Chapter 18

When Jiang Zhiling heard this, she immediately walked aside, opened a code box, and took out a dragon mask from the bottom of the box.

Holding the carved dragon mask in both hands, she walked up to Qin Feng, knelt down on one knee, and handed the mask to Qin Feng.

When everyone saw it, they all had solemn faces, and immediately knelt down on one knee.

Ye Wushuang's pretty face froze, her breathing stagnated, and her whole body froze to the side.

She could see that these people really respected Qin Feng, as if they were worshiping the emperor.

This man had an indescribable aura all over his body, which made her heart beat wildly, and her cheeks flushed to the base of her ears in an instant.

Qin Feng picked up the mask and put it on directly.

A pair of longan glanced at Su Jinbo's crowd, and said coldly: "Too many of you are crowded here, you should disperse."

When everyone heard the words, they retreated without saying a word.

Jiang Zhiling saw it, and quickly gestured to the female bodyguard Yan Qingxue.

Yan Qingxue immediately backed out, but after a while she came in again, followed by two oval-faced women with long hair in a bun in Hanfu.

"Hurry up, change clothes for the emperor."

Jiang Zhiling sternly ordered to the two women.

The two women immediately stepped forward to change Qin Feng's clothes.

Ye Wushuang backed out with the crowd, she felt that she was still upset, but she knew that she was right this time.

Last night when she learned that someone had entered the emperor's suite, she hurried over, but she didn't expect that Qin Feng was actually an emperor teacher.

Moreover, this emperor teacher actually made the richest man and others kneel down, even the first war venerable.

So she decided that in the future, if Qin Feng needs it, then she will fully cooperate with Qin Feng.

Qin Feng changed into a white custom-made private casual clothes, and then walked out.

"Immediately let someone lock the range, let's go!"

Qin Feng glanced at the crowd, and ordered in a cold voice.

Su Jinbo quickly responded: "Teacher Emperor, probably the area has been locked. The robbers are in Beituo District, and most likely in the eastern suburbs."

Qin Feng nodded, turned around and walked towards the door of the suite.

Everyone followed after seeing it.

"Oh my god, we can't go out of the hotel anymore, what is the situation?"

"You were still dreaming last night, so you don't know, right? A big man has come to our hotel, and even the first war master has come over."

"Not only the number one Warlord, but even Su Jinbo, the richest man. Who is this big man? It would be great if I could get to know him."

All over the hotel, customers are talking about it.

Since the hotel was guarded, anyone could only enter but not exit, which also caused some people to feel a little bit resentful.

After all, they have work or other things to do today, so they can't leave the hotel now, so many things will be delayed.

However, more people want to know who this so-called big shot is.

After Yuan Jiayan went back to the luxury suite, she couldn't fall asleep, and then woke up very early, and dressed herself up beautifully again.

Then, she wanted to continue to go up to the imperial suite, but was refused to enter the special elevator.

Helpless, she had no choice but to wait in the front lobby on the first floor, trying to meet the big shot when the big shot was out of the hotel.

Qin Feng stepped out of the elevator and saw Yuan Jiayan at a glance.

Before he came down, he had already heard that Yuan Jiayan wanted to visit him, but was stopped by Jiang Zhiling.

At this time, he had no time to pay attention to Yuan Jiayan, he just wanted to find Yuan Zihan and his daughter Yuan Yashi as soon as possible.

The security guards lined up to clear the way for Qin Feng.

Yuan Jiayan pushed aside a security guard, ran towards Qin Feng, and then knelt down in front of Qin Feng.

"My lord, I am Yuan Jiayan, the eldest granddaughter of the Yuan family. I took the liberty to go there last night. Our Yuan family really wants to befriend you. Please give me a chance."

Since Qin Feng was wearing a mask and changed clothes, Yuan Jiayan didn't recognize Qin Feng at all.

Not only Qin Feng, but even Jiang Zhiling, Suzaku and other four major guards also put on masks.

Seeing Yuan Jiayan rushing, Suzaku wanted to step forward and kick Yuan Jiayan away, but seeing Qin Feng's hand gesture, she forcibly held back her thoughts.

"Go away."

Seeing Qin Feng's gesture, Jiang Zhiling immediately stepped forward to scold Yuan Jiayan, and at the same time gestured to the two men in white clothes.

The two men in white immediately stepped forward and pushed Yuan Jiayan away.

Yuan Jiayan watched Qin Feng walk out of the hotel lobby, her heart trembled.

Because she found that not only Ye Wushuang, but also the richest man Su Jinbo and the others followed behind Qin Feng, as if he had turned into a small follower.

"Who the hell is this?"

Yuan Jiayan muttered softly.

The customers who were watching on tiptoe at the entrance of the lobby on the first floor of the hotel also started talking again.

"Oh my god, it's really Su Jinbo, the richest man, I saw it, I saw it..."

"A lot of great people. I recognized Su Jinbo and Miao Jingguo, an economic expert. Who are the others?"

"How domineering! Even Su Jinbo and the others can only follow behind. Who is this masked man?"

Suddenly, the hall on the first floor was noisy.

Many customers who learned that the big man was going out, because they were still in the room and did not go downstairs, so they were lying on the window and looking down.

