Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 21 Special gift of jade medal 2 more, asking for diamonds

Chapter 21 Special gift for the second watch of the jade card, asking for diamonds
As a result, the group of people immediately returned to the Oriental Hotel.

In the imperial suite.

Both Qin Feng and Yuan Zihan lay in bed, and Jiang Zhiling personally performed acupuncture treatment.

As for the medical sage Tang Jishi who followed all the way, he could only wait in the lobby.

Others were also waiting in the lobby. Although they knew that Yuan Zihan's mother and daughter were fine, they still looked dignified.

Ye Wushuang breathed a sigh of relief, if something happened to Yuan Zihan, then she felt that if something happened to Yuan Zihan, then Donghai City would collapse.

Thinking of Gu Qixiang, she couldn't help but frown deeply. Such a lawless person came out of the Gu family, and he even bullied the emperor's wife Yuan Zihan, forcing Yuan Zihan to jump off the building. The Gu family might not last long.

After the treatment, Qin Feng and Yuan Zihan left the bedroom together and sat down on the sofa in the hall.

"It's thanks to you this time. Without your help, Zihan would be separated from me by yin and yang."

Qin Feng said with emotion.

This was what he said in his heart. Without the help of these people, Yuan Zihan would really be dead. If he jumped from the top floor of the building, he would have little chance of surviving.

When Wang Long and the others heard this, they knelt down one after another.

And Wang Long even lowered his head and said: "It is the student's duty to save the teacher's wife. This time it is also the student's fault. The student failed to go there in time, which caused the teacher's wife to fall from the building. Please punish the emperor."

Yuan Zihan looked at Wang Long and the others in confusion.

Emperor teacher?


What the hell are these people talking about?

She had been wondering all the way back just now, but because she was worried about Yuan Yashi, she didn't ask Qin Feng either.

"Brother Feng, who are they?"

Qin Feng smiled faintly: "They are all my students. So, you are their teacher and wife. Tell me, how do you punish them?"


Yuan Zihan quickly shook his head: "No! Don't punish them, this time it's not their fault, it's all my own fault, also, I was forced to jump off the building by that young master Gu, it has nothing to do with them, I thank them before it's too late Woolen cloth."

"Did you hear that? Zihan thank you all too late, so let's all get up and talk."

Qin Feng waved to Wang Long and the others.

Wang Long and the others immediately bowed their hands to Yuan Zihan and said in unison, "Thank you, Master."

Then they stood up, their faces relaxed a little.

Jiang Zhiling was still treating Yuan Yashi in the first bedroom. After checking Yuan Yashi's body, she found the women in Hanfu before and asked them to take Yuan Yashi to take a bath.

After all, Yuan Yashi was brought by Wei Ge and the others, and she also had other smells on her body, which would affect the subsequent treatment.

Then, Jiang Zhiling walked out of the bedroom and gave Tang Jishi instructions to send someone to buy medicinal materials.

When Tang Jishi got the order, he immediately took out his mobile phone like a child with a lollipop, and conveyed Jiang Zhiling's instructions.

Jiang Zhiling instructed Tang Jishi, and hurriedly walked in front of Qin Feng, and explained the diagnosis and treatment to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng nodded, and said in a cold voice: "Your plan is still far behind. Use my plan. Let someone find these herbs and send them here. I will treat them myself when the time comes."

When Jiang Zhiling heard this, her face turned red, "Yes, Master Di."

Qin Feng waved his hand, and continued: "There are still a few medicinal materials that must be found for me. I want to heal the burn on Zihan's face."

Yuan Zihan looked at Qin Feng in astonishment, and asked, "Brother Feng, can my burn be cured?"

"of course."

Qin Feng nodded, and said solemnly: "Not only to recover, I want to make you the most beautiful woman in the world."


Yuan Zihan's breath stopped suddenly, she didn't think Qin Feng was lying, so she felt a warm feeling in her heart, and looked at Qin Feng moved, her eyes were instantly rosy.

It has been 12 years, and she never thought that she would return to a normal person, let alone become the most beautiful woman in the world.

"Don't worry, I will definitely heal you, so don't cry, and don't cry in the future. As long as I am by your side, I will block any wind and rain for you."

Qin Feng hugged Yuan Zihan and comforted him softly.

Yuan Zihan buried herself on Qin Feng's shoulder, still couldn't help crying.

Jiang Zhiling looked at it, and quickly suggested to Qin Feng: "Master Emperor, the teacher's wife looks haggard, I'm afraid she hasn't slept all night, and her clothes are dirty now, why don't I take the teacher's wife to take a bath, and wait until Tang Jishi's people deliver the medicinal materials , let the teacher take a medicine bath."

