Roaming in the dark night

Chapter 247 Shangrao Grand Hotel

Chapter 247 Shangrao Grand Hotel

After eleven o'clock, they arrived in Shangrao.

Just passed Yushan, before arriving in Shangrao, there were constant phone calls, listening to the content of their conversation, Yu Wen could tell that it should be said by Brother Wang, the people from Kouzifang kept urging them where to go Yes, and asked if the funder has arrived.

At the beginning, Brother Wang lazily replied "soon, soon" and hung up the phone.After going back and forth several times, Brother Wang became a little impatient when he was asked, he raised his voice and said in a vicious voice:

"What's the reminder? I told you that I'm sure I'm going to open an account at the agreed time and make money at the agreed time. Just don't lose the chain."

The person on the phone heard that Brother Wang's voice was rough, and hurriedly said flatteringly: "No, no, don't worry, Mr. Wang, I will definitely not lose the chain here."

When Brother Wang hung up the phone, Yu Wenhao asked, "Brother Wang, will the capital party be there this afternoon?"

As soon as the words came out, Yu Wenhao was taken aback. In the past, when Yu Wenhao sent Brother Wang off, he would never take the initiative to ask him such specific things. Basically, Brother Wang told him himself. How could he ask this this time? , Do you really consider yourself a partner?

Yu Wenhao was a little embarrassed, but fortunately, Brother Wang didn't care, he smiled: "They have arrived by high-speed train in the morning, and they have to pay today, but they can't get it now, so how can they make it in time? It's just this kind of thing, including where they are, They will not let Kouzifang know about it, and there is no need to know about Pure Sunshine’s business.”

After getting off the expressway, drive along Ziyang North Avenue until you reach Ziyang South Avenue, and you have already entered the urban area of ​​Shangrao.After driving forward for a while, I saw a building on the left side of the road, standing out from the crowd, with the words "Peace International Hotel" on the top of the building.

"Here, let's go to this hotel."

Yu Wenhao drove the car to the underground parking lot of the hotel, parked the car, and the two of them went upstairs to the front desk to open a standard room.After entering the room, a phone came in again. Brother Wang glanced at it, picked up the phone, opened it and said to the other party:
"Here we are, here we are at the Peace Hotel."

The other party said with a smile: "I knew Mr. Wang and you would stay at the Peace Hotel, and we are here too, in the lobby below."

Brother Wang was stunned for a moment, and replied, "Okay, we'll come down right away."

The two entered the elevator, Brother Wang looked at Yu Wenhao and said to him, "Yu Yu, be careful today. By the way, you turned off the notification sound of WeChat, and you will check your phone often later."

"What's wrong?" Yu Wenhao asked.

"Just do what I say," Wang said.

After Yu Wenhao said hello, he picked up his phone and turned off the notification tone of WeChat.

When the two arrived at the lobby, they saw four people standing in the lobby. One of them was short and had a mustache. He stretched out his hand towards them from a long distance, and shouted:

"Mr. Wang, hello, hello!"

Brother Wang went up to meet him and shook hands with him.

The nonsense said: "Let's go, let's go to the second floor for lunch."

Brother Wang said: "Go out to eat, what's so delicious about the food here."

The mustache laughed with a "ha": "I knew Mr. Wang would say that, let's go and eat outside, everything is ready."

After finishing his nonsense, he looked proudly at the three people behind him.The three people were expressionless.

A group of people left the hotel and walked along a road in front of the hotel. After walking for about 100 meters, there was a road across the road. On both sides of the road, there were two rows of business rooms. There were several small restaurants in a row. One of them had a small facade. But the name is very big, called "Shangrao Grand Hotel".

The store door was open, and there was a greasy PVC curtain hanging on the door to keep out the cold air from escaping.

The character mustache opened the curtain, and asked Brother Wang and Yu Wenhao to go in, and the other three followed behind them.

The shop is not big, half of it is dine-in, with five or six tables, and the other half is a kitchen.There is a mountain behind the store, and a transparent PVC curtain is hung on the door leading to the back.The shop was already full of people, the boss saw them, he came over to face the mustache and nodded, saying:

"Boss, are you here?"

