Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 319 Refused to Pay Billion 1

Chapter 319

"100 billion? That's crazy!"

Zhu Qirong spat angrily, his face was instantly clouded, and he clenched his fists tightly.

My net worth is only about 200 billion, let me give you 100 billion?

This dude!

Zhu Zheyan frowned, and his face was also gloomy. He didn't expect Cao Shirong to speak so loudly.

100 billion!How dare you think about it!
"Dad, what do we do now?"

"What can I do?"

Zhu Qirong shook his head lightly, his eyes were piercingly cold, and he pouted: "I'm afraid this dude is a fool, right? Want to steal 100 billion from our house? Huh! No way!"

"100 billion is of course impossible!"

Zhu Zheyan nodded, but his face was a little worried: "But he is the eldest son of the Cao family after all, so it's not good for us to directly offend him like this."

"I know. But we can't give 100 billion. Besides, even if I just drop [-] million, countless masters will follow."

Zhu Qirong held his head high and said arrogantly.

Then, he immediately turned around and walked towards the entrance and exit of the front hall.

Zhu Zheyan saw it and hurriedly followed.

Getting into the black big run, Zhu Qirong took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Zhu Zheyan saw that Zhu Qirong was calling the mysterious person, he wanted to say something, but he just shut up.

Then he took out his mobile phone, dialed his old man's number, and reported the matter to the past.

The old man on the other end of the phone, Zhu Chenguang, was silent for a while, and then said in a deep voice, "Since he doesn't accept our apology, forget it."

"Old man, do you think Cao Shirong will target our Zhu family?"

"It's hard to say! However, the matter of Ao Jianshu's stay at the orphanage has nothing to do with Cao Shirong."

"What? The matter of Ao Jianshu has something to do with Cao Shirong? Could it be that Cao Shirong did something to our Zhu family?"

"It's possible. But now there is no obvious conflict of interest between us, that's why your father bowed his head and apologized in the past, but the 100 billion... Let's forget it. He should look down on our apology at all. You should go home first and then talk about it." Bar."

"Yes, old man."

After hanging up the phone, Zhu Zheyan was a little worried. After all, Cao Shirong's family background was there, and the energy of the super family was beyond what he could imagine.

Suddenly, he was also very worried about the future. Without a big backer, he would naturally be able to foresee the fate of his Zhu family.

So, he subconsciously looked at his father who was still on the phone.

"Okay. I'll do it."

Zhu Qirong responded, and when he heard the call was hung up, he let out a long breath.

"Dad, who exactly are you contacting?"

Zhu Zheyan asked quickly.

"Don't ask, you will know when it's time for you to know."

Zhu Qirong smiled mysteriously, and his eyes immediately reflected a fierce look: "Next, as long as the peerless masters sent by the big men come over, there will be no problem with Young Master Rong."


Zhu Zheyan looked at Zhu Qirong in surprise, he could not have imagined that his father would apply to send a peerless master to some important person.

Although their Chenguang Group had privately cultivated a large number of thugs, and its overall strength was no exaggeration to say that it ranked among the top three underground forces in East Sea City, but the simultaneous destruction of the Fuhua Group and the Xiongwei Group still made him palpitate.

But if a peerless master came to protect him, then he would not be afraid of Cao Shirong's recklessness.

"Of course it's true! Hmph, he's just a dude, he wants to steal us 100 billion, treat us like fish in water, and kill us whenever he wants. He thinks too highly of himself."

Zhu Qirong snorted softly, it was also the first time he was underestimated so much, just a junior, wanting to claim 100 billion?When he is easy to bully?

"If there are really peerless masters who can come, then we really don't have to be afraid of Cao Shirong. The key is whether you are really on our side when you say a big shot."

Zhu Zheyan frowned.

Zhu Qirong smiled faintly, did not continue, but waved to the driver and said: "In the past, Zhu Hongming's house in the Bihailantian villa area."

"Good chairman."

The driver nodded quickly.

Zhu Zheyan looked puzzled, Zhu Hongming was the old man of the Zhu family, a second-rate family, what would his father want to do at Zhu Hongming's house all of a sudden?

The supreme box upstairs.

Cao Shirong got the news that Zhu's father and son left.

"It seems that they are still very confident in themselves, and they don't even want to pay 100 billion yuan!"

Cao Shirong laughed.

"Young Master Rong, if you ask them to pay 100 billion yuan at once, it is equivalent to cutting their flesh. How could Zhu Qirong be willing?"

Xie Jun sighed.

"Then he shouldn't have sent killers to assassinate us. Needless to say, Brother Feng, I think 100 billion is too little for my life. Hmph, the Zhu family of Chenguang Group, I can't do it anymore."

Cao Shirong snorted softly, he naturally wouldn't think that he was so cheap that he could pay one million and just settle, and the tens of billions of compensation was just to provoke the Zhu family of Chenguang Group.

Next, no matter what happens to the Zhu family of Chenguang Group, they are the enemies of his Cao family, and he will definitely get rid of the Zhu family!
(End of this chapter)

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