Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 1077 Must Massage 2 More

Chapter 1077
Because the members of the Iga family have never been slaves to others, and now that Iga Ruri is a slave to others, what will the people in the family think of Iga Ruri?

I'm afraid the people in the family thought that Iga Ruri had committed some kind of rebellion.

"Miss, you can't be a slave to his wife. You are a lady, how can you be a slave to others?"

"Yes, Miss, this matter should be discussed with the family members."

Takei Miki and Matsuda Miho quickly persuaded Iga Ruri.

"To shut up!"

Yihe Liuli turned her head and scolded in a low voice, she is very aware of her situation now, and only by being a slave can she find a way out.

Otherwise, she will only have a dead end, not to mention that even Yasuda Kota is not an opponent of Baihu alone, she is just a jounin just like Yasuda Kota.

A mere jounin can't deal with peerless masters such as Wu Wang, Wudi, Wu Zun, etc. If Qin Feng is Wu Zun, once her legs are crippled, there may be no chance of healing for the rest of her life.

And she only worked as a servant for Mrs. Qin Feng for a month, but the disability must last her whole life, so there was no other choice.

"Very good. Since you have chosen to be a slave, then if you keep vigil from now on, someone will definitely come over tonight. You need to help with this. Do you understand?"

Qin Feng said lightly.

Since Iga Liuli chose to be a slave, he is his for the time being, and he will naturally not reprimand him with a cold face.

"Yes, sir. Follow your orders!"

Iga Ruri nodded quickly.

"Baihu, let Lin Xuezhi come over!"

Qin Feng waved to Baihu.

"Yes, sir."

Bai Hu nodded quickly, then took out his mobile phone and dialed Lin Xuezhi's number.

"Lin Xuezhi was sent by Iga Toshiro's side to steal my paintings. Her original name was Hasegawa Xuezhi. Now she is my wife's bodyguard."

Qin Feng explained to Yihe Liuli.

Iga Liuli was a little surprised, she never thought that Qin Feng would take in Iga Toshiro's people.

But she was overjoyed, if she could communicate well with this Lin Xuezhi, then she could also know more about who Qin Feng was.

After all, being able to kill Jincheng Yingming proves that Qin Feng's strength and connections are very powerful.

Now if she can establish a relationship with Qin Feng, then she will definitely be able to get a chance to cooperate, because she has also sent someone to investigate, and the ring reception was also organized by Qin Feng and Cao Shirong in collaboration with the Hu family in Shaoxin City.

And she came to Dongjiang City to obtain cooperation and development, which also coincided with her original intention.

But Takei Miki and Matsuda Miho both had frowns, because they didn't expect Iga Ruri to actually choose to be a slave.

Only then did Qin Feng wave to Yihe Liuli and the others, and said with a faint smile, "You all stand up."

"Yes, sir."

Iga Ruri nodded, then stood up.

Takei Miki and Matsuda Miho also stood up, but they immediately pulled Iga Ruri aside, and whispered admonishment.

After a while, Lin Xuezhi came into the hall.


Qin Feng waved to Lin Xuezhi, motioning Lin Xuezhi to look at Yihe Liuli.

"From now on, Iga Liuli is my wife's servant, come and get to know her, and then explain the rules to her."

Lin Xuezhi looked astonished, she naturally knew Yihe Liuli, but she never thought that Yihe Liuli would choose to be Yuan Zihan's servant.

All of a sudden, she felt that she was one level higher than Iga Liuli, because she was a female bodyguard, and her servant status was naturally lower than that of a female bodyguard.

"Hi, I'm Lin Xuezhi."

"Hi, I'm Iga Ruri, please give me your advice."

Iga Liuli ignored the advice of Takei Miki and Matsuda Miho, and immediately smiled at Lin Xuezhi.

"Iga Ruri, you should know how to massage, right?"

Qin Feng suddenly asked Yihe Liuli.

"Massage? I will!"

Iga Ruri nodded immediately.

"In this case, then you can go upstairs with me and give my wife a massage. She has gone climbing today and needs a massage."

Qin Feng said in a deep voice, then stood up and walked towards the stairs.

Lin Xuezhi looked at it, but it suddenly dawned on her. She knew that Yiga Liuli must have become a servant because of the attack at the door tonight.

But Qin Feng was not sure what Yiga Liuli was thinking, so he asked Yiga Liuli to go for a massage, just to investigate Yiga Liuli.

If Yihe Liuli dared to attack Yuan Zihan, it would be a dead end, because Qin Feng would definitely be watching.

After thinking about this, Lin Xuezhi gave Yihe Liuli a blank look, and she immediately followed Qin Feng.

Yihe Liuli's complexion changed, because Lin Xuezhi's supercilious eyes caused many thoughts to flash through her mind in an instant.

Takei Miki and Matsuda Miho held Iga Ruri back.

"Miss, you can't give his wife a massage. You are a lady, how can you do such a thing?"

"Yes, Miss, you must not, you still don't want to go, if you go, let us go."

"Let me go!"

Iga Ruri shouted sharply, then threw away Takei Miki and Matsuda Miho, and followed Qin Feng to the stairs.

Takei Miki and Matsuda Miho glanced at each other, both gritted their teeth, their faces were solemn, and they also followed Iga Ruri and walked over.

However, when they reached the door of a bedroom upstairs, Miki Takei and Miho Matsuda were stopped by Lin Xuezhi.

"Sorry, you can't go in, you can either go downstairs and wait, or wait at the door."

Lin Xuezhi said sharply.

"You... are you going too far?"

Miki Takei frowned and said, she couldn't follow in, how would she know if Iga Ruri was being bullied?

You know, she has been Iga Liuli's bodyguard for so long, and she has never been separated from Iga Liuli like this.

However, Miho Matsuda held back Miki Takei. After all, this is someone else's house. If they offended Qin Feng, the consequences would not be something they could bear.

Lin Xuezhi didn't care what they thought, went in directly, and closed the door.

In the room, Yihe Liuli followed Qin Feng in.

Qin Feng sat down on a sofa, then waved to Yihe Liuli, signaling Yiga Liuli to go to the bathroom to wash his hands.

Iga Ruri immediately walked over obediently.

And Qin Feng found that Yuan Zihan was not asleep yet, so he smiled faintly, "Zihan, don't pretend to be asleep, I'll find someone to come up and give you a massage."


Yuan Zihan sat up straight at once, and looked at Qin Feng in surprise, wondering why a strange woman came in.

"You're tired today, so naturally you need a massage. Don't worry, I'll watch you by the side."

Qin Feng nodded to Yuan Zihan.

(End of this chapter)

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