Mustache nodded, and then said to Brother Wang, "Let's go, let's go to the box at the back."

From the looks of it, they had arranged it long ago. They were in the hotel lobby, and they said they would go to the second floor for dinner, but they were just pretending to be polite.

What Yu Wenhao couldn't figure out was, if Brother Wang agreed at that time and they went to the second floor of the hotel, would it be embarrassing?
Brother Wang and Bazihu ​​said: "Tell the boss not to add fennel."

People in Shangrao like to put fresh fennel in their dishes, just like putting onions and coriander. Brother Wang can't taste the taste of fennel.

Mustache turned his head towards the boss: "Did you hear that?"

The boss said I got it.

Lifting the curtain of the back door, there are six or seven steps to go up. On the top of the steps, a simple room is built near the foot of the mountain. The side facing the outside of the simple room is glass and divided into two boxes.When I got out of the back door, I saw that there were already guests in one box, and there was another empty room reserved for them.

Six people went in and sat down, and there was no need to order food, as the order was already ordered in front of the mustache.On the round table in the private room, there were six teacups, four of which still had tea in them. It seemed that these four people were waiting for them here, and they were on the phone.

After everyone sat down, one person immediately poured tea for Brother Wang and Yu Wenhao. Bazihu ​​introduced the older one among the three people and said:

"Mr. Wang, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Hu."

Mr. Hu is in his thirties, about the same age as Yu Wenhao, and the other two are around the age of Twenty Lang.After introducing Mr. Hu, the other two, Bazihu, were not introduced again. On Brother Wang's side, Yu Wenhao was also omitted.

Brother Wang stretched out his hand, shook hands with Mr. Hu, nodded with a smile and said:

Mr. Hu also replied with a smile: "Hello, Mr. Wang, I have long admired your name."

Brother Wang let out a laugh.

The character mustache was a little anxious, and finally couldn't hold back, and asked Brother Wang: "Mr. Wang, has the funds arrived yet?"

Brother Wang smiled lightly: "If they don't arrive, would I dare to sit here? I can't bear to eat empty glutinous rice balls. They just wait for a call from me, and at 01:30, they will go to the bank to open an account."

"Understood, understood." Bazihu ​​breathed out, "I know that Mr. Wang is a promise. Come on, you add Mr. Hu to WeChat, and he will call you the money."

Mr. Wang waved his hands and said nonsense:
"I'm in contact with you about Shangrao's matter, and I will recognize you alone. You should call me the money. For the interest discount, I don't care whoever beats me here. I will call the employer directly after the meeting. The account of the card holder.

"The bridge returns to the bridge, and the road returns to the road. In this way, if the money does not come in, or if the money does not come in overnight, you can chase them directly. When you open an account, the bank will keep your ID card. It is easy for you to find them."

After Brother Wang finished speaking, his face was a little embarrassed. Brother Wang smiled slightly, looked at the mustache and said:

"Or should I skip the order and do it directly with Mr. Hu?"

Bazihu ​​laughed, and winked at Mr. Hu. Mr. Hu had already taken out his mobile phone just now and was about to transfer money. Hearing what Brother Wang said, he wanted Bazihu ​​to call him, but Mr. Hu hesitated again.

The mustache leaned close to Mr. Hu's ear, and whispered to him, Yu Wenhao heard him say that he came to guarantee and so on.

Mr. Hu thought for a while, and finally picked up his mobile phone and transferred the money to Ba Zihu. Ba Zihu's mobile phone "ding", he quickly picked up his mobile phone, clicked on WeChat, and accepted 4 yuan from Mr. Hu Transfer the money to Brother Wang immediately.

Brother Wang's mobile phone is also on the table, but there is no sound, Ba Zihu and Brother Wang said: "It has already been turned over, Mr. Wang, please take a look."

Brother Wang picked up his mobile phone to check, 4 yuan had been transferred, he clicked receive, then found a number from the call history, and dialed it.

The phone was connected, and Brother Wang said to the other party: "I'm in Shangrao, you guys go to open an account later, after opening the account, take a photo of the card and send it to me."

(End of this chapter)

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