Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 317 The Assassination Failed 5 Updates

Chapter 317 Assassination Failure Fifth Watch
"So what about the Cao family? Didn't you see that your brother's hands were already broken?"

Zhu Qirong snorted lightly.

"No, this... It's his own fault, and you know very well that Young Master Rong is from the Cao family in Beiyan City, and the Cao family is a super family."

Zhu Zheyan said tremblingly, he really didn't expect his father to be so impulsive.

"Brother, are you still my brother? It doesn't matter what kind of Cao family they are? Songhe District is our territory, and it's not their turn to act recklessly here!"

Zhu Zheshuo looked at Zhu Zheyan and shouted sharply.

"Xiao Shuo is right, it's just a Cao family, we don't have to be afraid of him, this is our territory."

Zhu Qirong said with a ferocious face.

Zhu Zheyan frowned, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but couldn't.

He felt that Zhu Qirong and Zhu Zheshuo had oversimplified Cao Shirong's thinking, and they obviously couldn't listen to his advice.

Therefore, he could only turn his head to look at Dong Shaoyuan.

But Dong Shaoyuan didn't know what to say. After all, Zhu Qirong was his brother-in-law, and his brother-in-law had already made up his mind, so what else could he say?

Zhu Qirong didn't bother to pay attention to Zhu Zheyan, just when the phone rang, he walked aside with a straight face and answered it.

But after hearing a few words, his expression changed instantly, and he cursed angrily.

Zhu Zheyan glanced at him and quickly asked, "Dad, what's wrong?"

"An accident happened to Xinglong Real Estate. Ao Jianshu was arrested. Hundan was blocked by reporters. He had an incident with a female secretary in an orphanage, and someone took videos and photos."

Zhu Qirong gritted his teeth and said.


Zhu Zheyan's face froze, isn't this a death plan?In a place like the orphanage, he was still being photographed. The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he quickly asked, "Then how do we deal with this now?"

"The old man has asked people to separate Ao Jianshu from his relationship. This kind of waste is useless. Find a professional to take over Xinglong Real Estate."

Zhu Qirong snorted lightly.

When Zhu Zheyan heard this, he also nodded. It would be great if someone took over Xinglong Real Estate again. After all, Xinglong Real Estate is not only a property, but also a golden egg.

But the phone rang again, and Zhu Qirong answered it again.

Only this time, Zhu Qirong was completely stunned, feeling a little lost.


Zhu Zheyan shouted hastily.

"Failed! The assassination by the people I sent failed, and the killer missed and was captured!"

Zhu Qirong's throat throbbed, he grunted a few times, and then said with a little disappointment.

"Failed? Still captured? This is the end of the game. If the Cao family finds out that you sent someone to do it, I'm afraid it will be very troublesome. Our Zhu family may be in great trouble."

Zhu Zheyan said with fear in his eyes.

"Don't push up other people's ambitions. The people I sent Lao Yao to arrange, as long as none of them can contact Lao Yao, then we can bite to death and refuse to admit the assassination. The Cao family can't do anything to us."

Zhu Qirong said coldly.

But just after he finished speaking, the phone rang again and again.

Zhu Qirong glanced at it, and then an old man's voice came from the other end.

"Zhu Qirong, go over there immediately and apologize to Young Master Rong at the Bauhinia Hotel."

This old man is Zhu Qirong's father, Zhu Chenguang.

Knowing about the assassination, Zhu Chenguang was always shocked, because he never thought that Zhu Qirong would dare to send someone to attack and kill Cao Shirong.

Cao Shirong turned out to be a member of a super family, and the bodyguards around him were all experts, how could Zhu Qirong send people to assassinate him casually?
"Apologize? We bowed our heads to him, a dude? Why should our Zhu family bow our heads? Old man, the person who is injured now is Xiao Shuo, my son."

Zhu Qirong snorted coldly.

"Are you crazy? Do you know that the Fuhua Group and the Xiongwei Group are gone. Why do you think you can compete with the Cao family?"

Zhu Chenguang on the other end of the phone shouted sharply.

"Old man, we are also a famous family in Songhe District, we don't need to be afraid of his mere Cao family!"

Zhu Qirong quickly advised.

"You immediately go over to represent our Zhu family, bow your head to Cao Shirong and admit your mistake, go! Cao family, we can't afford to offend you."

After Zhu Chenguang finished speaking, he hung up the phone angrily.


Zhu Qirong looked at the hung up phone, and he was also a little confused. Cao Shirong's people hurt his youngest son, so he has to apologize to Cao Shirong?
Although he had heard of the Zhan Zun Reception, he didn't take Cao Shirong seriously, because he felt that a dude like Cao Shirong was just relying on his family's wealth.

But Songhe District is basically the territory of the Zhu family, and his Zhu family has the final say on everything. He apologized to Cao Shirong.

"Dad! What did the old man say?"

Zhu Zheyan asked quickly.

"He asked me to bow my head and apologize to Cao Shirong. If I really bowed my head, it would be our Zhu family bowing..."

Zhu Qirong gritted his teeth, and immediately dialed a phone number: "Hi, I'm Zhu Qirong..."

(End of this chapter)

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