Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 1058 People Are Here 1 More

Chapter 1058

In the western suburbs of Baode District, the black off-road vehicle drove directly into the abandoned parking lot of Kaide.

"Let go of me! Let me go! Cheng Weicheng, you bastard..."

As soon as Qin Feng and his party got out of the car, they heard a heart-piercing exclamation.

"Search immediately to see what's going on!"

Qin Feng's face darkened, he waved his hands to Bai Hu and the others, and ordered sharply.

However, the Gong family brothers followed the sound and rushed into the parking lot.

In a tin compartment, the lights were dim, but lively and fragrant.

A disheveled man was pressing down on a young woman, tearing her clothes.

"Scream, the more you scream, the more excited I get! Haha!"

"Cheng Weicheng, you are shameless, you bastard! Even if I were a ghost, I would never let you go!"

The young woman struggled and roared, and kept waving her hands, trying to grab the opponent's head.

The disheveled man was exactly what the young woman called Cheng Weicheng, and his back-swept hair style was messed up by the young woman just now.

Of course, Cheng Weicheng also directly slapped the young woman twice.

The young woman's name was Zeng Shuiyun, and she was Cheng Weicheng's neighbor.

Husband Chen Ruiguang broke his legs at the construction site and needed a large amount of medical expenses, at least 30 yuan, but they were a poor and humble couple, how could they pay 30 yuan?
What's more, they have a six-year-old son who has just entered elementary school and needs a large amount of school selection fees.

And Zeng Shuiyun was fooled by her neighbor Cheng Weicheng, thinking that she could borrow 30 yuan, but she didn't expect that Cheng Weicheng tricked her into coming here with the intention of violating her.

But near this old parking lot, there are dilapidated factories and vast wasteland.

"You scold! Even if you scold your throat, no one will hear it. Tonight, just obey me obediently!"

Cheng Weicheng laughed, his face looked obscene and hideous.

"Bastard! You bastard! You should die..."

Zeng Shuiyun cursed angrily, but felt despair in her heart. She thought she could borrow a loan to save her husband, but she didn't expect that she was abducted by a wolf to this wilderness.


When Zeng Shuiyun was about to bite her tongue and kill herself, a voice suddenly sounded.

Cheng Weicheng's expression changed, and he immediately turned his head to look over, only to see a burly man with a flat head rushing in.

Before Cheng Weicheng could react, Gong Xinrong kicked Cheng Weicheng's head.

Cheng Weicheng was directly kicked to the ground, and he passed out immediately.

Zeng Shuiyun looked at Gong Xinrong, shocked, but suddenly felt that her upper body was exposed, she quickly picked up the torn clothes and covered her upper body.

Although Gong Xinrong hit Cheng Weicheng, she was still very wary of Gong Xinrong, what if Gong Xinrong also took a liking to him?
"How are you?"

Gong Xinrong asked quickly.

Zeng Shuiyun shook her head, but she still didn't dare to say anything or get up.

Gong Xingxian walked over here, saw Gong Xinrong standing there, glanced inside, and immediately yelled outside.

"Mr. Qin, people are here!"

Seeing another strong man approaching, Zeng Shuiyun was even more flustered.

Qin Feng came over, glanced at the situation inside the iron compartment, and threw a battle training uniform that he had prepared to Zeng Shuiyun.

"Put it on."

"Thank you!"

Zeng Shuiyun was a little surprised, and immediately nodded gratefully, and then put on the combat training uniform.

And she found that Gong Xinrong and Qin Feng had turned around, so she was sure that these people should be good people.

Of course, looking at Gong Xinrong's back, she felt a little guilty, because just now she was wondering if Gong Xinrong would do anything to her.

After getting dressed, she turned her head and glanced at Cheng Weicheng. She frowned instantly and asked nervously, "Will he be kicked to death?"

"Don't worry, he just fainted. By the way, I'm a doctor, and I can't make a mistake. But, why are you here?"

Qin Feng asked lightly.

"Are you a doctor? Then can you help me, let the hospital help cure my husband's legs first?"

When Zeng Shuiyun heard Qin Feng supporting the doctor, she was overjoyed and asked quickly.

"You'd better briefly describe the matter first, we still have something to do here."

Qin Feng turned his head to look at Zeng Shuiyun, and said in a cold voice.

Zeng Shuiyun nodded and quickly told the story.

"It seems that this person is really too much! I have already recorded it, and he will have to spend ten years in prison by then, so don't worry about what else he will do to you."

"As for saving your husband, let me talk about it later. We are being hunted down now, so no matter what you hear or see later, stay hidden, don't come out, and don't make a sound."

"We've dealt with the people outside, and we'll go find your husband with you. As for this person, I'll send someone to the police station directly."

Qin Feng said in a deep voice, and then gestured to Baihu.

Bai Hu immediately stepped forward and removed Cheng Weicheng's arms.

Cheng Weicheng wailed twice, he regained consciousness, but immediately passed out again.

Then, Qin Feng waved Gong Xinrong to take Zeng Shuiyun to find another hiding place.

Zeng Shuiyun had just hid here when she heard the sound of brakes.

Then, a strong man's voice sounded, "Where is the man?"

At the entrance of the abandoned parking lot, more than a dozen vans stopped.

Tang Tianku got out of the car with a group of men in blue.

Zuo Tai looked at Tang Tianku, nodded quickly and said, "Brother Kulou, people are in the abandoned parking lot. I have sent people out. If they slip away from other directions, Hongda and the others will yell."

"It's in there?"

Tang Tianku frowned. He didn't understand what Qin Feng was doing in this abandoned parking lot, but he knew that this was an opportunity for him.

"That's right, it's inside. Brother Skeleton, with so many of us going in, we should be able to take them down. There are only about six of them."

Zuo Tai nodded and said.

(End of this chapter)

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