Roaming in the dark night

Chapter 71 A Big Coke

Chapter 71
Yu Wenhao was driving, and on the small road that was approaching the gate of their community, he saw a person in front of him, riding a shared bicycle, and the wind bulged his jacket.The back was very familiar, Yu Wenhao drove over and turned around to have a look, and quickly stopped the car in front of the man.

The man also squeezed the brakes, tiptoed his feet on the ground, watched Yu Wenhao get out of the car, and made fun of him.

"Old Yao, why did you get on your bicycle?" Yu Wenhao asked.

Lao Yao waved his hand in the air and drew a half circle, he said: "I want to run one by one in the neighborhoods in this area. It's not convenient to drive, so it's better to ride a bicycle. I came here by subway, and then I rode here. "

Yu Wenhao understood, he thought, it's not that it's inconvenient to drive, it's inconvenient to drive to which community, these are all newly built communities, not the old and rundown ones in the city center.Lao Yao rides a bicycle, the most important thing is that he goes to more than a dozen communities a day, and he has to pay parking fees more than a dozen times.

It's just that I haven't seen him for a day, and Lao Yao's face has already been weathered. It is no longer fair and well-maintained, but it looks like it has been frostbitten. I don't know that he is in the cold wind and is dusty. How much time did you ride.

"Let's go, go to my house for dinner." Yu Wenhao said to Lao Yao.

Lao Yao hesitated, and said, "Going home is too disturbing, let's eat in front, I'll treat you to noodles."

Yu Wenhao said with a smile: "When I get here, I am the host and you are the guest. Let me invite you. I am less stressed than you now. When your company officially opens, you can treat me to a big meal."

Lao Yao said yes, we have made a deal, I mean have a big meal.

"By the way, Lao Yao, have you told your wife about your business?" Yu Wenhao asked.

Lao Yao said: "Yes, the post-[-]s are like this, and the post-[-]s are like that. At that time, the society described us as a difficult group. Looking at it now, it is really difficult. Everyone is difficult. We Is it not difficult?

"Come on, let's do one, what do I wish you, I wish you success soon." Yu Wenhao held up the Coke and touched Lao Yao.

"I'll take it to you."

Cao Fang said: "Meng Zhen called and said that you have become a celebrity, what's going on?"

Lao Yao grinned: "It's not bad, six districts have already been won, and I have to thank your classmate and his old colleague. By the way, we will also have them for the big dinner."

Lao Yao was born in 1980. Like Yu Wenhao, he belongs to the post-[-]s generation.

"No, no, I'll go to this neighborhood first, then I'll look for a car after I come out." Lao Yao pointed to the neighborhood next to him, this neighborhood is the neighborhood of Brother Wang and the others.

Yu Wenhao got on the car, and Lao Yao also got on the bicycle. Yu Wenhao drove forward slowly, and Lao Yao followed behind on the bike.Arriving at a small restaurant in front, Yu Wenhao saw an empty space on the side of the road, so she pulled over and stopped. Anyway, there is no parking space on the side of the road here. If the urban management came over, they would be able to see it in the store.

After Yu Wenhao got out of the car, Lao Yao also lifted the bicycle onto the sidewalk and locked it.The two walked into the restaurant, which was a Quzhou-style restaurant. The two said they were eating noodles, but after sitting down, Yu Wenhao still ordered a few dishes and a big bottle of Coke.

"There are a few at the bottom, and a bunch of old people at the top. We are the standard one-child generation. All the responsibilities are on our own shoulders. To put it bluntly, if the elderly in the family are hospitalized, even one can take turns. There is no one to accompany the bed."

Lao Yao raised his glass and said hello to Yu. He said, "You also know that a school like my son's has a parents' meeting, and the parents come here to show off. That's right, even if we don't fight for anything, we have to fight for it." Son, save face, are you right?"

"What did your wife say?"

"How is it, Lao Yao?" Yu Wenhao asked.

Yu Wenhao took a look at the brand-new buildings in the community, and thought in his heart that he didn't know how many people were struggling in these decent-looking communities.

"Forget it, forget it, don't think highly of me." Old Yao repeatedly waved his hands, "I was also forced to go to Liangshan, and I had to. I used to run business for a few years, nothing else, just thick-skinned kung fu practice When he got up, he was invincible, he dared to enter anywhere, and even the ugly face would smile at him. Being forced to this level is just taking out the shamelessness of the past."

When Cao Fang woke him up and asked him to get up for dinner, Yu Wenhao opened his eyes, but he didn't understand why he was at home and in bed.

"I told my wife everything about my resignation. My wife listened and didn't respond quietly. After a while, she sighed and said something. She said, again Going to my son's parent meeting, I feel empty and have no confidence."

In the dream, he dreamed that he was always on the mountain, searching and searching, at first he was looking for the old man, then it seemed that Qianqian had disappeared, and he was looking for Qianqian.Why did it become a little bit again? He was looking for a little bit.In the end, things got messy, the old man and Qianqian got mixed up, Yu Wenhao just kept searching, he didn't know what he was looking for, he just felt tired and fell down.

Yu Wenhao looked at Cao Fang, speechless in a daze.
During this sleep, Yu Wenhao's limbs were weak, and the more he slept, the more tired and exhausted he felt.

Lao Yao was surprised and asked, "What do you admire about me?"

Yu Wenhao raised his glass and bumped with Lao Yao. He felt a little bitter and a little funny in his heart, why is it a parent meeting again?

When Lao Yao said this, Yu Wenhao also felt very emotional. Sometimes he and Cao Fang were at home, and it was the same when he thought about it.Fortunately, Cao Fang's parents were already gone. Although it is a bit too much to say that it is fortunate, when they talk about it, they really feel that it is fortunate that they are not there.Fortunately, Yu Wenhao's mother and his father took care of him, otherwise, what could they do?
"I've said it, my wife almost brought tears to my eyes." Old Yao said.

Qianqian almost took up all the energy of the two of them. If there are old people who need their care, how can they take care of them?Not fortunately what?If sharing joys and sorrows is okay, if you need to share hardships, the person who does not share is fortunate.

After eating, the two walked out of the restaurant. The shared bicycle that Lao Yao had just parked had already been ridden away by scanning the QR code. Yu Wenhao said to Lao Yao:
When Yu Wenhao came home, Qianqian had finished her meal and was taking a nap. Yu Wenhao walked into her room, looked at her, then went back to her own room, fell on the bed, and fell asleep after a while.

Yu Wenhao said: "I admire your role transformation, and it's too fast. You have entered the role of an entrepreneur so quickly. With your strength, I think there is nothing you can't do."

"Please separate, please separate, hey, why can't we have more meals together?" Lao Yao asked back, and both of them laughed.

Putting down the cup, Yu Wenhao said with emotion: "We are born in the 35s. It seems like it was yesterday, but in a blink of an eye, it has become the biggest problem in the workplace. It's not just you, Lao Yao. I think about it that day, we If you leave the unit, it will be equally difficult to find another unit, and I have passed the [-] job-hunting ceiling."

Yu asked how to tease him: "Why, you want to send us away together?"

Yu Wenhao looked at Lao Yao and said, "Old Yao, I really admire you."

 Thank you Baby Tin Soldier and Xinghai Bookworm 1977 for their rewards!Thank you Baby Tin Soldier, Ji Zhimi, actually, I really care about the monthly pass!Thanks for all the votes and reading!Good afternoon everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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