Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 322 Mom Was Caught 4 More

Chapter 322
"Old man, you must save our family this time. After all, you are the most famous in Songhe District."

Zhu Qirong continued to beg.

"Don't worry, I will watch over you, but I'm afraid no one can guarantee your youngest son."

Zhu Hongming sighed.

"I know that, as long as you keep guaranteeing our family, that boy Zhu Zheshuo can only be sent to jail."

Zhu Qirong nodded and said in a deep voice.

Zhu Zheyan has been sitting beside him without saying a word.

But the phone vibrated suddenly, and he quickly waved to Zhu Hongming: "I'm sorry, old man, I'll answer a call."

"Take it."

Zhu Hongming also waved his hand immediately.

Zhu Zheyan walked aside and answered the phone.

But after only listening to a few words, his expression suddenly changed. After the call was over, he immediately walked over to report to Zhu Qirong.

"Dad, something happened. Mom was arrested."

"What did you say? Why were you arrested?"

Zhu Qirong was stunned. He didn't expect his wife Dong Qingli to be arrested. What's going on?
"Mom was playing mahjong in the mahjong hall. When she found out that someone was changing cards, she slapped the opponent. The opponent was unwilling, so she wrestled with Mom. Mom stabbed the opponent, so Mom was arrested."

Zhu Zheyan explained slowly.


Zhu Qirong didn't know what to say. After all, he also understood his wife Dong Qingli's temper, but he really didn't expect such a coincidence.

Now that Zhu Zheshuo was arrested, and Dong Qingli was arrested again, the Chenguang Group suddenly became a sweet potato, attracting people's attention.

"Dad, could it be that Cao Shirong asked someone to do this?"

Zhu Zheyan frowned and asked.

Zhu Qirong was startled, and immediately asked Zhu Hongming, "Master, do you think Cao Shirong did this?"

"It doesn't look like Cao Shirong did it. After all, he is a young master. There is no need to make things difficult for your wife. As for your wife, only you know."

Zhu Hongming said lightly.

"Dad, grandpa let us go home first."

Zhu Zheyan said with a nervous face.

"Old man, we still have something to deal with here, so let's take our leave first."

Zhu Qirong nodded to Zhu Hongming and got up immediately.

"Go get busy. But, don't fight Cao Shirong for the time being, because it won't do you any good."

Zhu Hongming warned.

"Yes, old man."

Zhu Qirong responded with a solemn face, turned and walked out.

Zhu Zheyan nodded to Zhu Hongming, and immediately followed him out.

The butler Qu Pei watched Zhu Qirong and his son leave. He immediately bowed and lowered his head and asked, "Master, do we really want to help them? In this case, wouldn't we offend the Cao family?"

"Of course I know. But the Cao family has nothing to do with us, so it doesn't matter if we are offended. Moreover, once their Chenguang Group is eradicated, it will be even more harmful than beneficial to our Ming Dynasty Group."

Zhu Hongming said with dark eyes.

"Yes, old man."

Qu Pei smiled awkwardly, and didn't dare to ask any more questions.

"That kid Qin Feng has been hanging out with Cao Shirong?"

Zhu Hongming asked suddenly.

"Yes sir."

Qu Pei nodded.

"What the hell is that Hun Dan of Zhu Xiangjiang doing? Even Qin Feng can't kill him? Also, I asked you to invite people from Xuanguang Palace, did you invite him?"

Zhu Hongming snorted lightly, his face instantly turned cold.

"Please, but the other party is not available for the time being."

Qu Pei frowned.

"Have someone continue to check for me. I want to know what that kid Qin Feng is doing here in Songhe District. If that kid doesn't die, I won't feel at ease for a day."

Zhu Hongming gritted his teeth and waved to Qu Pei.

Qu Pei immediately got a cigar himself, lit it with a lighter, and then handed it to Zhu Hongming.

"Don't worry, old man. Qin Feng is probably protected by the Cao family. When we find the peerless master of Xuanguang Palace, he will die without a whole body."

Seeing Zhu Hongming blowing smoke rings, Qu Pei comforted him with a smile.

"I hope, as long as Qin Feng can be killed, then everything will be fine. Of course, Zhu Qirong seems to want to kill Cao Shirong. If Cao Shirong is killed, then this matter will be a big deal."

Zhu Hongming gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice.

"The old man means..."

Qu Pei looked at Zhu Hongming inexplicably.

"Now it is estimated that they are already in a deadlock. If this is the case, if you don't do anything else, then find someone to help kill Cao Shirong."

Zhu Hongming snorted softly with a ferocious face.

Villa road outside.

Zhu Qirong and his son got into the black car and immediately asked the driver to leave and go back to their home.

As soon as the car reached the main entrance and exit of the villa area, Zhu Zheyan's cell phone rang again.

After answering the call, Zhu Zheyan felt even more depressed.

"Dad, Mom yelled at the police station, and they have been put into the detention room, and no one is allowed to see each other."

"Your mother is really... It's easy now, you don't have to go to the police station."

"Dad, do you think Zhu Hongming will help us? What if he doesn't help?"

"He dare not help, unless he wants to die."

(End of this chapter)

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