Chapter 37
For orders delivered by the platform, Yu Wenhao can only see where the customer is waiting and where the customer is going, but he cannot see it now. He can only see it when he picks up the customer and prepares for the itinerary.The platform is afraid that some drivers will refuse to pick up the car because they think the destination is too close, or the place to go is too congested.

Yu Wenhao drove to Run Run Shaw Hospital and picked up the guests at the gate. He found that the guests were going to Yinhai Street in Xiasha, which was a long drive away.

Yu Wenhao thought to himself, if it is far away, it is far away, and it is the same when you get to Xiasha and then take the Desheng Expressway.

To send the guests to the destination, probably at this time, there were many people calling for a car, and another order came in immediately, Yu Wenhao hesitated for a while, but still accepted it.I thought to myself that the guests here must all be going in the direction of the city, probably in the right direction, it's okay, and it's closer to Sansan and the others.

When he received the guest, he should be a college student. Yu Wenhao looked at the destination again and couldn't laugh or cry. The guest was going to the city, but he went to Bin'an Road in Binjiang, and ran in the opposite direction.

Yu Wenhao didn't dare to let the customer get off the car, canceled the order, and would be deducted service points if the order was refused.Service points can only increase by one point after receiving dozens of orders, and one point will be deducted if the order is canceled once, and it will be even worse if another customer complains.

And platform dispatch orders, such as Yu Wenhao, will give priority to cars with complete dual certificates.If everyone has both certificates, the priority level depends on the service score and star rating. It can be said that the service score is the lifeblood of Yu Wenhao, and he dare not be sloppy.

Yu Wenhao smiled and reminded the guests to fasten their seat belts, and confirmed the route with the guests. Passengers crossing the river are most concerned about which bridge or tunnel to choose to cross the river.

"Handsome guy, should we take the Jiubao Bridge or the Third Bridge?" Yu Wenhao asked, "The Third Bridge is a bit congested right now."

The other party snorted: "The Jiubao Bridge is also very congested. This broken city is not blocked anywhere now. The land has been sold to real estate developers. It doesn't work to leave an extra lane. Let's take the Qingchun Tunnel."

Yu Wenhao was stunned for a moment. The other party was feeling uncomfortable. He said, "Take the Qingchun Tunnel? Then you can't take the elevated road. This road will be even more congested."

"I know, I'm not in a hurry, are you in a hurry?" the other party asked.

Yu Wenhao quickly said: "No rush, no rush, okay, then we will go to Qianjiang New City and Qingchun Tunnel."

Along the way, Yu Wenhao's mobile phone in the middle locker kept jingling, and Yu Wenhao knew without looking that it was Ermao and Sansan who were urging him, asking where he was.

Yu Wenhao was too lazy to answer, and he didn’t dare to answer it. If you encounter a fluffy customer while driving, you answer the phone, and he will complain to you when he gets off the car.Yu Wenhao has never encountered such a thing, but among their drivers, there are constant complaints that they have received such complaints.

After the sound of ding ding stopped, the phone rang. It was Ermao and Sansan. They sent a message and saw that he didn't respond, so they called.

Yu Wenhao didn't go to pick it up, but cursed in his heart, urging his mother, I don't know that I was kidnapped by a guest and went to Binjiang?
The passenger turned to look at Yu Wenhao and asked, "You owe someone money, and you don't even answer the phone?"

Yu Wenhao laughed, and he said no, it was my brother who was urging me to drink.

"Yes, you still have wine to drink." The other party said.

This sentence killed the conversation, Yu Wenhao didn't know how to answer, he couldn't say, why don't you have no wine or no brother?He thought for a while and said:
"It's not the weekend."

The young man snorted again: "That's right, this weekend, my classmates also went to drink and open rooms, and I have to go back to take care of the old man and empty the spittoon for the old man!"

No wonder, no wonder there is such a big resentment.Yu Wen laughed and said, "Maybe your classmates still envy you that you can go home on weekends and be with your parents."

