Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 1063 Discharge 6

Chapter 1063
"So, Mr. Chen, do you believe that I can cure your legs?"

Qin Feng laughed.

"not me……"

Chen Ruiguang smiled stiffly, not knowing what to say, after all his wife believed in Qin Feng, so he couldn't say that he didn't believe in Qin Feng.

"Okay, I know you are worried! But, I have to warn you, from now on, you have to learn to control your emotions, and you are not allowed to scold people in the future, and calm down about everything, so that you can recover better and faster."

Qin Feng suddenly restrained his smile and said in a deep voice.


Chen Ruiguang quickly agreed.

Qin Feng took out the silver needle bag, and immediately gave Chen Ruiguang acupuncture.

Chen Ruiguang was still a little suspicious at first, but he was very surprised to see that Qin Feng inserted the needle quickly and his feet did not feel pain.

Bai Hu walked in suddenly and said to Qin Feng: "Sir, there is a woman named Zeng Shuimiao outside who claims to be Zeng Shuiyun's younger sister and wants to come in!"

"Zeng Shuimiao? That's my sister-in-law!"

Chen Ruiguang hurriedly said to Baihu, but he never thought that his sister-in-law would come running over.

"Let her in!"

Qin Feng waved to Baihu.

"Yes, sir."

Baihu nodded, then turned around and ran out again.

Soon, a tall, long-haired woman walked in. This long-haired woman was also Chen Ruiguang's sister-in-law, Zeng Shuimiao.

A melon-seeded face is exquisite and attractive, pink and white, can be broken by blowing bullets, phoenix eyes and fine nose, small mouth is thin and shiny, and the neck is slender, she is a lively little beauty.

She was wearing a white shirt on her upper body and a pair of blue denim shorts on her lower body. Her long legs were beautifully white.

Qin Feng glanced at Zeng Shuimiao, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

When Zeng Shuimiao saw Qin Feng, she frowned. After all, she didn't know Qin Feng. She came here in a hurry after receiving a call from Zeng Shuiyun.

"Brother-in-law, how are you doing?"

"Shui Miao, why did you come here? Don't you work in Donghai City?"

When Chen Ruiguang saw Zeng Shuimiao, he immediately asked back.

"I heard that there was an accident at your construction site and you broke your legs. Can I not come? How are you doing now? Where's my sister?"

Zeng Shuimiao asked nervously.

"Your sister went to go through the formalities. I'm fine. The doctor is showing me now. He said that I can recover in three months."

Chen Ruiguang laughed.


When Zeng Shuimiao heard this, she turned to look at Qin Feng with a puzzled expression. She was wearing Qin Feng's suit and not wearing a white coat. She thought Qin Feng was Chen Ruiguang's friend or something.

However, she couldn't help being a little surprised to see Qin Feng constantly twisting the silver needles that had been stuck in Chen Ruiguang's legs.

Qin Feng did not talk to Zeng Shuimiao, but carefully observed the changes in his legs.

"By the way, brother-in-law, what did Derui Real Estate say? I heard from my sister that they don't pay any compensation? Are they going too far? How can they behave like this?"

Zeng Shuimiao continued to look at Chen Ruiguang, gritted her teeth and asked.

"This...the Bing family has a lot of influence here, and after my accident happened, they immediately distanced themselves from it."

Chen Ruiguang lowered his head sadly, shook his head and said.

"They can't act like this. You were injured on duty. They should bear all your expenses."

Zeng Shuimiao said with a frown.

"Don't be so naive! You have come out to work! Don't you know that, like me, they are naturally eager to get rid of the relationship, how can they pay me back the expenses?"

Chen Ruiguang said with a sigh.

But for Derui Real Estate, he was also resentful.

"Brother-in-law! We can sue them! We..."

Seeing Chen Ruiguang's appearance, Zeng Shuimiao immediately gritted her teeth and expressed her thoughts, but was immediately interrupted by Chen Ruiguang.

"Okay! Don't make trouble! What are we going to sue? Besides, we can't afford to offend the Bing family!"

Chen Ruiguang said sharply.

"I... but brother-in-law, aren't you too wronged? Isn't it good that you joined the army in Xijiang six years ago? But why do you..."

Zeng Shuimiao said with an awkward smile, but dared not continue.

"I was pretty good in Xijiang, but back then, I was young and aggressive and offended a local lady over there, and then I was fired. I lied to your sister and said that I retired and came back."

Chen Ruiguang gritted his teeth and talked about his past.

The door of the room was pushed open suddenly, and the three of Zeng Shuiyun came back.

"Shui Miao, are you here?"

Zeng Shuiyun was overjoyed when she saw Zeng Shuimiao, and quickly walked forward.

The Gong brothers were stunned, unexpectedly there was another person here.

But Gong Xingxian found that his elder brother was completely fascinated, so he quickly pulled Gong Xinrong's arm, and asked in a low voice: "Brother, do you like her?"

"Don't make trouble!"

Gong Xinrong blushed and scolded in a low voice.

Gong Xingxian scratched the back of his head, hehe smiled, and didn't say anything else.

Zeng Shuiyun chatted with Zeng Shuimiao for a while, and she immediately looked at Qin Feng.

"Sir, I have already gone through the discharge operation here, should I leave now?"


Qin Feng nodded and said.

"Discharged? Didn't you go through hospitalization? Why did you turn into a discharge? Also, a doctor was caught at the door, what's going on?"

Zeng Shuimiao looked puzzled, and hurriedly asked Zeng Shuiyun.

"I'll tell you when the time comes!"

Zeng Shuiyun shook her head, she just wanted to deal with her husband's affairs as soon as possible.

"Get the stretcher in!"

Qin Feng waved to the Gong brothers.

The Gong brothers immediately turned around and walked out.

Afterwards, a stretcher was carried in by the Gong family brothers, and the two of them moved Chen Ruiguang to the stretcher according to Qin Feng's instructions.

Zeng Shuimiao was full of doubts, but if her sister didn't tell her, she couldn't ask back.

However, when she walked out of the ward with Qin Feng and his party, she was suddenly shocked by the scene outside the ward.

(End of this chapter)

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