Chapter 1401 Qi Shao Runs Twelve More

After dealing with Xiao Zhongquan's matter, Qin Feng also went to check on Luo Deyi immediately.

Luo Deyi's tuberculosis has improved after Qin Feng's treatment, so Luo Deyi has resumed his normal behavior, but he still lives in the isolated bedroom on the third floor.

Even if Qin Feng went out on honeymoon with Yuan Zihan during this time, he still asked Jiang Zhiling and the others to take care and treat him.

Of course, it is not to cure Luo Deyi, because no matter how he is treated, Luo Deyi can only live for two years at most.

Accompanying Luo Deyi, Qin Feng also told about how he captured Wen Heng and killed Xiao Zhongquan.

"Okay! If you can avenge your mother, that's a good thing."

Luo Deyi nodded to Qin Feng after listening.

Then, Qin Feng returned to the lobby on the first floor.

Seeing Qin Feng coming down, Yuan Yashi immediately entangled Qin Feng.

Yuan Zihan knew that Qin Feng had seen Luo Deyi in the past, so he immediately asked about Luo Deyi's situation.

Knowing that Luo Deyi only had two years to live, she was instantly depressed.

Ye Wushuang and others also comforted Yuan Zihan one after another.

Zhou Qinya answered a phone call, but her expression suddenly changed.

Putting down the phone, she immediately reported to Qin Feng: "Brother Feng, something has happened! Sun Zhengqi is about to run away, and he has already boarded a plane to the Kingdom of Liedian."

"Just him? Want to run away?"

Qin Feng sneered, and his eyes darkened instantly. Naturally, he would not let Sun Zhengqi escape.

"Do you want people to intercept the plane? Or do you want people to intercept it on the side of the Great Britain?"

Zhou Qinya asked with a frown.

"No need! If he stays in our country of Xia, maybe I don't want to kill him. But since he runs away by himself, then he will go to Liedian country, and the Sun family can't blame us for his death."

Qin Feng sneered.

"You mean, wait for him to get there before we start? That's fine. My Zhou family also has elites in Liedian Kingdom, so it's easy to clean up a mere Sun Zhengqi."

Zhou Qinya said with a giggle.

Then, she immediately waved to Xianfu impatiently, asked for a mobile phone, and made a call directly.

Soon, news of the killing of Sun Zhengqi reached the elite of the Zhou family in Liedian Kingdom.

At the Yinhe International Airport, at the ticket office, a woman with curly yellow hair was making a fuss.

"Why can't I get on the plane? I said I can make up money for you."

This woman with yellow curly hair was Song Xiaxuan, and she was extremely nervous when she learned that Sun Zhengqi was about to escape from Donghai City.

Because that masked man made her have to monitor Sun Zhengqi, now that Sun Zhengqi is leaving Donghai City, how else can she monitor him?

But what she didn't expect was that ticket sales were banned at the airport.

"Madam, please don't make trouble here?"

The conductor waved to Song Xiaxuan, motioning for Song Xiaxuan to go away.

A bald-headed man came over, looked at Song Xiaxuan coldly, and said sharply, "Don't make a fuss, come with me."

When Song Xiaxuan saw this bald-headed man, she naturally recognized him immediately.

It was this bald man who took her to meet a masked man before, and then she was arranged by the masked man to follow Sun Zhengqi.

Now that the bald man asked her to leave, she naturally didn't dare to resist.

Following the bald man all the way to the van outside, Song Xiaxuan's face was frightened instantly, "Brother, I really can't help it, Sun Zhengqi ran away by himself, he won't take me with him."

"I know. So I received an order that you don't have to follow him. After he dies tomorrow, you will be free."

The bald man said coldly, and then asked the driver to start the van.


Song Xiaxuan was very surprised, she never thought that these people would kill Sun Zhengqi.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't. In short, as long as Sun Zhengqi is dead, we will give you freedom."

The bald man gave Song Xiaxuan a blank look, and warned sharply.

Not long after, the bald man took Song Xiaxuan to the Splendid International Hotel near the airport, and went straight to a supreme box.

Song Xiaxuan entered the box, and her heart trembled instantly, because she didn't know what the bald man brought her here for.

"Master Hang! Someone brought it here!"

When the bald man approached the sofa, he immediately bowed his head to a young man on the sofa.

This young man was Zhou Yuanhang. Hearing this, he immediately waved to the bald man, signaling the bald man to back away.

The bald man didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately stepped aside.

"Hi, Master Hang!"

Song Xiaxuan was a little surprised when she saw Zhou Yuanhang, because she didn't expect Zhou Yuanhang to be here. After all, she wanted to follow Sun Zhengqi from the beginning, so she had heard of Zhou Yuanhang.

And she found that the masked man was actually standing behind Zhou Yuanhang's sofa.

This made her a little confused. Back then, the masked man asked Sun Zhengqi to follow him, but now he doesn't let her follow him?Could it be because Sun Zhengqi wants to go abroad?

"You are Song Xiaxuan, right? You didn't complete the task before, and what you know doesn't help us much, so what do you think we should do with you?"

Zhou Yuanhang said coldly.

When Song Xiaxuan heard this, her pretty face changed slightly. She thought Zhou Yuanhang was going to kill her, so she immediately knelt down on Zhou Yuanhang's knees.

"Master Hang, please let me go! Sun Zhengqi has Xiong Xianyi over there, and I have never been able to get close, so I can't find anything. It's really not what I don't want to investigate."

"Did Hang Shao make you kneel?"

Zha Yaxin, the female secretary standing beside Zhou Yuanhang, saw Song Xiaxuan knelt down, and immediately scolded.

But Song Xiaxuan didn't dare to stand up, she still looked at Zhou Yuanhang nervously.

"Okay! I'll give you a chance! Accompany me to the Liedian Kingdom tonight. If Sun Zhengqi is intercepted then, I need your help."

Zhou Yuanhang said sharply.

"Thank you Hang Shao! No matter what you tell me to do, Hang Shao, I will definitely do it."

Song Xiaxuan replied tremblingly, looking at Zhou Yuanhang excitedly.

For her, this opportunity is a life-saving straw, she must grasp it tightly, otherwise, she will die.

(End of this chapter)

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