Roaming in the dark night

Chapter 99 Closing

Chapter 99 Closing
Qiqi stood up and said to Qiqi, "I'll go over to see how the two old people are doing."

Qiqi nodded and said yes, "You go, I will discuss with a few older brothers about what we should do next."

Qi Qi nodded and walked out.Walking to the corridor outside, looking back at the closed door, she opened WeChat, and sent all the videos she just took to Yu Wenhao. Then, she pushed open the door of the next room and walked in.

After more than ten minutes, seven or eight policemen went upstairs, they opened the door and came in, Xiao Fu's parents saw the policeman, they were startled for a while, Qiqi pointed at the next door with his finger, the policeman backed out, and then pushed away the door next door Door.

Yu Wenhao didn't sleep all night last night, but went home and slept for more than two hours after delivering some food in the morning.He was lying in the car, very sleepy, but he couldn't fall asleep no matter what, and he didn't dare to fall asleep.From time to time, he straightened up and looked into the building. After the two qiqi left, his heart suddenly became tense, and he couldn't sleep even more.

He was still worried that if they went, they would go through the gang after meeting those people directly. Once they went through the gang, the guys who did these things were all bad people. It was hard to say what they could do.

Yu Wenhao held the phone and kept looking at it, but the phone was always silent.Yu Wenhao didn't know how long he waited, it felt very long, he couldn't bear it anymore, so he wanted to get out of the car and walk to the door of the small hotel to have a look, in case something happened there, there would definitely be some movement.

Yu Wenhao pulled the doorknob and was about to get out of the car when the phone beeped, and Qi Qi sent him several videos in succession, Yu Wenhao took a look and quickly forwarded it to Lao Shi.He then called Lao Shi's phone again, and Lao Shi's phone number was always busy. Yu Wenhao knew that Lao Shi's side was active.

After sending the video to Lao Shi, Yu Wenhao heaved a sigh of relief, and the next step was to wait, until Qiqi and Qiqi came back.

After waiting for a while, not knowing what happened, he saw two people running out of the hall on the first floor, across the yard, and then out of the gate.The rest of the people also went to the gate and stood there, you look at me, I look at you, as if they lost their mind for a while.Then, someone said something, and they all walked out the gate.

Yu Wenhao got off the car quickly, walked into the lobby on the first floor to have a look, and saw a few security guards and company employees standing there with blank faces, none of them had disappeared.

Yu Wenhao turned around quickly, wanting to go to the small hotel to have a look, but just as he walked out of the gate, his cell phone rang, it was Qiqi.

Yu Wenhao quickly picked it up, and Qiqi called on the phone: "Brother Yu, those people were taken away by the police, and there are more, those people are here, and there are many people here."

Yu Wenhao said hello, I'll be right over.He knew that those people Qiqi said and those people were two groups of people.

Yu Wenhao hurriedly called Lao Shi, and this time the call got through, but before Yu Wenhao spoke, Lao Shi said: "I'm caught, Yu Yu, those people have already been arrested."

Yu Wenhao said: "I see, Lao Shi, but just like we thought, those people have left your company and went to find Xiao Fu's parents."

"Yu Yu, where are you now?" Lao Shi asked.

Yu Wenhao said: "I just left your company's building and I'm ready to go there."

"No, no, Xiaoyu, it's useless for you to go alone, don't hang up the phone, I'm on the way here, you go back to the building immediately, find Manager Pan from the security department, and ask him to answer the phone."

Yu Wenhao hurried back, ran into the building, saw a security guard and asked, "Where is your Manager Pan, Director Shi is looking for him."

The security guard roared: "Manager Pan, the chairman is looking for you."

A man in his thirties, wearing a suit, ran over from some corner of the hall with a walkie-talkie in his hand. Yu Wenhao gave him the phone, and he picked it up and said:
"Chairman, it's me, Xiao Pan."

Lao Shi said on the phone: "You take people there immediately, bring Xiaofu's parents and the three of them out, by the way, and the two girls, and send them to Haiwaihai Hotel together. Arrange for Xiaofu's parents and the others Stay here, let the two girls wait there, and the police will come over later and ask them to take statements."

Manager Pan said yes, I know the chairman.

Manager Pan returned the phone to Yu Wenhao, and shouted at the security guards, "Come on, all of you follow me."

Then he picked up the walkie-talkie and yelled: "Everyone, gather at the gate."

Yu Wenhao also followed them out.

When they arrived at the second floor of the small hotel, there were people in the corridor and in the room of Xiao Fu's parents. Manager Pan pointed at them with the walkie-talkie in his hand and shouted:

"Get out of the way, all of you. Now the police have intervened in this matter. Anyone who makes trouble will be sent to the police station. It's useless for you here, and it's useless for you to find them. Whoever asked you to come, you can go to whoever."

Someone shouted, "Those guys have been arrested by the police, how can we find them?"

Manager Pan glared at the person who spoke: "Then you go to the police station to look for it. Why, do you want me to take you there?"

The person who was speaking shrank his head and fell silent. The other people knew that the matter was getting serious, so they didn't dare to make any more trouble. They watched Manager Pan and the others take Xiao Fu's parents and cousin away.

Manager Pan and Yu said hello to them, took Xiaofu's parents and cousin to Haiwaihai Hotel, and arranged to stay there. The police also arrived, made interrogation notes on Xiaofu's parents and the two qiqi, and then left.

Yu Wenhao was about to leave with two qiqi when Lao Shi came. He looked at Yu Wenhao, then at the two qiqi, and said happily:
"I didn't expect this matter to be resolved so quickly. Thank you so much! Let's go, Xiaoyu, go upstairs and upstairs. I must treat you to dinner. It's in the box of the hotel restaurant."

The four went to the box on the second floor and sat down. Lao Shi took out 3 yuan from his bag, put them in front of the three of them, and said to them:

"This is a little bit of our heart, don't be too little."

Qi Qi looked at the money in front of her, hesitated for a moment, and said to Lao Shi:
"Chairman, I am not short of money. Can this money be given to the old couple? They are really pitiful."

Qiqi said: "Yes, yes, Qiqi doesn't want it, so I don't want it either. I saw Qiqi hugging that mother, crying so sadly, I was about to cry. Qiqi, your It’s not for acting, is it true that you were moved?”

Qiqi was a little embarrassed, she nodded.

Lao Shi sighed, looked at the three of them, reached out and patted the table lightly, and said:
"You still accept the money. Xiaofu's parents will arrange another arrangement. At this moment, the director of the office of our group is inviting them to dinner in the isolated box. Everyone is human, and people's hearts are made of meat. , Many times, you can’t be roasted on the fire, come here, you eat vegetables.”

In the dining and drinking room, Yu Wenhao told Lao Shi about Qiqi's internship, and Lao Shi readily agreed, saying:

"No problem, you can come tomorrow, by the way, what major do you study?"

Qiqi said: "Exhibition economy and management."

"That's ok. In this way, I will arrange for you to be in the group office first. The companies below us will participate in the Autumn Fair, the Import Expo, and the Housing Fair in the second half of the year. When you have such an opportunity, you can go with them and feel the experience on the spot. How about it?"

Qiqi said yes quickly, thank you chairman!

 Thank you for turning over the book every day, Xinghai Bookworm 1977, one up and one down two fish, and the people of Xiajiu Village for their rewards!Thank you for the monthly tickets for flipping the book every day, Xiajiucunren, Bamian Taiji, winsonliu, and salted fish in the sky!Thanks for all the votes and reading!Good afternoon everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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