Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 305 Human Nature is Ugly 3

Chapter 305 Human Nature Is Ugly

At around twelve o'clock at noon, Qin Xiaoyu and Pei Xiaoyao cooked a lot of food, basically even Baihu and the bodyguards of Cao's family all had a share.

This meal, Qin Xiaoyu ate with relish, because she never thought that she would have dinner with so many people here.

"Xiaoyu, where's your family?"

Cao Shirong asked while eating.

"My family is not here in Donghai City, but in my hometown in Xishu, but I grew up here since I was a child. Two years ago, my parents returned to Xishu, so I am alone here. That means Uncle Ba protects me."

Qin Xiaoyu explained with a smile.

"Yes, you can be independent."

Cao Shirong chuckled.

Qin Xiaoyu nodded, but glanced at Qin Feng, and asked, "Brother Feng, are you married? Why don't you see your sister-in-law coming with you?"

"She's not free, and I didn't call her over."

Qin Feng responded lightly.


Qin Xiaoyu stuck out her tongue and didn't dare to ask any more questions.

"After dealing with the matter here, we go back to Shangpu, and you can see your sister-in-law."

Cao Shirong narrowed his eyes and laughed again.

When Qin Xiaoyu heard this, she frowned slightly and didn't answer, because she was a little conflicted.

After eating.

A group of people are also resting in this hall.

Qin Xiaoyu pestered Pei Xiaoyao for a chat.

Qin Feng was looking at his phone and making a video call.

Cao Shirong felt bored and was playing King of Glory.

After finishing the video call, Qin Feng immediately gestured to Cao Shirong.

"Let's go now?"

Cao Shirong immediately turned off the glory of the king and stood up.

"Let's go!"

Qin Feng nodded and waved to Qin Xiaoyu and Pei Xiaoyao.

So, a group of people walked out of the old house immediately.

However, after getting into the black RV, Qin Feng immediately found gauze and bandaged his left hand.

At the same time, Cao Shirong also changed his brand-name clothes into an ordinary suit and an ordinary gold watch.

Two 10 minutes later.

The convoy arrived at the Qingsong Welfare Institute near the eastern suburbs.

But the convoy did not go up, only a black RV drove in.

Qin Xiaoyu led them into the orphanage building.

When they entered, someone saw Qin Xiaoyu and immediately greeted Qin Xiaoyu.

Qin Feng glanced at the front desk, and saw a woman with short hair sitting at the front desk, holding a small mirror and smearing her mouth.

The short-haired woman noticed that Qin Xiaoyu had brought someone in, and she immediately yelled, "Xiaoyu? Who are they?"

Qin Xiaoyu turned to look at the short-haired woman, and immediately walked towards her, because this was the front desk, Sun Xunxue.

"Sister Xue, I brought my two distant cousins ​​here to find the dean. My cousins ​​won 2000 million yuan a month ago, and they plan to donate 100 million yuan."

Qin Xiaoyu laughed.


Sun Xunxue's eyes lit up immediately, and he smiled instantly, and quickly looked at Qin Feng and the three of them.

Seeing that the three of them didn't know how to dress up, a trace of contempt flashed across her eyes, and she felt disdainful, hum, bumpkin.

But she said in her mouth: "Welcome! You are really kind people. Our orphanage has been suffering recently, and we are waiting for you to rescue them."

"Cousin, hurry up, I have something to do this afternoon, is your dean here?"

Cao Shirong said impatiently.

"Dean? Yes, yes!"

Sun Xunxue rushed to respond, and then turned to look at Qin Xiaoyu: "Xiao Yu, take them up quickly."


Qin Xiaoyu nodded, and then led Qin Feng and the others to the elevator.

Sun Xunxue watched the four of them enter the elevator, and she immediately picked up the landline and dialed the intercom.

"Dean! Something big happened. Qin Xiaoyu brought people here. There are two bumpkins who won a prize of 2000 million. They said they would donate 100 million to the orphanage."

"What did you say? 2000 million?"

There was an excited voice from a middle-aged man.

The dean's office is on the second floor, so it didn't take long for the four of them to arrive at the door of the office.

After Qin Xiaoyu knocked on the door, he walked in with Qin Feng and the three of them.

"Dean, this is my distant cousin. They are going to come to the welfare home to donate."

