Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 301 Code Named Q Tyrant 3

Chapter 301

Dong Shaoyuan fell to the ground, groaned, and suddenly felt that his body frame fell apart.

How could this person be so powerful?
Raising his eyes to look at Baihu, he felt that Baihu was too skilled.

"Uncle, get up quickly and kill him!"

Zhu Zheshuo yelled from behind, because he felt that he brought so many people here, if he didn't clean up these people, it would be too embarrassing.

Dong Shaoyuan got up, but he didn't dare to go forward, instead he turned his head and gave Zhu Zheshuo an angry look.

If I kill him, do you need to take command?

Baihu and the others didn't stop, and continued to rush towards the men in black.

Seeing the chaos at the scene, Dong Shaoyuan also quickly retreated to the rear.

"Uncle, what's going on with you? Why did you retreat? Didn't you get up already?"

Zhu Zheshuo looked at Dong Shaoyuan inexplicably.

"You are weak!"

Dong Shaoyuan spat angrily, and slapped Zhu Zheshuo on the right cheek, "Who are you offending?"

According to the plan, he originally planned to accompany Dong Shaoyuan to pretend to be aggressive, but Baihu and the others were too strong, he——couldn't pretend anymore.

Zhu Zheshuo was dumbfounded.

He didn't expect Dong Shaoyuan to slap him, and he couldn't help feeling aggrieved, "Uncle, I don't know who they are."

"You...you don't even know who these people are, you asked us to come and clean them up?"

Dong Shaoyuan suddenly felt furious, he thought that Zhu Zheshuo knew who Qin Feng and the others were, and with so many people here, he should be able to take Qin Feng and the others down.

But he never expected that Zhu Zheshuo didn't know who the other party was at all.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle!I don't understand such a simple truth, this idiot is really...

Just as he was thinking about it, Dong Shaoyuan's body froze, and his eyes widened immediately, his face full of disbelief.

Because Baihu and the others still attacked swiftly, although his people wanted to hide, they couldn't hide at all, and were quickly caught by Baihu and the others.

Then, he watched as his men's arms were removed by the white tigers. With the sound of howls, his men could only roll on the ground.

"Uncle, what should we do?"

Zhu Zheshuo was in a panic. His left hand had just been taken back, and if he was taken off again, he might not be able to bear it.

"You ask me, who do I ask?"

Dong Shaoyuan replied tremblingly, he really didn't know what to do, because he had never seen such a strong person.

Zhu Zheshuo's face trembled, his right fist clenched tightly, and then he turned and got into his Rolls Royce.

There was a sound of a car, and Dong Shaoyuan turned his head to look, and saw a yellow QQ car approaching, and then braked to an emergency stop.

A burly man with a flat head in a white shirt, denim shorts, and flip-flops jumped out of the car and walked over with a cold expression.

"who are you?"

Dong Shaoyuan's heart trembled, he felt that this strong man who came suddenly was not simple.

Although the other party was wearing flip-flops, but the other party had calloused hands, a murderous look on his body, and sharp eyes like the eyes of a leopard, he dared not underestimate him.

"You allowed you to make trouble here?"

The burly man with a flat head shouted at Dong Shaoyuan.

But looking forward, he couldn't help but marvel when he saw Baihu and the others' neat shots.

"So fast!"

When Zhu Zheshuo got out of the car, he glanced at the burly man with the flat head. Seeing the dazed look of the burly man with the short hair, he thought it was someone who came from somewhere.

So he didn't bother to pay attention to the flat-headed man, but turned to look at Baihu and the others.


Zhu Zheshuo roared at Baihu and the others.

Baihu and the others all stopped.

Because they saw Zhu Zheshuo took out a gun and pointed it at them.

Seeing Zhu Zheshuo's move, Cao Shirong's expression darkened, and he said in a deep voice, "Is this Hundan looking for death?"

Qin Feng didn't say a word, but just watched all this with indifferent eyes.

"Squat! Squat all the fuck!"

Zhu Zheshuo roared at Baihu and the others.

However, to Zhu Zheshuo's bewilderment, Bai Hu and the others just stood there imposingly, but did not squat down as he said.

"If you don't squat down, I'll shoot! Don't you all want to eat 'peanuts'?"

Zhu Zheshuo put on a straight face and continued to yell loudly.

"Xiao Shuo, are you crazy?"

Dong Shaoyuan came back to his senses, and looked at Zhu Zheshuo in shock, because he never thought that Zhu Zheshuo would draw a gun.

