Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 1085 One Opportunity Update

Chapter 1085

"No, sir, I was obsessed with money last night. As for the money, I also said that I have really returned it to Ren Yuhai, really."

Liu Guanliang hurriedly said in a trembling voice, he could feel that Qin Feng was really angry.


Qin Feng asked coldly.

"Really! Sir, I really didn't lie to you, please believe me."

Liu Guanliang nodded and said, naturally he didn't dare to lie to Qin Feng, otherwise, he wouldn't even know how to die.

"You continue to kneel first."

Qin Feng snorted coldly, then continued to look at the Huang family father and son, and said coldly: "Okay, stop kowtowing!"

"Yes, sir."

Huang Kaixiang and Huang Chongshun also immediately stopped kowtowing and looked at Qin Feng nervously.

"Since you are so sincere in apologizing, then what happened last night will be exposed, but you can't pester Ni Wenjing in the future."

"Ni Wenjing is the chairman of our group. If something happens to her that delays my investment plan, I can't forgive you."

"Don't think I'm joking with you. I have invested nearly 1000 billion in Dongjiang City. I don't mind spending 100 billion to clean you up. Do you understand?"

Qin Feng said in a cold voice, his eyes scanned the Huang family father and son coldly.


The Huang family's father and son quickly responded to Qin Feng with trembling voices, and both of them were so frightened that they trembled all over.

Just throw 100 billion at will?This tone made them feel like their hearts were about to jump out.

This is not the God of Wealth they can't afford.

Liu Guanliang was also trembling all over. Compared with the Huang family and his son, he had already confirmed that Qin Feng was a big shot with Cao Shirong.

Now he hoped that the big man would stop worrying about it, otherwise, he would have no way out, and as for confronting Qin Feng, it would be a dead end.

Looking at Qin Feng, he also immediately held his breath, for fear that he would alarm Qin Feng.

"You dared to send 2000 people over to intercept, but I fell asleep. If I was there last night, I would have slaughtered all 2000 people for you."

Qin Feng turned his head and glared at Liu Guanliang, and said in a cold voice.

"I'm sorry sir, I was confused last night, please forgive me!"

Liu Guanliang begged quickly, and continued to kowtow to Qin Feng.

"Don't kowtow. Next, I need your help with something. You must handle this matter well. By the way, who is your backstage?"

Qin Feng waved his hand and asked with a gloomy face.

"Backstage? The backstage of our Lion Lion Chamber of Commerce is the Tianyue Chamber of Commerce. The Tianyue Chamber of Commerce and the Ma family know each other."

Liu Guanliang quickly explained.

"In that case, you should also know Ma Zizhuo, right?"

Qin Feng nodded and continued to ask.

"I know! I have met young master Ma Zizhuo before, but these young masters are very busy, I don't usually see them at all, and I don't have much contact with them."

Liu Guanliang nodded quickly and said.

"In that case, then you should contact Ma Ziyao. As for what to do, Ma Ziyao will let you know."

Qin Feng waved to Liu Guanliang, indicating that Liu Guanliang can leave.

"Yes, sir, I'm going to contact Master Ma Zizhuo right now."

Liu Guanliang stood up quickly as if he had been pardoned.

But after taking a few steps, he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

After all, kneeling all night, his legs were already sore, so he waved his hand immediately, motioning for two men in blue to come over and support him.

"Sir, if you need to do anything, you can let our Huang family do it."

Huang Jianlin quickly suggested to Qin Feng.

Seeing Liu Guanliang leave, he knew that Liu Guanliang was lucky, if he could help Qin Feng, a big man, he would be rich in money in the future.

So he also wanted to seize the opportunity to do something for Qin Feng.

"Get up first!"

Qin Feng waved to the Huang family father and son, signaling them to stand up.

The two also stood up immediately, but as soon as they stood up, their legs felt numb, and they could only call a few bodyguards to support them.

"Sir, our Huang family is willing to obey your orders from now on. As long as you have any orders, I will do my best."

Huang Kaixiang quickly said in a deep voice.

"I really don't ask you to do anything now. If there is, I will definitely let you do it. Now that the Bing family and the Ren family are in trouble in Baode District, it is easy for those workers to pay attention to Baode District. Misunderstanding."

"So, what you have to do now is to stabilize your group, give confidence to those workers, and insist on continuing to do business."

"In this way, the market economy in Baode District will return to normal, and it will not be affected by the Bing family and the Ren family."

Qin Feng explained in a deep voice, staring at Huang Kaixiang sharply.


Huang Kaixiang thought that Qin Fengfeng was scolding, but he didn't expect Qin Fengfeng to say that suddenly, but this made him very happy.

After all, Baode District also needs a good market environment and investment environment. If Qin Feng impulsively knocks down their Huang family, then the impact on the environment here will be too great.

So he also instantly understood that this was both a test and an opportunity for the Huang family.

If Qin Feng doesn't move their Huang family, then their Huang family can continue to develop. Without the Bing family and Ren family, their Huang family can soar into the sky without other pressure.

After all, it was the Bing family and the Ren family who were messing around in the past, causing the market to be bad, and the development of their Huang family has not been very smooth, but now, it is extremely smooth.

"No, I'm not such a stingy person, but if Huang Chongshun continued to attack last night, then I would definitely not forgive Huang Chongshun, so thank you, thank you for having a son with a decent character. "

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth curled up, hehe smiled, and squinted his eyes to look at Huang Chongshun.

Huang Chongshun was stunned. He held back last night and didn't fight Qin Feng much, but he didn't expect to get Qin Feng's forgiveness because of this.

No wonder Qin Feng didn't make things difficult for him last night, otherwise, his limbs would have been abolished.

"Sir, don't worry, I will go back and prepare to hold a press conference for what you explained, so that those workers will stick to their posts."

"However, Huang Chongshun did inadvertently bump into Mr.'s female bodyguard, so I still suggest Huang Chongshun to stay."

"Sir, if there is anything Huang Chongshun needs to do, just ask him."

Huang Kaixiang said tremblingly.

When Huang Chongshun heard Huang Kaixiang's words, he didn't have any objection, but nodded to Qin Feng with a solemn expression.

No matter what Qin Feng asks him to do, he will try his best to do it well for Qin Feng, as long as Qin Feng doesn't blame him and the Huang family, it's fine.

"In that case, then Young Master Shun will stay first!"

Qin Feng nodded, and gestured to Huang Kaixiang, signaling Huang Kaixiang to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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