Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 25 1 Family Reunion 2 Updates, Seeking Diamonds

Chapter 25

Soon, Suzaku changed a new set of sheets, then laid Qin Feng flat on the bed, and wiped the blood from Qin Feng's mouth clean.

Noticing that Qin Feng was breathing evenly, she breathed a sigh of relief.

But she didn't dare to walk away, she still pulled the chair and sat beside Qin Feng.

However, Qin Feng did not wake up so quickly.

At noon, Ye Wushuang came to ask about the meal, but she didn't see Qin Feng.

Suzaku didn't go out to see Ye Wushuang, but asked a female bodyguard to dismiss Ye Wushuang on the grounds that Qin Feng was sleeping.

It wasn't until nine o'clock in the evening that Yuan Zihan woke up. She immediately changed her clothes and came to find Qin Feng. Only then did she know that Qin Feng was unconscious in another bedroom.

When she learned from Jiang Zhiling that Qin Feng had aggravated the injury at the expense of herself in order to save Yuan Yashi, she immediately pulled up a chair and sat beside Qin Feng, with a perplexed expression on her face.

"Brother Feng, you are really serious. Dr. Jiang is already treating Yashi now, why do you still do this?"

"Get better soon, I want you to look at me with wide eyes, I want you to watch Yashi play with Yashi."

"Also, you said you would heal the burns on my face, you can't take your word for it."

Yuan Zihan muttered to herself, she didn't talk much to Suzaku next to her.

Suzaku was not in the mood to chat with Yuan Zihan, but she also hoped that Qin Feng would wake up.

Seeing that the two were looking at Qin Feng, Jiang Zhiling went to see Yuan Yashi in peace.

After such a long time, the special medicinal bath that Yuan Yashi took had already taken effect.

A pair of Ruifeng eyes opened slightly, Yuan Yashi couldn't see the person in front of her clearly, her small mouth was calling in a low voice: "Mom, I'm hungry!"

When Jiang Zhiling heard this, she was overjoyed, and quickly asked two women in Hanfu to help her lift Yuan Yashi out of the bathtub, then wiped her body, and wrapped it in a large blue bath towel.

Then, Jiang Zhiling took Yuan Yashi out with her own hands, and arranged for someone to notify the hotel to deliver a bowl of millet porridge.

Yuan Zihan saw Yuan Yashi wake up, and when Jiang Zhiling put Yuan Yashi on the bed next to Qin Feng, she also hurried over and lay down next to Yuan Yashi.


"Mom, Yashi is hungry!"

Yuan Yashi still opened her mouth and shouted in a low voice.

"Okay, okay, mom will get you something to eat!"

Yuan Zihan was so excited, she turned around and wanted to find something to eat, but was stopped by Jiang Zhiling.

"Master, you don't need to go out, you just stay here, I have already notified you."

Jiang Zhiling said with a sweet smile.

"Ah good!"

Yuan Zihan was a little surprised, and then nodded his head.

After a few minutes.

The hotel delivered millet porridge.

The porridge was very hot, Yuan Zihan took a spoonful of it, blew it several times, took it in his mouth, and then fed it to Yuan Yashi.

Jiang Zhiling didn't do anything, just sat on a single sofa next to her, waiting for Qin Feng to wake up and turn around.

But Qin Feng was still asleep and didn't wake up.

On the other hand, Yuan Yashi, after eating a bowl of millet porridge, became much more energetic. She didn't want to fall asleep, so she sat up.

"Mom, is he Dad?"

Yuan Yashi looked at Qin Feng, and then asked Yuan Zihan.

Yuan Zihan nodded quickly: "That's right. He is your father. Yashi also has a father in our family, but my father has fallen asleep now, so don't disturb him."

Yuan Yashi nodded obediently, but her eyes were still fixed on Qin Feng.

Seeing Yuan Yashi like this, Jiang Zhiling wanted to persuade Yuan Yashi to sleep, but she couldn't bear it.

After all, this girl has never seen Qin Feng's father before, and now the little girl is curious about Qin Feng.

At ten o'clock, Qin Feng still didn't wake up, so Jiang Zhiling could only persuade Yuan Zihan to take Yuan Yashi to the next bedroom to rest.

After all, Yuan Yashi's body has just recovered, but she is still very weak, she must rest more.

When Yuan Zihan heard what Jiang Zhiling said, she looked at the sleeping Qin Feng with some reluctance, and went to the next bedroom with Yuan Yashi in her arms.

Suzaku waited until their mother and daughter had left before asking Jiang Zhiling, "Doctor Jiang, when will Master Emperor wake up?"

Jiang Zhiling shook her head: "I don't know either. Now that the emperor is injured, I hope that the emperor can sleep for more time, even if it is three days and three nights, it is good for the emperor's recovery. "

When Suzaku heard what Jiang Zhiling said, she couldn't continue to ask Jiang Zhiling, after all, she also hoped that Qin Feng would be safe.

