Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 1073 Kota Yasuda 8 more

Chapter 1073
However, Ni Wenjing remembered that when she participated in the reception at the Junlin International Hotel, she only saw the old men of these small families.

Dudes like Huang Chongshun or Ren Haoyan are not eligible to attend the reception, after all, the reception has a quota limit.

So she guessed that it must be the dandy of the Bing family who offended Qin Feng. If the old man of the Bing family saw Qin Feng, he would have knelt down in fright and would not dare to provoke Qin Feng.

When Bai Hu heard what Qin Feng said, he immediately stepped aside.

Qin Feng waved to Ni Wenjing, signaling Ni Wenjing to go back to the villa first.

Ni Wenjing frowned slightly, nodded, and immediately turned around and walked back to the villa.

When Huang Chongshun saw Ni Wenjing walk away, his face froze. What should he do now?
How will Qin Fengfeng deal with him?
This time, he didn't want to leave, and he didn't want to leave. He could only wait here for Qin Feng to speak.

But Qin Feng just stood there without saying a word, and even closed his eyes.

This made Ren Haoyan very upset, and a sneer flashed across his eyes.

"Pretend to me, right? Hmph! When Kota Yasuda comes over, you'll be hard-pressed to fly."

"Ni Wenjing is the woman I like, and I will never give it up to you!"

"I will amputate all your limbs, and I will never allow you to have any contact with Ni Wenjing."

After muttering in a low voice.

Ren Haoyan waved to Tao Maodian, and said in a low voice, "Call and ask, and see where Senior Baotian is."

"Yes, Young Master Yan."

Tao Maodian nodded, then walked aside, took out his mobile phone, and made a call.

Soon, Tao Maodian finished the phone call, and then reported to Ren Haoyan: "Young Master Yan, Senior Baotian will be here soon, and he is already in the driveway of the villa area outside."

"Very good! This is all right, none of them can run away."

Ren Haoyan sneered, thinking of Shi Qimeng and others, he couldn't help fantasizing, how happy it would be if Shi Qimeng and others could all beat his back.

5 minute later.

A convoy drove towards this side, but because Huang Chongshun had too many cars before, even if Qin Feng's two cars were not counted, the convoy could only stay behind.

As the convoy stopped, a large group of men in black rushed over in small steps.

Soon, these men in black walked straight to Ren Haoyan.

And the one walking behind was a strong man with a short cut. He was the Yasuda Kota hired by Ren Haoyan.

"Master Ren!"

Baotian Huangtai came over and immediately nodded to Ren Haoyan.

"Senior Baotian, you are here! If you don't come again, I will call my old man soon."

When Ren Haoyan saw Yasuda Kota, his face was happy, and he said with a sigh.

"Master Ren, what's going on here? Aren't they the ones I sent you? Why do they all fall to the ground?"

Baotian Huang asked in a cold voice, but he had actually noticed Baihu and the others, and deliberately pretended not to know.

Ren Haoyan was not angry about Baotian Huangtai's knowingly asking. Instead, he hated Qin Feng and said coldly: "Senior Baotian! They are too arrogant! Because of the large number of people, they knocked down all the bodyguards you sent me gone."

"They also said that the people you sent to me are trash! They didn't pay attention to you at all. They are a group of arrogant lunatics."

"So Senior Baotian, you must not be polite, you must deal with them severely for me."

Huang Chongshun was very surprised, he never thought that Ren Haoyan would dare to deliberately add embellishments.

But when he saw people like Yasuda Kota, he was also a little puzzled. Could it be that these people are really powerful?Can you knock down Baihu and the others on Qin Feng's side?

Yasuda Kota's complexion changed suddenly, and he immediately spat angrily.

"Bage! How dare you call us trash?"

As soon as he turned around, Yasuda Kota cast his sinister eyes on Qin Feng and the others.

"Senior Baotian, you must take them down for me!"

Ren Haoyan said sharply.

"Young Master Ren, don't worry! Just a few of them, I will definitely take them down."

Baotian Huangtai snorted coldly, then waved to the men in black.

The men in black swung the swords on their backs and rushed towards Qin Feng and the others.

Qin Feng stood still, his eyes still closed tightly, but he gestured to Bai Hu and the others, and said coldly: "Kill them!"

Baihu and the others got the order, and immediately swung their daggers, rushing towards the men in black.

The two groups of people fought together in an instant.

There was a flash of swords and swords, and both sides shot very quickly.

Huang Chongshun was dazzled by the sight, he naturally knew that these men in black were ninjas, but he didn't know how Ren Haoyan got so many ninjas.

However, Huang Chongshun was stunned for an instant, because he saw Qin Feng standing motionless in his original position.

But Baihu and the others surrounded Qin Feng, not letting the men in black approach him.

Although it seemed that these men in black were wielding long swords, what made Huang Chongshun's heart tremble was that the aura on Baihu and the others was like a tiger descending a mountain.

In the blink of an eye, most of the men in black were killed.

This time, instead of being knocked down like before, he was directly killed.

"Eight grids!"

Baotian Huangtai let out an angry roar. He thought he didn't need to make a move, but he was furious in an instant. He swung a Taidao and rushed towards the white tiger.

When Baihu saw Baotian Huangtai rushing towards him, he immediately sneered and swung a short knife to meet him.

The two were entangled with each other all of a sudden, and their moves were as fast as lightning.

Seeing the shots of the two, the people next to them moved away one after another, giving them a space.

(End of this chapter)

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