"What are you doing? It's not my parents, it's my grandmother." The young man said, "If my parents are in Hangzhou, why would I need to go back?"

Yu Wenhao felt a little displeased, and he said lightly: "My grandma passed away when I was very young. I still think of her sometimes, but I can only think about it."

The young man looked at Yu and said hello, he hesitated to speak.Yu Wenhao didn't say anything anymore.

Arrived at the destination, stopped at the gate of the community, the young man got off the car, Yu Wenhao did not start the car immediately, but picked up the phone in the locker next to him, he saw five missed calls, two of which were Ermao Hit, three are three-three hits, Yu Wenhao went back to the past.

"Hey, are you taking orders again?" Sansan asked on the other end of the phone as soon as the call was connected.

Yu Wen laughed and said, "I wanted to pick up a drop-in passenger, but I didn't expect to be brought to Binjiang."

"I'll go! Check what time it is now?"

"Okay, come here right away, don't be long-winded." Yu Wenhao said and hung up the phone.

He looked at the time, it was already past seven o'clock, he didn't dare to accept the order, and he didn't know where he would be taken.He turned off the APP, started the car and left.

When he arrived at the appointed hotel, it was almost eight o'clock. Yu Wenhao pushed open the door of the box, and the four people inside the door all yelled at the same time, and he was greeted with swearing.

In addition to Ermao and Sansan, there is another widow, who came from Yongcheng in the afternoon, and a woman, Qiqi, who saw the widow and Qiqi again, Yu Wenhao was not surprised at all.

Qiqi and Ermao Sansan and the widow all know each other. Sansan is a pile foundation equipment manufacturer, and their self-balancing load boxes are used in many large projects.

His clients are all large engineering construction companies. When Party A's personnel come to Hangzhou, he will definitely provide one-stop service for eating, drinking and playing.And Qiqi has the task of booking a private room every month, such fat water will definitely not go to outsiders, so Yu Wenhao introduced Qiqi to Sansan.

The widow is also saying hello to their high school classmates. The four of them are best friends, and they call themselves F4.The widow is a native of Yongcheng, and his family speaks Anqing dialect. He used to grow vegetables, and his life was very good. After the vegetable land was expropriated, his father used the expropriated money to build a five-story building for rent. Still had a good time.

Later, the house was also demolished, and the developer compensated their family with eight suites.The two younger sisters are married, and according to the rules of their village, there is no share in the family property. His parents live in one house, the widow lives in one, and the other houses are still rented out, and these eight houses are all owned by the widow. under the name of

The widow is in their class, and they decided not to take the college entrance examination very early on, so when saying hello to Ermao and the others while picking the acne on their faces while fighting hard in the classroom, the widow is the most leisurely one in their class, and even in the whole school People, come to class whenever they want, and don’t come if they don’t want to. The teacher doesn’t bother to care about such a person, as if he doesn’t exist.

The widow's seat is in the last row, and the one sitting in front of him is the flower of his class, so when he doesn't come, many male students will grab his seat.When a few people came to school on a whim, around nine o'clock in the morning or two o'clock in the afternoon, they found that his seat was always occupied by others, which looked shameful.

The widow posted a note on his seat, which read: "Don't sit indiscriminately in the widow's seat."

That's why he got the nickname "The Widow", but everyone still scrambled for his seat.

After graduating from high school, all the young people in their village who could be admitted to university left Yongcheng and went to study outside. Among the remaining young people, the widow was actually the most educated. In addition, their family name was originally the common name of their village. He went to the village committee.

This guy didn't seek to make progress when he was studying, but he was very popular in society.He was mixed in the village, and was later elected as the village director. After the village was transformed into a community, he became the community director.

 Thank you Broken Back Mountain and Xinghai Bookworm 1977 for their rewards!Thank you Nanke Yimeng 79 and icemoon for the monthly pass!Thanks for all the votes and reading!Good afternoon everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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