Roaming in the dark night

Chapter 6 Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

Chapter 6 Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

It was cold and windy outside, so Yu Wenhao put on a down jacket and turned off the air conditioner in the car to reduce power consumption.He bought this new energy vehicle relatively early. The purpose of buying it is because the new energy vehicle in Hangzhou does not need lottery and is not limited to travel.

This car still uses PTC heating instead of the popular heat pump heating. As long as the air conditioner is turned on, the cruising range will plummet.

In the morning, Yu Wenhao is on the road for a short time, so there is no need to worry about insufficient battery. At night, although the car is parked at work and fully charged, it will take eight or nine hours for Yu Wenhao to run from six in the evening to two or three in the morning.Turning on the air conditioner, looking at the rapidly dropping battery life value, Yu Wenhao could even hear his own heartbeat.

He will turn on the air conditioner only when he receives an order and rushes to the place where the customer is, so that when he arrives in front of the customer, the compartment is already warm as spring.

Yu Wenhao thought he was unlucky today, but he didn't expect to receive a big cross-city order as soon as he drove out. The starting point was Huanglong Hotel, and the destination was Lin'an.Lin'an used to be a county below Hangzhou, but it was merged into Hangzhou and became Lin'an District not long ago. Traditionally, their online car-hailing drivers still regard the order to Lin'an as a cross-city order.

After receiving the order, Yu Wenhao immediately reached out to turn on the air conditioner, drove to the front intersection, turned around, and drove back to Huanglong Hotel. When he arrived at the entrance of the hotel, he parked the car and saw no one, so Yu Wenhao picked up the phone and dialed out.

It was a girl who answered the phone, speaking softly, Yu Wenhao told her that I had arrived at the door, and the girl immediately said:
"Oh, wait for me, wait for me, I'm in the room, come down immediately."

Yu Wenhao scolded in her heart, who is it? After calling for a car, the car has already arrived at the door, and you are still in the room?

Yu Wenhao picked up his mobile phone and clicked on a plug-in group. This is a plug-in group of a professional ride-hailing order grabbing studio. They capture the order data of the platform through data packets, and then sell them to online car-hailing drivers. A [-]% handling fee is charged in the middle.

It can be said that online car-hailing drivers love and hate these black production studios.Because of their existence, large ride-hailing orders on the platform will disappear in less than a second when they are displayed on the mobile terminal. It is said that their order grabbing speed is 0.1 seconds.Without going through them, the drivers would never be able to get a big order from the platform, and they can be said to be gnashing their teeth with hatred.

But at the same time, I can’t live without them. Like Yu Wenhao’s current situation, when I arrive in Lin’an, when the passengers get off the bus, I can’t come back empty, so I still have to ask them to pay for it, as a ride.

Yu Wenhao sent a message in the group: "Now we are departing from the Huanglong Hotel in Hangzhou, and we will arrive in Lin'an in about an hour. We need return business."

The next step is to wait, after they grab the list @ him, he will directly pay them [-]% of the service fee first, and they will tell him the passenger's contact information.

He didn't need to worry. After paying the service fee, the passengers would cancel the order. If there was such a situation, they would make it up with other orders. Yu Wenhao had dealt with them more than once.

After sending the message, Yu Wenhao checked that the passenger hadn't arrived yet, picked up the phone again, and still called her. After the call was made, the girl still said on the other end of the phone:

"Oh, right now, master, I'm still in the room, and I'll be down right away."

Yu Wenhao couldn't help getting angry, I've already called you, and you're still in the room?

The security guard at the gate saw Yu Wenhao's car parked at the gate, and stopped moving. He came out, his hand in white gloves was on the window of Wenhao's car, and Yu Wenhao pressed the window, laughing with him. and said to him:

"Wait for a guest and leave immediately."

"You have been stopped for a long time." The security guard said.

"Yes, I don't want to either." Yu Wenhao said, "I made two phone calls to remind her, but the guest said she was still in the room, so it's really slow, why don't you, master, remind me again?"

The security guard gave him a blank look, ignored him, and walked away.

Yu Wenhao waited for another three or four minutes, but still hadn't got a guest, so he couldn't help picking up the phone and calling again.

"Oh oh oh oh, I'm sorry." After the phone call, apart from a few more "oh" to express apology, the girl continued: "I'll be right down, master, wait for me."

Yu Wenhao was angry and anxious, but he still suppressed his anger and said, "Hurry up, the security guards have already come to chase me away."

"Okay, master, I'll be down right away." The other party said and hung up the phone.

Yu Wenhao waited for a few more minutes, and the time stipulated by the platform to cancel the contract had already passed. If it was later, he would have to pay the parking fee when he went out.Yu Wenhao had already begun to wonder in her heart, whether the other party didn't live in this hotel at all, and was just playing around when she was bored.Still feeling a little reluctant to cancel this big order, he picked up his phone and called her again.

The phone was connected, but there was still a series of "oh" coming out of the phone, Yu Wenhao asked: "Are you going to leave or not, I will cancel the order?"

"No, no, master, please wait for me, I'm really coming down right away, can you not cancel the order?" The other party's voice trembled, and it sounded like he was about to cry.

Yu Wenhao's heart softened, and he said, "Okay, I'll wait for you, but you really have to hurry up, or the security guards will chase me away again."

"good good good good……"

Yu Wenhao waited for another five or six minutes, thinking desperately in his heart, there is no doubt that he will have to pay the parking fee when he goes out, should he ask the other party to pay for this parking fee.

Yu Wenhao quickly judged that the other party was a person with procrastination. It was not the first time that Yu Wenhao met such a passenger. The strangest one was when Yu Wenhao drove to the gate of the community and called her. Say hello and tell him to wait until she puts on makeup before going out.

After seven or eight minutes, Yu Wenhao called her again, and she got angry at Yu Wenhao on the phone, scolding him for urging him, isn't it normal for a woman to put on makeup before going out?You don't even understand this, are you still a man?Finally, she threatened him that if she called again, she would complain to him.

Yu Wenhao hung up the phone, canceled the order decisively, and drove away.

Compared with that weird one, today's one, at least has a good attitude.

At the gate of the hotel, a girl in her early twenties, well-dressed and sweet-looking finally appeared. She walked towards Yu Wenhao's car as soon as she went out.This girl is normal in every aspect, and she doesn't seem like the kind of person who can play tricks on people. When Yu Wenhao wondered if this was the same person on the phone, the girl had already opened the door of the passenger seat. sat in.

While sitting down, she let out a long breath, relieved.

"Are you going to Lin'an Jincheng Town?" Yu Wenhao said.

The girl nodded and laughed at the same time.

Yu Wen felt very strange, and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

"You didn't even scold me." The girl said, her voice was still soft when she spoke.

Yu Wenhao was taken aback, and asked, "I scolded you? You are my passenger, why should I scold you?"

The girl lowered her head and said quietly: "I am often scolded."

Yu Wenhao understands, it's probably not the first time she's been like this, and it's normal to be scolded.Yu Wenhao said: "It's okay, why don't we just wait for more than ten minutes, let's go, okay?"

Yu Wenhao put into gear and was about to leave while she was talking, the girl called out, "Master, wait."

(End of this chapter)

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