Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 1045 Who Are You? 4 More Recommendation Tickets

Chapter 1045 Who Are You?
Tian Juncai looked at Qiu Xiuyuan whose upper body was bare, his throat slipped and his face changed slightly.

Afterwards, he immediately took out a piece of clothing from the car and gave it to Qiu Xiuyuan.

"who are you?"

Wang Yaofei and the others all stepped forward suddenly, looking at Tian Juncai and the other eight with wary faces.

Qiu Xiuyuan caught the clothes, a little surprised, but she also quickly understood that Wang Yaofei didn't know the eight Tian Juncai, which proved that the eight Tian Juncai and Wang Yaofei were not in the same group.

So she guessed that the eight members of Tian Juncai should not be the elite of the Long family.

"Who we are has nothing to do with you. If you dare to bully women on the road, we won't see you. If you don't want to be beaten, get out immediately!"

Tian Juncai turned his head to look at Wang Yaofei and the others, and sneered.


Wang Yaofei's complexion changed suddenly. He didn't expect the other party to be so arrogant. He immediately clenched his fists and walked towards Tian Juncai and the other eight.

But Wang Yaofei only took three steps before he was stopped by a man in orange clothes.

The man in orange advised in a low voice: "Brother Fei, don't go there! There are so many of them, and...they don't look simple!"

Wang Yaofei frowned. After all, there were indeed many people on the other side. If he charged directly, he was not sure that he could knock down Tian Juncai's eight people.

In particular, Tian Juncai and the eight of them all had a strong aura flowing from their bodies, and it really didn't look simple.

However, thinking of Long Tianhao, Wang Yaofei immediately shook his head. If Qiu Xiuyuan slipped away like this, what would he use to deal with Long Tianhao?

"Go! Kill them!"

Wang Yaofei took out his dagger and rushed towards Tian Juncai and the others.

When the four orange-clothed men saw it, they could only draw out their daggers and rushed over.

"Really want to be beaten?"

Tian Juncai's face darkened, and without hesitation, he immediately made two gestures to ask someone to pull Qiu Xiuyuan into the car and prepare to deal with Wang Yaofei and the others.

Qiu Xiuyuan didn't dare to stay, and immediately got into the car with a strong man in combat training uniform.

The other two strong men in combat training uniforms immediately sat in the main driver's seats of the two off-road vehicles, ready to drive at any time.

But Tian Juncai swung his dagger, led the other four people, and rushed towards Wang Yaofei and the other five.

He never thought about taking advantage of Wang Yaofei, and gave Wang Yaofei a fair duel.

Naturally, Wang Yaofei also saw it, and rushed directly towards Tian Juncai while waving his dagger.

A group of people wrestled together.

After Qiu Xiuyuan got into an off-road vehicle, she turned her head and looked out of the car window while putting on a combat training jacket.

Seeing the two groups of people fighting with each other, their shots were very fierce, and her face became even more blushing. If Tian Juncai and the others lost, then she would definitely not be able to escape.

But soon, Qiu Xiuyuan found out that Tian Juncai and the others made steady moves and directly knocked down Wang Yaofei and the others.

Tian Juncai didn't kill Wang Yaofei and the others, he immediately waved to the strong men in combat training uniforms, and immediately got into the black off-road vehicle.

Wang Yaofei, lying on the ground, watched the two off-road vehicles drive away, and his face instantly turned red to a liver color.

"The soul is pale!"

Wang Yaofei gritted his teeth and spat angrily.

"Brother Fei, what should we do? Shall we drive after him?"

A man in orange clothes asked quickly.

"What a chase! You can't even beat him, and you still want to chase him? If he doesn't kill you, he's showing mercy. Hurry up and drive, we have to go back and report this matter to the young master."

Wang Yaofei roared sharply.

A thought flashed through his mind, if those people were sent by Qin Feng and Cao Shirong, what should he do?
The man in orange got the order, got up quickly, covered his stomach and ran to drive.

On the black off-road vehicle, Tian Juncai saw that there was no car following him, so he turned to Qiu Xiuyuan who was sitting next to him and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

"You... who are you?"

Qiu Xiuyuan looked at Tian Juncai nervously. Although Tian Juncai and the others were not the elite of the Long family, she was also worried that Tian Juncai was a bad guy.

After all, knowing the face but not the heart, who knows if Tian Juncai has any special thoughts about her?If Tian Juncai pulls her away and locks her up, she will definitely be in danger.

"Don't worry, I don't have any thoughts about you!"

Tian Juncai saw Qiu Xiuyuan's fear, shook his head at Qiu Xiuyuan, and then narrowed his eyes, "Our goal is to stare at Song Junxiong, I heard that a young master of the Long family came beside Song Junxiong, since you came out from inside , if you don't mind, just tell us."

"You are for Song Junxiong?"

Qiu Xiuyuan looked at Tian Juncai in surprise, but she was relieved.

Naturally, Tian Juncai would not foolishly tell Qiu Xiuyuan that he was doing it for Long Tianhao. It is very possible that Qiu Xiuyuan was sent out by Long Tianhao on purpose to investigate the situation.

He was arranged by Qin Feng to follow Long Tianhao, so naturally he couldn't let Long Tianhao slip away, and Qiu Xiuyuan was arranged by the Long family, who knows what Qiu Xiuyuan plans to do?

"That's right! Song Junxiong killed my sister. I want to seek revenge from Song Junxiong, but there are too many people in his villa. We dare not rush in. We can only wander outside to see if we can find someone to stop Song Junxiong." Chance."

Tian Juncai said in a deep voice.

"So that's the case. But I was arranged by the Long family, and I don't know Song Junxiong well, so I may not be able to help you."

Qiu Xiuyuan frowned and smiled awkwardly.

"Then what's going on with you? Tell me clearly, otherwise, I'll send you back to Song Junxiong's villa."

Tian Juncai stared at Qiu Xiuyuan, and said with some dissatisfaction.

"do not!"

Qiu Xiuyuan quickly waved her hands, looked at Tian Juncai in horror, shook her head and said, "I said, I said! It's like this..."

Tian Juncai listened to Qiu Xiuyuan's narration, and his face became dark instantly, and angrily said: "Long Tianhao is really a beast! You should beat him to death directly, otherwise, he doesn't know how many girls he will ruin!"

"But I was too scared at the time! Besides, how dare I beat someone to death!"

Qiu Xiuyuan quickly shook her head and said.

(End of this chapter)

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