Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 342 Your Mentor 2 More

Chapter 342 Your Mentor Second Watch
"Where did they go? Keep looking for me. Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you must find them out."

"Hundan! Do you even dare to provoke people from our Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce?"

"Come out! Come out for me!"

In the driveway, a man's roar continued to be heard.

In a dark corner, Takayanagi Keita is hiding with Ooka Kotaro.

"Group leader Gao Liu, you should withdraw first and ignore me, or they will find it sooner or later. But it's also strange, why the people from the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce have been chasing us?"

Ooka Kotaro gritted his teeth and said in a low voice.

"It's my fault. I provoked the people from the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce."

Gao Liu Qitai answered in a low voice with an awkward smile.

"It's you?"

Kotarou Ooka looked at Keita Takayanagi with astonishment on his face. Keita Takayanagi was chased before, but he didn't expect that these men in black were still chasing Keita Takayanagi.

"Mr. Ooka, what happened to you just now? Your strength is not so strong that even a few young people can't deal with it?"

Gao Liuqitai frowned.

Ooka Kotaro didn't say a word, but he unbuttoned his clothes by the light refracted by the street lamp.

Takayanagi Keita immediately saw that there was a handprint on Kotaro Ooka's heart.

"This is……"

"I accidentally hit a palm. If it weren't for my two confidants who resisted desperately that night, I would have been captured by the lonely sword."

Kotaro Ooka sighed.

"Lone Sword!"

Gao Liuqitai gritted his teeth, and snorted: "Wait, we will definitely avenge this revenge. I will let my mentor come here, and I don't believe that I can't deal with Gu Jian."

"Your mentor?"

Kotarou Ooka was a little surprised. Although he also worked for the Iga family, he didn't know who Keita Takayanagi's mentor was.

"That's right. My mentor is Emperor Wu Jincheng Yingming. If he comes to deal with Gu Jian, I believe it is possible to kill Gu Jian."

Kotaro Ooka nodded slightly.

"Jincheng Yingming? Oh my god, Gao Liu-jun, I really didn't realize that your mentor is actually Emperor Wu Jincheng Yingming. If your mentor comes here, then there is indeed hope for us to deal with Gu Jian."

Ooka Kotaro exclaimed in a low voice.

"Come on, let's get out of here first."

Keita Takayanagi supported Kotaro Ooka, and immediately ran towards a dark path.

Xiapudong Suburb, Jinhui Huating Villa Area.

In a detached villa, in the lobby, a short-haired man is hugging a woman in kimono.

"Master, Team Leader Gao Liu is calling."

A man with a short crew cut came in and quickly offered a mobile phone with both hands, but he glanced at the woman in kimono out of the corner of his eye, and his heart trembled instantly.

The short-haired man was Toshiro Iga. He answered the phone and immediately asked impatiently, "What's the matter?"

"Master, we met Team Leader Ooka here. Team Leader Ooka and the others were seriously injured. They have been raided by Qin Feng's people for the past few days, so they dare not contact you."

Gao Liuqita on the other end of the phone explained.

"Hmph, what's the use of keeping a trash?"

Iga Toshiro said coldly.

"Young Master, we are still short of manpower, not to mention that Team Leader Ooka is so loyal, we need such talents."

"In addition, according to the confession of Team Leader Ooka, there were not only people from the Red Flower Chamber of Commerce that night, but also Gu Jian. Gu Jian was the number one in Xia Guo's hunting list. We should not underestimate it."

"So, I plan to find my mentor Jincheng Yingming. As long as he kills Gu Jian and Qin Feng, then we can get that treasure."

Gao Liuqitai on the other end of the phone spoke slowly.

Toshiro Iga was silent for a while after listening, and then replied: "Okay. Then let your mentor come over. If he comes, I will personally go to meet him when the time comes."

"As for Team Leader Ooka, if he is loyal, then I will naturally ignore the past."

"We still have a lot of plans in the future, and I hope that Team Leader Ooka will remain loyal as always."

Gao Liuqi breathed out lightly: "Okay, young master, I will tell Team Leader Ooka. There is nothing else, let's do it first."

The phone was immediately hung up by Gao Liuqitai.

Toshiro Iga threw the phone to the short crew cut man waiting beside him.

The man with the short crew cut is Takuya Ikegami, and he is Iga Toshiro's confidant.

And this woman in kimono is Iga Toshiro's accompanying secretary, Tsuruoka Yumi.

"Master, Jincheng Yingming is one of the few emperors in our Dongsang Kingdom. Can Team Leader Gao Liu invite Jincheng Yingming?"

Tsuruoka Yumi asked steadily with a puzzled expression.

"Gao Liu-kun is Jincheng Yingming's proud disciple. If Gao Liu-kun invites you personally, then Jincheng Yingming will definitely come."

Iga Toshiro nodded.

"If Jincheng Yingming comes over, I'm afraid the lonely sword is not enough to see. At that time, it should be easy to kill Qin Feng and snatch back the dragon and phoenix painting of the first emperor. Then your plan, young master, must be able to unfold."

Tsuruoka Yumi said with a smile.

"It's not just a plan, Qin Feng's wife must also be mine."

Toshiro Iga gritted his teeth and said, his eyes looked particularly sinister.

(End of this chapter)

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