Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 23 Shocking the East China Sea 2 more, asking for diamonds

Chapter 23
Qin Feng gritted his teeth, and said in a cold voice: "Our Zihan went to take a bath, if you have something to do, just talk about it, and I will hang up if there is nothing to do."

"Qin Feng?"

Yuan Jiayan on the other end of the phone was a little surprised, but then she sneered, "I said Qin Feng, don't you really want to be with the ugly monster? Could it be that you have been blind for several years after serving in the army?" Ah, do you think you are a beauty because you are a woman?"

When Qin Feng heard this, he frowned and snorted softly: "The thing I was most blind was that I saw you wrong five years ago. Yuan Jiayan, Yuan Jiayan, you are really beyond my imagination. As for whether our Zihan is beautiful or ugly , I won’t bother you to comment, you don’t have the qualifications yet.”

"Unexpectedly, you have become sharp-tongued now. Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you, you are no longer from our Yuan family. I called Yuan Zihan to tell her that at the end of the month is our Yuan family's sacrifice." Zuri, although she has been expelled from the Yuan family, it is still possible to go back to worship her ancestors."

Yuan Jiayan said coldly.

"I see, is there anything else?"

Qin Feng asked coldly.

The phone was hung up immediately.

Looking at the phone, Qin Feng knew that Yuan Jiayan might be too lazy to talk to him for another minute, and obviously didn't want to waste time on himself.

But now, Yuan Jiayan didn't know that the big man she was eager to see was him.

If one day his identity is really announced, what will Yuan Jiayan's expression be?
On the other end, in the luxury suite.

Yuan Jiayan was furious. When she heard Qin Feng's words, she felt sick. Qin Feng was just her dog before.

Now this dog has become so courageous that he wants to challenge her?
"Damn it! Just wait, Qin Feng. When I make friends with someone like you, it will be as simple as strangling an ant."

When she was upset, she immediately turned on the TV and tuned to Donghai News Station.

At this time, the news station is reporting on the Longtan Garden Community in the eastern suburbs of Beituo District.

"What's going on here? Even the helicopters have been dispatched so many?"

"Oh my god, what happened in the Longtan Garden community? It's like a war?"

"Wait, that time period happened to be the time when the big man went out. Could it be that the big man went out and did something?"

Yuan Jiayan muttered to herself, then frantically found her cell phone and dialed.

"Madam, have you read the news? The news from Longtan Garden District..."

The old matriarch's shocked voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Longtan Garden District? It's the news about the large number of helicopters? What's wrong?"

Upon hearing this, Yuan Jiayan quickly responded: "Yes, yes, that's the news. I suspect that those people went to Longtan Garden Community because of the big shots."

"you sure?"

"I'm sure. When the big man was out, I went up and told them, but I was shooed away by a woman with short hair in Hanfu next to the big man. They seemed to be leaving in a hurry, and something serious must have happened."

"It must be a big deal. Jiayan, you have to seize the opportunity. You and the big shot are at the hotel. You have to please the big shot. I heard that the hotel is blocked and you can't get in, right?"

"Yeah, now it seems that I can only go out but not in, right? I also want to get close to the big shots, but, for some reason, they get angry when I get close, and I didn't do anything."

The old lady on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time.

"Old Madam, you should say something."

"Jiayan, the big man you're talking about is still a young man, right? If that's the case, then he's angry with you, I guess it's because of the engagement last night."

"Engagement? So, Mrs. Madam, you mean that he was angry because he knew I was engaged? No wonder. So what should I do now?"

"Now, it's up to you, Jiayan, do you want to marry Bai Yaoyang, or a big shot? If you marry Bai Yaoyang, the cooperation project between our two families can continue. Development is also inseparable from your help, but if you can marry a big shot, then you can directly soar into the sky."

The old lady said through gritted teeth.

Now, the old lady has clearly given Yuan Jiayan the right to choose, so how Yuan Jiayan chooses depends on Yuan Jiayan herself.

Yuan Jiayan was taken aback. If it was before, she would definitely choose Bai Yaoyang.

But now, thinking that even Su Jinbo and the others could only follow behind the big man, she suddenly caught her breath.

If she married a big shot, wouldn't it mean that Su Jinbo and others could only follow behind her and obey her orders?
"Old lady, I want to marry a big shot."

