Chapter 328
"Let you go? Tell me, even if I am willing to let you go, will the people behind you be willing?"

Qin Feng chuckled, then squinted his eyes at Lin Guozhu, and asked indifferently: "Just now you said that it was to get Rong Shao's bounty, and Rong Shao's bounty is true, do you want to give it up?"

"Really? Of course I won't give up! But sir, we don't dare to compete with you for the bounty."

Lin Guozhu said with an awkward smile.

"No. You made a mistake. I don't want a bounty. If anyone of you kills Gao Lihui, I will notify Young Master Rong to send the bounty to someone immediately. I just want to watch Gao Lihui die from the sidelines."

Qin Feng said lightly.

When Lin Guozhu heard this, he was overjoyed and said to the bald middle-aged man, "Dad! Let's kill him!"

A reward of [-] million!Even if you can't get all of them, it's good to get tens of millions.

The two father and son looked at each other, then continued to rush towards Gao Lihui.

When Gao Lihui saw it, he panicked and said angrily, "Lin Guozhu, you can't do this."

"As long as you die, we can get the money. Brother Hui, you can go on the road with peace of mind. And these years, are there still few people who have been killed by others?"

Lin Guozhu chuckled, and then slashed towards Gao Lihui.

Gao Lihui quickly swung his dagger to block, and at the same time retreated, trying to rush towards Qin Feng.

But unfortunately, Bai Hu kicked Gao Lihui back with one kick.

Gao Lihui was instantly stabbed by the bald middle-aged man.

"Lin Xuancheng, I'll go to you. You are my uncle, and my mother is your sister. You want to kill me that much?"

Gao Lihui staggered, quickly stabilized his body, then turned around and roared at the bald middle-aged man.

That's right, this bald middle-aged man is Gao Lihui's uncle Lin Xuancheng.

Lin Xuancheng snorted and said, "Your Gao family's property is not mine. It has never been divided into my property. Now the property is under the name of Honghua Group. If I kill you, I can get [-] million."

For [-] million, any nephew relationship is not important anymore, not to mention he has been dissatisfied before.

After gesturing to Lin Guozhu, he yelled behind him: "If you don't make a move, the [-] million will belong to our father and son."

The relatives behind came back to their senses and rushed up one after another.

In an instant, Gao Lihui was surrounded by all his relatives, and there were also strong men in white clothes on the outer layer, so he couldn't even fly.

In less than 10 minutes, Gao Lihui was chopped and fell to the ground, but all the relatives rushed up and repeatedly chopped at Gao Lihui's body.

Gao Lihui was hacked to death just like that, and died.

Qin Feng didn't look at Gao Lihui, but looked at Lin Guozhu: "You must know Xu Zhengxiang, right? If any of you kill Xu Zhengxiang, I will ask Rong Shao to reward you. Of course, you can video with Rong Shao now To be rewarded."

With that said, Qin Feng waved to Baihu.

Soon, a laptop was brought over and a video call was made.

Then, Cao Shirong and Pei Xiaoyao appeared on the other end of the video.

Lin Guozhu and the others lined up to report their bank card numbers to Pei Xiaoyao.

When the mobile phone received the news that the bank card had arrived, Lin Guozhu also quickly looked at Qin Feng: "Sir, is there really a bounty for killing Xu Zhengxiang?"

"That's right. Now Xu Zhengxiang is still in the Xu family's villa in Beituo District. Our people have been watching him. If he wants to escape, we will know. So you just need to leave a contact information, and our people will notify you. There is only one chance, it's up to you whether you want to seize it or not."

Qin Feng said slowly.

"Of course we have to be sure. Xu Zhengxiang and Gao Lihui have committed all kinds of crimes. As long as the master doesn't report us for murder, we will kill Xu Zhengxiang."

Lin Guozhu gritted his teeth.

"I won't report on you, not to mention that you have said that he has committed all kinds of crimes, so he deserves to die."

Qin Feng sighed.

"Okay. Then let's go to Xu Zhengxiang now."

Lin Guozhu nodded, then walked towards Lin Xuancheng and discussed with Lin Xuancheng.

After Lin Xuancheng heard this, he immediately recruited these relatives to help. After all, there are many people and strength, not to mention that they are all familiar with the Xiongwei Group's previous siege routines, and they have no problem dealing with Xu Zhengxiang.

These relatives immediately agreed and drove away with Lin Xuancheng and his son.

Watching these people leave, Q Ba couldn't help but shook his head, and then asked Qin Feng: "Young master, I can do everything to kill Xu Zhengxiang, you don't have to leave it to them."

"Q Ba, don't underestimate them. Since you can kill someone with a borrowed knife, then why are we making such trouble? Let's go, let's go back to the Dilong Club."

Qin Feng shook his head lightly, then turned around and got into the black off-road vehicle.

Q Ba breathed out, he wasn't afraid of trouble, he just didn't trust outsiders like Lin Guozhu.

The group got into the car and left immediately.

In the car, Qin Feng answered a phone call and frowned instantly: "Uncle Xuanyuan, you don't have to take action, don't worry, no one can hurt Lord Hao."

(End of this chapter)

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