Qin Feng walked out of the front hall and walked straight to a black RV parked in front of the hotel.

However, just as Qin Feng was about to get into the back of the car, a call came into Qinglong's cell phone.

As soon as Qinglong picked it up, his expression changed instantly. He quickly covered the phone and handed it to Qin Feng.

"Emperor Master, this call is from the teacher's wife. I am afraid that something has happened to the teacher's wife. The Jie over there seems to have not noticed the call from the teacher's wife, so you can listen."

You can listen, but you can't speak. Once you speak, and the person on the other side of the phone hears it, Yuan Zihan will be in danger.

Qin Feng took the phone and listened immediately.

A man's voice came from the phone.

"Master Gu is about to arrive. I don't know what's going on. I heard that a big man has come and the entire East Sea City has been blocked."

"Brother Wei, don't think about that. When Master Gu comes later, do you want to sleep with this bitch? Then should we go out or..."

"Wait until Young Master Gu comes."

"Squeak" sounded.

"Master Gu."

A burst of unanimous shouts rang out, making Qin Feng's face stiffen, Young Master Gu wants to sleep with his woman?
Without thinking too much, Qin Feng got into the car immediately and gestured to the first Zhanzun and the others.

When the first war master and the others saw this gesture, their faces changed suddenly, because this gesture was called "urgency".

So they also hurried into their respective cars.

Qinglong immediately got into the passenger seat of the RV, Suzaku and Baihu sat beside Qin Feng, and Xuanwu was the main driver.

Qin Feng leaned against the headrest of the seat, his face was gloomy, he gritted his teeth, and continued to hold the phone, listening to the conversation on the other side.

After the car drove out of the area in front of the hotel, he covered his phone and told Suzaku and the others, "Quick! Hurry to Beituo District in the eastern suburbs! Suzaku, immediately find out the source of the other party's signal and lock the range."

Suzaku didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately opened a laptop.

On the driveway outside the hotel.

A long queue of field off-road vehicles was parked.

They followed Qin Feng's black RV and drove towards the east.

The general public, even those who are on the side of the road, have been blasted into the canteen next to them.

The convoy is mighty and powerful.

Longtan Garden District, in the lobby of the top suite.

Yuan Zihan watched a chubby curly-haired man walk in, and she saw that there were two burly bodyguards in black following him.

The curly-haired man is the Young Master Gu, Gu Qixiang that Wei Ge and the others are talking about.

Gu Qixiang looked at Wei Ge, nodded and smiled and said, "The efficiency of the work is good. After the work is over, I will reward you with another 100 million."

When Wei Ge heard this, he was immediately overjoyed, and quickly smiled and said, "Thank you, Young Master Gu."

Only then did Gu Qixiang look at Yuan Zihan, his eyes were like a tiger taking a fancy to a lamb, and he salivated instantly, staring at Yuan Zihan's slender legs.

Seeing Gu Qixiang made Yuan Zihan hairy, he quickly scolded: "What do you want to do?"

"Ha ha!"

Gu Qixiang sneered, and then gestured to the two bodyguards behind him.

The two bodyguards immediately rushed forward and pulled Yuan Zihan and Yuan Yashi away.

"No, please, return my daughter to me, my daughter is innocent."

Yuan Zihan wanted to kneel down and beg, but because she was detained by a bodyguard, she couldn't kneel down at all.

Gu Qixiang waved at the bodyguard, motioning for the bodyguard to drag Yuan Zihan to a room and throw him on the floor of the room.

Then, Gu Qixiang waved to the bodyguard, signaling the bodyguard to go out.

Yuan Zihan's eyes widened immediately, no matter how stupid she was, she knew what Gu Qixiang wanted to do.

"No, please let me go, I have a husband, I can't..."

She said while struggling to get up.

"Have a husband? That's even better. My favorite is a married woman."

Gu Qixiang's lips were slightly raised, his tongue was stretched out, his eyes glanced fiercely at Yuan Zihan's figure, and he was filled with admiration from the bottom of his heart.

Although the person is disfigured, but this figure is really top-notch, this young master will take a look today to see what this ugly girl from the Yuan family is like.

Gu Qixiang rushed up and pressed his whole body on it. While pressing Yuan Zihan, he wanted to forcibly tear Yuan Zihan's clothes off.

At this moment, Yuan Zihan was terrified. She regretted taking off her raincoat last night. Seeing Gu Qixiang approaching, she quickly waved her hands in an attempt to push Gu Qixiang away.

"Go away! Don't! Go away!"

"Xiao Hanhan, you are mine today."

Gu Qixiang laughed loudly, and slapped Yuan Zihan's face with a slap.

"Bastard! Let me go! I don't want it, I don't want it!"

Yuan Zihan exclaimed, angrily berating Gu Qixiang while struggling.

It's a pity that this aroused Gu Qixiang's desire, and he struck more fiercely. While beating Yuan Zihan, he continued to tear Yuan Zihan's clothes.

Yuan Zihan was tired last night, and she couldn't sleep well here, and she didn't eat anything, so she didn't have much strength to resist at all.

Seeing a piece of her clothes being torn off by Gu Qixiang, she felt a burst of despair, and Qin Feng's figure appeared in her mind.

"Brother Feng, save me!"

(End of this chapter)

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