Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 1047 It's Just a Coincidence 6 More Recommendation Tickets

Chapter 1047 It's just a coincidence that the sixth watch is asking for a recommendation ticket
As the evening approached, Qin Feng and Yuan Zihan walked out of the Pioneer Building together with Ni Wenjing and his party.

A group of people got into the car one after another, but Ni Wenjing got into her black car, and did not ride in the same car with Qin Feng.

The two convoys left the Pioneer Building together.

In the black RV, Qin Feng received news that Qiu Xiuyuan had met Guan Haoyuan.

He immediately sent several messages to Guan Haoyuan, telling Guan Haoyuan to get information about the Long family as soon as possible.

After all, Cao Shirong is still in Dongjiang City, it is impossible for him to ask Guan Haoyuan to send Qiu Xiuyuan to see Cao Shirong.

Yuan Zihan saw that Qin Feng was still fiddling with the phone, and after Qin Feng sent the message, he pouted and said, "You can't play with your phone after dinner, you've been playing all day."


Qin Feng nodded and smiled, then put the phone away.

Bai Hu in the passenger seat turned his head and said, "Sir, there is a convoy following us. Do you need to inform Director Ni?"

"Inform Director Ni and let everyone be on alert, be careful of sneak attacks."

Qin Feng said coldly.

"Yes, sir!"

Receiving the order, Bai Hu immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call.

On a large white motorhome following the convoy.

A bald man turned his head and asked the round pancake-headed man, "Brother Skeleton, isn't it good for us to follow Qin Feng directly?"

"Otherwise, what do you think we should do? What if we don't follow like this and let Qin Feng slip away?"

The strong man with the round cake head is called Tang Tianku, known as Brother Skull.

The bald man is Tang Tianku's confidant, named Fei Hanbin, nicknamed Bald Bin.

Hearing Tang Tianku's words, Fei Hanbin frowned and said, "Brother Kulou, if we follow like this, what if Qin Feng sends someone to deal with us? Uncle Chang Le must have had an accident. If something happens to us, there is nothing wrong with us here." support."

"What you said is not unreasonable, but we still have to follow Qin Feng. Now that Cao Shirong is not with Qin Feng, we must find an opportunity to strike tonight."

Tang Tianku said sharply.

"Brother Skeleton, we can do this, just let Zuo Tai and the others follow Qin Feng. With so many of us following Qin Feng, it will be troublesome for Qin Feng to ask the masters of the Cao family to help."

"When we find an opportunity tonight, we can concentrate our efforts to kill Qin Feng, which will make it easier."

"Otherwise, we might be surrounded by the masters of the Cao family before we see Qin Feng."

Fei Hanbin quickly suggested.

"Okay! Zuo Tai can follow, but we can't be too far away from Qin Feng, otherwise we will easily lose our target."

"Mr. Mo said that he has already found a peerless master and must kill Qin Feng within these two days."

"Qin Feng and Cao Shirong have invested a lot in Dongjiang City, and Qi Shao is very dissatisfied, so we must not lose Qin Feng here."

Tang Tianku said in a cold voice.

Ever since he couldn't get in touch with Chang Le, Mo Lao had been ignoring food and drink, and sent him directly to Dongjiang City today.

But he was originally arranged to follow Cao Shirong, but for some reason, he was arranged to follow Qin Feng.

Now that he knew for sure that Qin Feng was with the Pioneer Group, seeing Qin Feng leave, he naturally had to follow Qin Feng.

"Yes, Brother Skeleton, don't worry, with Zuo Tai following you, you won't be ashamed, and look, it's getting dark now, Qin Feng must be going to have dinner, after all, he is with him Wife."

Fei Hanbin quickly giggled, then took out his cell phone and made a call.

Afterwards, their convoy immediately separated into two cars.

Qin Feng's motorcade and Ni Wenjing's motorcade went straight to Baoxing Hotel on Baode Street.

But when Qin Feng got off the car, he learned that Tang Tianku's motorcade hadn't followed.

"Sir, is it just a coincidence this time?"

White Tiger asked with a frown.

"It's not so much a coincidence. You asked Qinglong to send someone to follow them secretly. Now that the Long family has not been taken down, maybe the Long family will send some killers over."

Qin Feng commanded sharply.

"Yes, sir."

Bai Hu nodded, then took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Soon, Qin Feng and Ni Wenjing arrived at the supreme box upstairs.

"Sir, the person who was following just now..."

As soon as Ni Wenjing sat down on the sofa, she immediately asked Qin Feng.

"Don't worry! They haven't followed me!"

Qin Feng smiled lightly, and then asked people to prepare dinner.

When Yuan Zihan heard Qin Feng's words, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief. After all, when she was in the car, she was still a little worried when she heard Baihu say that someone was following her.

After dinner.

Qin Feng received the news that the following motorcade had arrived at another hotel near the street, Baoli Hotel.

"Zihan, I need to go out for something. You can stay with Wen Jing. You can stay here or go out to play. When you get tired of playing, you can go to her villa with Wen Jing."

Qin Feng suggested to Yuan Zihan.

"get out?"

Yuan Zihan frowned, she guessed that this should be related to the convoy following, otherwise, Qin Feng would not have gone out.

"Don't worry, no one can hurt me! I made an appointment with someone to meet at the nearby Flame Age bar. After I've dealt with the matter, I will go to Wenjing Villa to find you."

Qin Feng quickly explained.

"So you will also go to Wenjing Villa, right? Then you should deal with your affairs early, and I will wait for your return."

Yuan Zihan nodded and said.

Qin Feng smiled slightly, then turned his head and gave Ni Wenjing a wink, then got up and walked towards the door of the box.

"Sister Zihan, don't worry. Since the husband said he would come back, he will definitely come back. As for my villa, if you think going back to the villa is too boring, then we can go shopping and go back to the villa later."

Ni Wenjing walked to Yuan Zihan and sat down, holding Yuan Zihan's hand and said.

"I'm fine!"

Yuan Zihan shook her head at Ni Wenjing, seeing that the door of the box was closed, a trace of sadness still flashed across her face.

(End of this chapter)

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