get up, handicapped, here is the wheelchair." Kiki was satisfied with this answer.

Zhan Wei stood up from the ground, and the two changed seats. Zhan Wei sat on the swivel chair, and Qiqi sat on the straw mat.In this room, apart from these two places, there is no other place where people can sit.

About half an hour later, the takeaway arrived. Qiqi put the takeaway on the table. Zhan Wei stood up obediently and gave the swivel chair to Qiqi. I don't understand.

One of them was standing and the other was sitting for lunch. After eating, Kiki packed up the takeaway box and put it in the vest bag. Put the vest bag and Zhan Wei's bag of dirty clothes at the door together, and when she was going out Take them with you.

Every time after eating, it is the time when Zhan Wei said that the brain is short-circuited.

Qiqi looked at Zhan Wei and asked, "Is there any connection?"

Zhan Wei shook his head and said, "I haven't digested it yet."

"Let's go, then go and be an escort." Qiqi said.

Zhan Wei said yes.

The three escorts Qiqi mentioned meant that Zhan Wei would accompany her to practice driving, go shopping with her, and talk with her.

After Zhan Wei agreed, Qiqi walked away, went to the door, took the two vest bags out, and closed the door.

After Qiqi left, Zhan Wei always sat there, staring at the screens in front of him, staring blankly for a while, then stood up, wearing big pants and an old man's shirt, and a pair of flip-flops underneath.When they arrived at the underground parking lot, Kiki almost came down as well. She had already changed her sneakers and clothes for going out, and was sitting in the driver's seat, facing the mirror to touch up her makeup.

Zhan Wei opened the door of the passenger seat and sat in, still wearing flip-flops on his feet. Although there was a pair of sneakers under the seat, he didn't bother to change it, and Qiqi didn't bother to care about him.

They encountered the police several times on the road. As soon as they saw the police, Qiqi pushed down the window and yelled at them:

"Handsome guy, handsome guy, how do you think my car is doing?"

The policeman is often taken aback for a moment, then looks at the coach logo on the front windshield, then looks at Qiqi, and can't help but smile and say:
"Yes, how long have you been studying?"

"It's coming soon, there is another subject three, you can get the certificate after passing it, and it's up to you. Handsome guy, when I get the certificate, you must be merciful when you see me." Qiqi said.

The policeman suppressed his laughter and teased her: "Just be merciful, don't run red lights, don't change lanes, can you?"

"Yes, yes, I promise to do it." Qiqi saluted the traffic policeman, who returned a salute and waved her away.

During the whole process, people only glanced at Zhan Wei at most, seeing him like an old driver, there should be no problem with three years of driving experience, who would pay attention to whether he was wearing slippers.

After the car drove out, Qiqi started cursing, and she shouted: "Dip the tip of a pen, is there anyone like you who doesn't change your shoes when you get in the car, and needs me to sell your appearance to cover you? I warn you, next time you do this, I will I will report you."

Zhan Wei looked at the traffic policeman in the rearview mirror, and the old god said to Qiqi on the ground:
"He's still there, you go back, go back and report me."

Qiqi glared at him, and cursed, you damn pen, believe it or not, next time I will definitely poison your food and water, and I will make your seven orifices bleed to death, believe it or not?
Zhan Wei said: "Okay, but first, tell me, what kind of poison can make people bleed from the seven orifices, and where do you buy it?"

One sentence stopped Qiqi, and Zhan Wei said: "I know a circle of friends, people in it are thinking of various ways to communicate how to commit suicide, and some people sell all kinds of contraband in it, how about it? You got it in?"

"Get out!" Qiqi cursed.

After walking around outside, and returning to Tenglong Building, the two of them went upstairs, Qiqi went back to her room, and Zhan Wei went to the studio.

When it was past six o'clock, Qiqi went downstairs, and then she ordered takeaway. Of course, Zhan Wei took care of her, using Zhan Wei's mobile phone.The two of them had dinner together. After eating, it was still time for Zhan Wei's brain to short-circuit, and it was time for Qiqi to go to work.

At this time, there is still a tail in the evening rush hour, Qiqi cannot learn to drive during the evening rush hour, and it is Zhan Wei who sent her to NOC PARTY KTV.

 Thank you Summer Solstice Katydid for your reward!Thank you Huhu, Brother Sanpi, and the monthly pass for meaningless letters!Thanks for all the votes and reading!I wish everyone good health!

(End of this chapter)

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