Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 303 Zhu Family Anger 1

Chapter 303

The corner of Cao Shirong's mouth twitched. He knew it was inconvenient for him to go upstairs, so naturally he didn't go upstairs to help.

But when Qin Feng mentioned the real estate developer, his eyes narrowed instantly, then he took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Lao Shui, send someone to check for me immediately. What is the real estate developer that is most recently connected to the Qingsong Welfare Institute in Songhe District? I want detailed information to find out what contradictions exist between them, and after two hours, Report to me."

"Yes, Young Master Rong."

A middle-aged man's deep voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Lao Shui, don't hang up the phone in a hurry. We met a man named Zhu Zheshuo here, who is said to be from the Zhu family of Chenguang Group. You should follow up and investigate personally immediately. I want all the negative information about Zhu Zheshuo."

Cao Shirong said coldly.

"Zhu Zheshuo? Negative information? All right. I'll go there in person."

The middle-aged man at the other end was a little surprised, but he quickly agreed.

Then the phone was hung up.

Cao Shirong put down his cell phone and leaned back against the sofa, his expression also becoming serious.

It wasn't a big deal at first, but the more than 200 people brought by Zhu Zheshuo were swept away, and Zhu Zheshuo's right arm was broken by the white tiger.

The Zhu family of Chenguang Group will definitely not give up, maybe the Zhu family will send a group of people to intercept and kill him and Qin Feng.

After all, Chenguang Group is an underground force in Songhe District. It is a very big local snake, and it is supported by the Zhu family, a second-rate family.

Therefore, Cao Shirong plans to make a few more preparations.

Picking up the phone, he immediately dialed Cao Qingxiong's number: "Cao Qingxiong, come to Songhe District immediately and wait for my order at the Bauhinia Hotel. Also, send someone to investigate the Zhu family of Chenguang Group."

"Yes, Young Master Rong. Is something big going to happen?"

Cao Qingxiong on the other end of the phone asked with a smile.

"Don't ask about big things, you can just ask Lao Shui when the time comes. Come here quickly, the Zhu family of the Chenguang Group over here has bumped into Brother Feng."

Cao Shirong shouted sharply.

"Yes. I'll go right away."

Cao Qingxiong on the other side immediately put away his hippie smile and replied in a deep voice.

As soon as the call was hung up, Cao Shirong saw Bai Hu come down carrying things.

Not only Baihu, but Xuanyuan Cheng and Q Ba were also moving things.

These things were taken out by Qin Feng from the space in the closet, and they were all famous paintings and jewelry left by his parents.

"Do you want me to go up and help?"

Cao Shirong hurriedly asked Baihu and the others.

"The young master told you to go up now."

Xuanyuan Cheng nodded to Cao Shirong.

When Cao Shirong heard this, he immediately walked up.

"Brother Feng? Where are you?"

There were two rooms upstairs, and he walked towards the room with the open door.

"I'm in the closet, come in."

Qin Feng's voice came from the closet in the room.

Cao Shirong also walked in immediately, and then got into the closet.

"This is……"

Inside the closet is a secret room, but apart from the things that Bai Hu and the others moved just now, there are actually three empty boxes here.

There are three big characters Fan Zhangzhu written on the box.

"It seems that the direction of the investigation is correct. The three families of Fan, Zhang and Zhu are related to my mother's death."

Qin Feng said coldly.

"If that's the case, then destroy the three families of Fan, Zhang and Zhu?"

Cao Shirong looked at Qin Feng with a frown, and then followed Qin Feng's gaze, only to find a blank sheet of paper pasted on the wall corresponding to the three empty boxes.

"Mie is definitely going to be destroyed, but the matter is not that simple. I still have to find a chance to investigate. By the way, you were downstairs just now, and asked someone to investigate the Zhu family of Chenguang Group?"

Qin Feng suddenly turned his head and asked.

"That's right. I think the Zhu family of Chenguang Group will definitely attack us when they learn that we have abolished Zhu Zheshuo."

Cao Shirong nodded.

"In that case, the Chenguang Group's Zhu family will be handed over to you. You should be fine with this, right?"

"I'm going to travel with Zihan tomorrow, so I hope that when I come back, you can solve the Zhu family of Chenguang Group."

"As for the Zhu family, a second-rate family, leave it to me. I'm afraid there are some forces behind the three families of Fan, Zhang and Zhu, so you don't want to fight directly with the three families of Fan, Zhang and Zhu."

Qin Feng spoke slowly, but his eyes showed determination.

"Don't worry, Brother Feng, it's just the Zhu family of Chenguang Group, I will definitely take care of them."

Cao Shirong nodded again.

He pointed to the white paper on the wall, and asked with an awkward smile: "Brother Feng, what's the matter with the white paper on the wall?"