Qin Feng nodded, let go of Yuan Zihan, and let Jiang Zhiling drag Yuan Zihan to a bedroom to take a bath, and naturally all of these bedrooms have oversized bathrooms.

After the two entered the bedroom, Qin Feng looked at the white tiger next to him, and asked coldly, "Ask Qinglong, that Gu Qixiang has already confessed to this?"

Bai Hu nodded, then walked aside and made a phone call.

Qin Feng looked at Wang Long and the others again, and said in a cold voice: "About this matter, you must not leak it out. I don't want others to know that Zi Han was kidnapped and become a media news."

"Yes, Master Emperor."

Wang Long and the others all nodded in unison.

Qin Feng continued: "Next, I want to play a big game of chess. Therefore, I need your assistance, and I hope you can fully cooperate with me."

"no problem."

Wang Long and the others nodded in unison again.

"Also, after the burn on Zihan's face is cured, I will give Zihan a grand wedding. Then I will disclose my identity as the emperor teacher. Before that, you all don't reveal my identity."

"Yes, Master Emperor."

Qin Feng explained again, and then retreated Wang Long and the others, but left Ye Wushuang behind.

"You are not my person. What I said just now was for you, so I hope you can keep it secret. Can you do it?"

Qin Feng said in a cold voice.

It seemed to be a request, but the tone was so firm that Ye Wushuang's delicate body trembled, and she nodded hastily.

"Teacher Emperor, don't worry, I, Ye Wushuang, will fully cooperate with any arrangement you make, Teacher Emperor."

"very good."

Qin Feng nodded, took out a jade tablet, and threw it to Ye Wushuang.

Ye Wushuang had learned Tai Chi and Sanda, and she was quick to react, catching the jade token thrown over in no time.

"Emperor Master, this is..."

She didn't know the meaning of the jade card Qin Feng gave her. Looking carefully, there were nine dragons engraved on the jade card by the Jin family. The nine dragons were all intertwined, which looked like a Tai Chi pattern.

"This is one of our tokens, specially given to you. But if you encounter any trouble in the future, once you hand over the jade token, people of the same way will not dare to touch you, unless they want to court death, or they are Dongsang ninjas."

Qin Feng explained slowly.

When Ye Wushuang heard it, he was overjoyed, and hurriedly said to Qin Feng, "Thank you, Master Emperor."

"Don't be happy yet."

Qin Feng waved his hand and said solemnly: "In addition to investigating my mother Qin Chunqiu's courtship, I will also assist my wife Zihan. Therefore, there will be many troubles for you in the future. Do you have a circle of friends? If there are any reliable children from other aristocratic families, introduce some to my wife Zihan."

"no problem."

Ye Wushuang nodded quickly. If it was a barter exchange, it would be very worthwhile for her to exchange rich contacts like children from other aristocratic families for high-end contacts like Qin Feng.

Of course, she could see that this matter was not simple, because Qin Chunqiu's death was said to be very strange, and she guessed that it was related to some families.

Once she agrees to Qin Feng's matter, it means that her Ye family must also defend or attack other families for Qin Feng.

If it involves attacking other families, it is not up to her to decide for the time being. After all, the actual power of the family is still in the hands of the old man.

"I know what you're thinking. In short, you don't have to worry about that. Since I chose you, I will definitely protect your family."

Qin Feng said calmly.

"Yes, thank you, Master Emperor."

Ye Wushuang responded quickly, she never expected that Qin Feng would see through her little thoughts in an instant.

"Next, you maintain the law and order of the Oriental Hotel. We will stay here for a day and go to other places tomorrow."

Qin Feng said with a sigh.

"No, Master Emperor, you can live here anyway."

Ye Wushuang said nervously.

"Of course you can stay here. However, because of that boy Wang Long, there is already a lot of trouble here. We have to leave tomorrow, otherwise your hotel will not be able to operate normally."

Qin Feng shook his head lightly.

Ye Wushuang nodded, and said hastily: "By the way, Master Emperor, where do you like to live? Let me help you arrange it?"

"No, Su Jinbo has already arranged it for me, so I don't need to bother you. Go out, and I will find you if necessary."

Qin Feng waved his hand, but paused, and continued: "By the way, there are three more things. I need you to send someone to help me."

"First thing, don't let Yuan Jiayan come up here, and don't let her see us."

"Second, please help me fund the people Zihan met at the warehouse, it's a kindness."

"The third thing, you bought me the Linghe Industrial Park in your own name."

"Yes, Master Emperor. I'll make arrangements now."

Ye Wushuang hurriedly cupped his hands, and then backed out.

Qin Feng looked at Suzaku waiting beside him, waved his hand and said, "Let Wen Xiangshan come in and see me."

(End of this chapter)

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