Qin Xiaoyu looked at a middle-aged man with a short crew cut and said with a smile.

This middle-aged man is the director of Qingsong Welfare Institute, Zhen Xingchang.

Cao Shirong glanced at Zhen Xingchang, his brows were furrowed instantly, his face was stern.

Zhen Xingchang was of medium build and thin. When he saw Qin Feng and the three of them, he stood up quickly.

"Several, welcome from a distance, thank you for coming to take care of our orphanage!"

"Don't tell me so much, I just ask, can you donate 100 million here?"

Cao Shirong snorted coldly.

"Yes! Of course you can! But, isn't it too little to donate 100 million yuan? I heard that you won 2000 million yuan in the lottery."

Zhen Xingchang said with an awkward smile.

"Our husband and wife are planning to buy a house, so we can only donate 100 million yuan within the plan. The old monk of Tianlong Temple said that as long as we donate the money and do good deeds, we will be able to conceive a child."

Cao Shirong said with a sigh.

"That's right, a good deed! Sir, since it's a good deed, of course the more you donate, the better luck you will have!"

Zhen Xingchang laughed.

But in fact, he already wished that Cao Shirong would donate 2000 million.

"That's true. But my money is bought together with this brother, and our budget here is only 100 million. If you want to donate more, it depends on my brother."

Cao Shirong waved his hand, signaling Zhen Xingchang to look at Qin Feng.

Zhen Xingchang also immediately looked at Qin Feng, and said with a smile: "Sir, I wonder how much you plan to donate?"

"I haven't thought about donating."

Qin Feng snorted softly.

"No, Brother Feng, I'm already planning to donate 100 million, but you don't want to donate?"

Cao Shirong said in surprise.

"My wife and I have a child. Unlike you, we are only in a hurry to have a child now. However, I want to investigate and see if the children here are really short of supplies. If it is true, I can consider donating money. "

Qin Feng frowned.

"Lack! Our side is particularly lacking!"

Zhen Xingchang quickly waved his hands and looked at Qin Feng excitedly, "Sir, you must help to donate. Our orphanage is almost unable to survive, so you are the great savior of our orphanage!"

"Don't! Let Xiao Yu take us to see how the children in the orphanage are doing first."

Qin Feng waved his hand to Zhen Xingchang, and then looked at Qin Xiaoyu.

Qin Xiaoyu frowned slightly, and quickly looked at Zhen Xingchang.

"Xiaoyu, you should try to persuade your cousin. Others don't know what's going on in our orphanage. Don't you know? You can take him there to see the children now."

Zhen Xingchang waved to Qin Xiaoyu excitedly.

"Okay, Dean."

Qin Xiaoyu nodded, and immediately waved to Qin Feng and the others: "You two cousins, come out with me."

Zhen Xingchang watched the four of them go out, he immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Sasha, that silly girl Qin Xiaoyu has brought someone over to donate, so hurry up and bring someone over here to make a fuss, it's 2000 million."

"What 2000 million? Can you explain more clearly?"

A middle-aged woman's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Zhen Xingchang immediately explained in detail.

"Of course we can't donate 100 million. We have to find a way to make them spit out all 2000 million."

The middle-aged woman on the other end of the phone said coldly.

"However, it's a bit difficult to get them to spit out 2000 million!"

Zhen Xingchang frowned.

"No matter what the difficulty is, since there are only four bumpkins, they are our prey. At worst, we will kill them all. With 2000 million, we will have everything."

The middle-aged woman at the other end said ruthlessly.

"Then you'd better come up with a plan."

Zhen Xingchang gritted his teeth, then nodded in agreement.

In the corridor outside, Qin Xiaoyu led Qin Feng and the three of them along while listening to the voice of the dean on the phone through the earphones.

After hearing the call, she was also completely stunned. She never imagined that the dean would kill the four of them for 2000 million.

Originally, this was just Qin Feng's temptation, but he didn't expect that human nature is so ugly, which made Qin Xiaoyu very shocked.

she cried.

Cao Shirong was very annoyed, and his face was extremely gloomy.

He didn't expect the dean to be so greedy, and what was even more unexpected was that the woman on the other end of the phone wanted to kill the four of them.

"Brother Feng, what shall we do now?"

(End of this chapter)

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