"It's left by my mother. It's in Braille. It records some conversations between her and Fan, Zhang, and Zhu's family. You don't need to worry about this, you just need to take care of the Chenguang Group's Zhu family."

Qin Feng explained lightly.

at this time.

Jinshan Hospital, a private hospital in Songhe Street, Songhe District.

In an emergency room, Zhu Zheshuo was being treated.

At the same time, those men in black were also rescued.

Dong Shaoyuan also slowly recovered after undergoing diagnosis and treatment. He only suffered some internal injuries, so there was no physical injury on his body.

Sitting at the door of the emergency room, he felt extremely depressed, because he really did not expect that this time the incident would be so serious.

Suddenly, a group of men in suits and leather shoes walked over here.

Among them, a middle-aged man with a medium build and a beer belly walked over aggressively.

"Where's Xiaoshuo?"

When the middle-aged man saw Dong Shaoyuan, he immediately questioned him.

Dong Shaoyuan looked at the middle-aged man and frowned instantly, because this middle-aged man was Zhu Zheshuo's father, the chairman of Chenguang Group, Zhu Qirong.

"It's still inside. The left hand was just removed, but I rejected it. As for the right hand..."

Zhu Qirong saw that Dong Shaoyuan suddenly stopped in the middle of his words, and immediately said angrily: "What's wrong with you? How did you hurt Xiaoshuo?"

"Dad, don't get excited!"

A young man with short hair and wearing a black Anima suit came over and quickly stopped Zhu Qirong. This young man was Zhu Qirong's eldest son and Zhu Zheshuo's eldest brother, Zhu Zheyan.

"I can't blame me for this. I thought he offended ordinary people, but I didn't expect that he offended experts."

Dong Shaoyuan sighed.

"No matter who I am, if I bully my son, he will be treated better."

Zhu Qirong said angrily, then took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Dong Shaoyuan squinted his eyes at Zhu Qirong, frowned and said, "I can understand that you are angry, but it was Xiaoshuo who made the mistake first, and Xiaoshuo even fired the gun!"

"What? Uncle, are you joking? Xiao Shuo dares to shoot?"

Zhu Zheyan asked with a look of astonishment.

"Let me tell your family what I know first."

Dong Shaoyuan sighed, waved to Zhu Zheyan, and motioned Zhu Zheyan to sit down.

"Chairman, what are your orders?"

Zhu Qirong just got through the phone. He was a little surprised when he heard Dong Shaoyuan say that Zhu Zheshuo had fired a gun. He quickly answered the other end of the phone: "I'll talk about it later."

With that said, Zhu Qirong hung up the phone, and sat down on the stainless steel benches on both sides of the corridor, leaning against Dong Shaoyuan.

Dong Shaoyuan described the situation at that time in detail.

After listening.

The faces of Zhu's father and son changed in shock.

"Uncle, are you sure you're not joking? A dozen or more of them can handle you?"

Zhu Zheyan frowned and asked.


Dong Shaoyuan sneered, his eyes darkened: "I also want to joke, but you can go and see, all my people have been sent to the hospital here, and basically their hands have been crippled. I am lucky, my hands are fine, but You see..."

As he spoke, Dong Shaoyuan lifted his shirt.

The Zhu family's father and son saw that there was a palm print on Dong Shaoyuan's left abdomen!
"I'll go! Iron sand palm? Can you leave a palm print on your abdomen?"

Zhu Zheyan exclaimed.

"I know you are excited, and you want to stand up for Xiaoshuo. But I suggest that you should tell your father about this matter."

Dong Shaoyuan suggested.

There was a creak, and the door of the emergency room was opened wide.

A nurse came out of it.

"How is my son?"

Zhu Qirong hurriedly asked the nurse.

"The right arm is broken, I'm afraid it won't recover."

The nurse responded indifferently, then walked away.


Zhu Qirong was trembling with anger. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. Then he picked up his cell phone and dialed his old man's number.

"Grandpa, Xiao Shuo was beaten, his right hand was broken, and he can't recover. Hurry up and send me some masters. Shao Yuan said they met masters, and I must arrest them all."

When Zhu Zheyan heard it, his face sank, and he quickly gestured to Dong Shaoyuan and asked, "Uncle, tell me, are they still in that old house?"

"It should still be there, but your father wants to bring someone there, so there's no need for that, because the other party's people are really too strong."

Dong Shaoyuan quickly suggested.

However, just as he finished speaking, Zhu Qirong strode away.

"Dad, where are you going?"

Zhu Zheyan hurriedly yelled at Zhu Qirong.

Seeing that Zhu Qirong didn't look back, Dong Shaoyuan immediately waved to Zhu Zheyan: "Hurry up and catch up, or something will happen to your father."

(End of this chapter)

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