"It doesn't take three days and three nights."

A sudden voice made Jiang Zhiling and Suzaku's expressions change, and then a gleam of joy flashed across them.

"Master Emperor, are you awake?"

Suzaku asked quickly.

Qin Feng looked at Suzaku, then at Jiang Zhiling, and asked, "How is Yashi?"

Jiang Zhiling quickly responded: "Teacher Emperor, Yashi is fine, she has recovered now, but you, you caused yourself constant internal injuries, I think you need to pay attention."

"I am fine."

Qin Feng smiled lightly, and a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes: "As long as Yashi is fine, as long as she is fine. Now, I only want Yashi to be healthy and be a lively and lovely child."

Jiang Zhiling asked: "Then should we call their mother and daughter over?"

Qin Feng frowned and asked, "What time is it now?"

"It's ten o'clock in the evening, and you've been sleeping since morning."

Suzaku quickly explained.

"Then don't call them mother and daughter, let them have a good rest."

Qin Feng smiled faintly.

He was the one who rescued Yuan Yashi, so he naturally knew Yuan Yashi's condition better than anyone else.

Suzaku's face darkened, he gritted his teeth, and said to Qin Feng: "Emperor Master, Yuan Jiayan wanted to come up several times, but Ye Wushuang sent people to stop her."

"Yuan Jiayan?"

When Qin Feng heard this, he snorted immediately, and his eyes flashed a trace of disdain: "Don't pay attention to that woman Yuan Jiayan."

When Suzaku heard this, he quickly nodded and said, "Yes, Master Emperor."

"You are all tired too, go and rest, just send two people here."

Qin Feng quickly waved his hands to Jiang Zhiling and Suzaku.

Jiang Zhiling and Suzaku also withdrew, and two women in Hanfu came in to change shifts.

Qin Feng didn't get up either, he was still lying on the bed, and didn't notify Yuan Zihan to come.

However, after Jiang Zhiling went out, she quickly ordered a pot of millet porridge.

After Qin Feng ate the millet porridge, he continued to fall asleep.

Eight o'clock the next morning.

Yuan Zihan came to see Qin Feng, but when she came in, she saw that Qin Feng was already sitting cross-legged on the bed. At this time, Qin Feng was still closing his eyes.


Yuan Zihan approached and called out in a low voice.

"Zihan? Are you awake? How do you feel now?"

Qin Feng opened his eyes and asked lightly.

"I'm fine now. How are you? You are so anxious. Dr. Jiang told me that you are seriously injured now."

Yuan Zihan said with a loving face.

"I'm fine. By the way, you can pack up now, we'll leave here later."

Qin Feng waved his hand quickly and gave Yuan Zihan a command.

"Leave? Where are we going?"

Yuan Zihan frowned and asked, she was immediately curious, where did Qin Feng want to take her?
"You'll know it when you arrive, so hurry up and clean it up."

Qin Feng waved again.

When Yuan Zihan heard what Qin Feng said, she turned around and went back to the original bedroom.

Qin Feng watched Yuan Zihan go out, and then spat out a mouthful of black blood with a puff.

"Very good. Because of the danger this time, some of my previous internal injuries may also heal."

Qin Feng muttered to himself.

"Dad, are you my dad?"

Yuan Yashi stood at the door, looked at Qin Feng in the bedroom, and asked in a childish voice.

"Yes, I am your father."

When Qin Feng saw Yuan Yashi, his heart softened immediately, he quickly smiled at Yuan Yashi, and then gestured to Yuan Yashi.

Yuan Yashi saw it, rushed into the room, jumped on the bed, and said excitedly with a small face: "Dad, Xiao Yashi will have a father in the future."

Yuan Zihan walked over again, seeing the black blood sprayed by Qin Feng on the sheets, she thought it was Yuan Yashi who made Qin Feng like this, and quickly scolded Yuan Yashi.

"Ya Shi, don't move around, sit down immediately."

When Yuan Yashi saw Yuan Zihan coming, she also stopped immediately, and then sat beside Qin Feng.

"It's okay, Zihan. Just let her stay with me. As for just now, it was because of my own problems, not because of Yashi. Don't blame Yashi."

Qin Feng said lightly.

"I see."

Yuan Zihan nodded, but her eyes turned red instantly, and then she burst into tears, and continued in a trembling voice: "Brother Feng, our family is reunited now, thank you, Brother Feng, thank you."

Qin Feng looked at Yuan Zihan and gestured to Yuan Zihan.

Then when Yuan Zihan came over, he embraced Yuan Zihan in his arms with his right hand, and hugged Yuan Yashi tightly with his left hand.

"Don't worry, I will definitely protect you mother and daughter with all my strength in the future, and no one can bully you."

Qin Feng said arrogantly.

(End of this chapter)

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