"I'm not crazy! They're crazy! Look at them, they've killed all of us! If they all squat again, I'll shoot them all!"

Zhu Zheshuo shouted with his head held high, his face trembling.

"Hmph, you want to scare us with just a gun? Don't you look down on me, Qin Feng?"

Qin Feng roared sharply.

"Exactly! How much peanuts is a gun? You can shoot it if you have the ability! None of us bodyguards are afraid of death! You bastard, you shoot it!"

Cao Shirong roared provocatively.

"Fuck me! Don't force me!"

Zhu Zheshuo said angrily with chattering teeth.

Qin Feng?

Is it Mrs. Qin Chunqiu's son Qin Feng?
The burly man with flat hair looked excited, looked at Qin Feng not far away, and then turned his eyes to Zhu Zheshuo.

Suddenly, he swayed and rushed towards Zhu Zheshuo. Since he was coming from behind, Zhu Zheshuo didn't notice it at all.

"Xiao Shuo, be careful!"

Dong Shaoyuan exclaimed, he sensed the burly man with flat head rushing from behind, then he turned around, swung his right fist, and hit the burly man with flat head.

But the brawny man with the flat head made a wrong step and easily dodged Dong Shaoyuan's punch.

Dong Shaoyuan's eyes widened in an instant, because his punch gathered all his strength, and he was confident that he could knock the flat-headed man into the air.

But he never imagined that the flat-headed man could escape!

What kind of weirdo is this?

Before Dong Shaoyuan could react, the brawny man with the flat head quickly slapped Dong Shaoyuan's left abdomen with his left hand.


In an instant, Dong Shaoyuan felt as if he was hit by a fast sports car, and he fell to the right side.

Zhu Zheshuo realized that something was wrong and turned his head to take a look, but happened to see Dong Shaoyuan being knocked into the air. He immediately pointed his gun at the burly man with a flat head and fired a shot.


The brawny man with the flat head tilted his body to avoid Zhu Zheshuo's shot, and his right hand also struck Zhu Zheshuo's abdomen sharply.


Zhu Zheshuo was hit, and he didn't have time to aim, but he still fired a second shot, but the man had already fallen forward.

When Baihu saw it, he rushed forward, grabbed Zhu Zheshuo's right arm, broke his right arm, and snatched the gun from Zhu Zheshuo's hand.


Zhu Zheshuo was thrown to the ground, and then he howled like a pig.

Cao Shirong was relieved to see Zhu Zheshuo being dealt with.

Although he provoked Zhu Zheshuo just now, the other party was holding a gun after all, which was still very dangerous.

Dong Shaoyuan fell to the ground again, but this time it was different. As soon as he fell to the ground, he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Looking up at Zhu Zheshuo again, seeing Zhu Zheshuo rolling on the ground and howling, his heart suddenly felt cold.

There were more than a dozen men in black, all crawled out, knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

Baihu and the others wanted to make a move, but they backed away when they saw Qin Feng waving his hand.

"Take all of your people and get out of here immediately. If you dare to offend me again, it won't be your hands that will be broken next time, even your legs will be broken."

Cao Shirong yelled at the men in black.

The rest of the men in black quickly went forward to support Zhu Zheshuo, Dong Shaoyuan and others, and stuffed them all on the car seats.

The burly man with a flat head watched the men in black take him away, and then walked towards Qin Feng.

"You are Qin Feng? My name is Qin Qing, and my code name is Q Ba. I am the person your father Qin Mingchen arranged here 15 years ago."

"Codename Q Ba? You are actually Q Ba? You were the most valued person by the master back then. He arranged seven tasks for you, and even I, Xuanyuan Cheng, are not as good as you."

Xuanyuan Cheng came out and said excitedly.

"You are Xuanyuan Cheng? You are still alive? I haven't heard from you for 15 years, and I thought you were dead."

Q Ba looked at Xuanyuan Cheng, and was also a little excited, but he couldn't recognize Xuanyuan Cheng in front of him, after all Xuanyuan Cheng had changed too much.

In his previous impression, Xuanyuan Cheng followed Qin Mingchen, like a little white face, with fairer skin than a woman's.

However, Xuanyuan Cheng in front of him was a dark-skinned middle-aged man.

"I'm not dead! You kid, it's not that easy to curse me to death."

Xuanyuan Cheng chuckled, but there were tears in the smile.

Because he hasn't seen acquaintances for a long time, even if he had only met Q Ba in the past.

(End of this chapter)

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