"Okay, okay, okay, let me say that Jiayan of our family is the most discerning, and now even Su Jinbo, the first Zhanzun and others from the Su family are wooing big shots, so now you only have the chance to get more by wooing big shots." Better connections, so start now, you have to work hard."

"But the old lady, over there at the Bai family..."

"Don't worry about it. I'll send someone over to the Bai family to push back the marriage!"

The old lady made a decision immediately and hung up the phone.

"Old Madam..." Yuan Jiayan wanted to say something, but found that the phone had been hung up.

Thinking of severing ties with the Bai family, she couldn't help feeling a little apprehensive, after all, she also knew Bai Yaoyang.

Once Bai Yaoyang blamed her for retiring the engagement, it would be great if she could really marry a big shot, but if she failed to marry a big shot and couldn't get the protection of a big shot, then she would definitely incur Bai Yaoyang's revenge.

After some thought.

Yuan Jiayan quickly picked up the phone, called the old lady again, and told the old lady what she wanted.

The old lady on the other end of the phone snorted softly.

"In that case, Jiayan, hurry up and see if the big shot is married. If Su Jinbo and the others are making good friends with the big shot, and Ye Wushuang is here, I don't think you are Ye Wushuang's opponent."

Yuan Jiayan's expression changed when she thought of Ye Wushuang. How could she compare to Ye Wushuang?
Ye Wushuang is both talented and beautiful, and her Ye family is also a first-rate family in Beiyan City, while her family is just a third-rate family.

Hanging up the phone again, Yuan Jiayan was very depressed.

"It doesn't matter, if I can make good friends with the big shots, then I will work hard. But if I can't, I won't insist anymore."

In the hall of the imperial suite.

Qin Feng was still leaning back on the sofa with an indifferent expression.

Suzaku answered a phone call and quickly said to Qin Feng: "Teacher Emperor, the matter of the Longtan Garden community has been made into news, and now the Oriental Hotel has become the focus. I am afraid that there will be many people in the future." Concentrate on the Oriental Hotel, as for the defense..."

Qin Feng waved his hand, sighed and said, "Just leave it to Ye Wushuang. No matter what the focus is, I just want my daughter to finish the day smoothly, and then I will move to other places. You open the news, and I want to take a look."

Seeing Qin Feng's resolute face, Suzaku nodded immediately, went over to find the remote control, and turned on the news for Qin Feng.

When Qin Feng watched the news, the corners of his mouth could not help turning up slightly, with a playful look on his face.

"Suzaku, get someone to find out the person who made the news. Also, get someone to cancel all the things about Longtan Garden Community. I don't want any platform to see any more negative news about Zi Han."

"Yes, Master Emperor."

Suzaku nodded hastily, and then dialed another phone call with quick fingers.

Qin Feng continued to watch the news. He had already predicted that this incident would shake Donghai City, so he was not too surprised.

And he only stayed here for one day, and tomorrow he would leave here with his wife and daughter.

I was thinking about it.

Bai Hu came over, nodded to Qin Feng and said, "Master Emperor, people from Tang Jishi have brought medicinal materials."

Qin Feng waved his hand and said coldly: "Immediately ask someone to come out and get the medicinal materials."

Bai Hu nodded, hurriedly ran to knock on the bedroom door, and communicated with Jiang Zhiling's women in Hanfu.

Afterwards, they brought all the medicinal materials they had brought into the bedroom.

Qin Feng didn't look at the bedroom, because the phone rang, and it was Ye Wushuang calling.

As soon as the phone was connected, Ye Wushuang on the other end of the phone said eagerly: "Master Emperor, there are a large number of people gathered at the entrance of the hotel. The rescue of people in the Longtan Garden Community has shocked Donghai City. Now many people are rushing to the hotel. I hope to meet you, a great man."

"Let them go!"

Qin Feng said coldly.

"But the emperor..."

Ye Wushuang on the other end wanted to explain quickly, but was interrupted by Qin Feng coldly.

"No, but. Just let them go. I just want my wife and daughter to be safe and sound. What have they outsiders done for me?"

Ye Wushuang was startled, and then quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, Master Emperor, I'll let people disperse them."

(End of this chapter)

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