Roaming in the dark night

Chapter 28 Dirty Resume

Chapter 28 Dirty Resume

"Brother Yu, can I make a request?" Jiang Yihe asked Yu Wenhao.

Yu Wenhao said, "Tell me."

"Can you send me this photo of little sister Qianqian?" Jiang Yihe clasped his hands on his chest and begged Yu to say hello: "In this way, if I don't want to go out in the future, I can take it out and have a look, knowing that there is a little sister Girl, she really wants to go out."

Yu Wenhao said hello.He immediately sent Qianqian's photo to Jiang Yihe, Jiang Yihe accepted it and said thank you!

After the two of them had dinner, Yu Wenhao accompanied Jiang Yihe to the supermarket to buy a lot of daily necessities, and helped her carry the things upstairs, Yu Wenhao turned and left, continuing to do his evening business.

The next morning, after delivering the order, Yu Wenhao drove to the factory.He was about to call Jiang Yihe and start live broadcasting her going out, when his cell phone rang, it was Jiang Yihe, Yu Wenhao quickly picked it up, Jiang Yihe shouted excitedly on the phone:

"Brother Yu, guess where I am now?"

Yu Wenhao asked, "At home?"

"No, it's by the riverside. It's still early before work time. I'll go to the riverside for a walk first, and then go to the company later. I went out early today and made breakfast myself."

"Really, that's great!" Yu Wenhao exclaimed, "I was thinking about starting the live broadcast and going out."

Jiang Yihe smiled grinningly: "No need today, I looked at sister Qianqian's photo and went out immediately, haha, I said to her, 'Qianqian, sister will take you to play by the river', she He seemed to be smiling at me and said yes. In the end we came out, isn’t it too powerful, Brother Yu?”

Yu Wenhao smiled and said, "It's amazing, it's really amazing, I'm really happy for you."

"By the way, brother Yu, when can you take me to see sister Qianqian?" Jiang Yihe asked.

Yu Wenhao said hello, I will take you there when I find time.

Jiang Yihe was so excited that it was not enough just to make a phone call, but also to say hello to Yu in the video, and when she opened the video, she yelled at Say hello to Yu:
"See, Brother Yu, there are so many people by the river!"

Yu Wenhao thought, how long has it been since you went out in the morning and went to the park, the lake, or the river? At this time, everywhere, not only in Hangzhou, but also in your lakeside and parks in Lin'an. people.

"There are also kite-flying, haha, and fishing, brother Yu, have you seen that?"

Yu Wenhao nodded and said, yes, I saw it.

Yu Wenhao Jiang Yihe said: "Xiao Jiang, I think your current location should be on the edge of the city balcony. Go up to the city balcony and have a look. It is also very lively there."

"Okay, I'm going, goodbye, Brother Yu."

"Remember the time, don't be late for work on the first day."

"I know." Jiang Yihe giggled and hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Yu Wenhao was still laughing, he was really happy for Jiang Yihe in his heart.

Yu Wenhao smiled, and suddenly thought of it, this Jiang Yihe calls himself Big Brother Yu, and Qianqian is Qianqian's younger sister, I'll go, how do I arrange this?But think about it, even if Qianqian saw Jiang Yihe, she would really only call her sister, not aunt.And Jiang Yihe, calling himself big brother seems to be more appropriate than uncle, what, I have reached the age of uncle?
Yu Wenhao thought about it, and laughed again, it's messy, what's the matter.

At ten o'clock in the morning, when Yu Wenhao was in the office, a worker came over, tapped his open door, and said to him:

"Director Yu, someone is looking for you."

Yu Wenhao raised his head and stood up quickly. He saw that the worker brought Lao Yao.

Yu Wenhao shouted: "Old Yao, why are you here, sit down quickly."

Lao Yao was a little embarrassed. He said, "I went to Jiubao's live broadcast base in the morning and went to an MCN organization for an interview. When I came out, I thought that your company is nearby, so I came to have a look."

"Okay, please sit down, I'll pour you tea." Yu Wenhao asked Lao Yao to sit on the sofa, walked away by himself, poured Lao Yao a cup of tea and came back, and put it in front of Lao Yao.

Lao Yao was wearing a suit and tie. When he came in, he was wearing a windbreaker. At this time, the windbreaker had been taken off and was put on the armrest of the sofa.

Yu Wenhao said to Lao Yao, "My office is a bit shabby, and it's not comparable to yours."

"It's good, it's good!" Lao Yao said, looking around, and at the same time mocking himself: "Where do I have any office, it's all in the past tense."

"By the way, how did you talk with their boss in the morning?" Yu Wenhao asked.

Lao Yao said "ha": "It's no use, I was scared. They probably think I'm either a liar or a scum when they look at me."

"How to say?"

"It's very simple. For my original position, these MCN bosses came to ask me. How could they have thought that one day I would appear in front of them and ask them to interview. Their first reaction when they saw the resume was that Have you met a liar and bluffed them with a fake resume?

"I told them, I'll give you Ali HR's phone number, you can call and ask, they're half-doubtful, pay attention, they're only half-doubtful."

Lao Yao smiled wryly as he spoke, looked at Yu Wenhao and shook his head, Yu Wenhao also shook his head.He thought, if he was an interviewer, and someone came with such a resume, he would doubt whether it was true, but unfortunately, he did not have the opportunity to be an interviewer.

"This resume looks very eye-catching, right? If you go to a headhunter, it is also capital and a bargaining weight. But it is different when you bring your resume to someone's door. This resume is already dirty. My work experience in Ali is not a capital, but a stain." Lao Yao said.

"Stain?" Yu Wen couldn't understand. He said, "Your resume is all real, and your work experience is also real. Ali is indeed a very good big company. You have worked there. How did you become your blemish?"

"Yes, Ali is indeed a very good company, so let me ask you, since it is such a good company, why did you leave there?" Lao Yao asked.

Yu Wenhao was taken aback for a moment, and he said, "Isn't it layoffs? Didn't you get laid off?"

"That's right, I was fired, so why was I fired? If I wasn't capable or a scum, why would they fire me?" Lao Yao said, "Whoever got this resume, Everyone thinks so, but today the other party's reaction is more obvious, I realized this problem and knew that my resume was dirty.

"After working in Ali for so many years, now it is not my asset, but a liability. If a small company that no one knows is better, I can still get away with it, but it is Ali. The words 'opened by Ali', It's not a scumbag, it's also the label of a scumbag, and I can't wash it off."

(End of this chapter)

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