Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 344 What Is For You 4 More

Chapter 344

Hilltop Villa.

In the bedroom on the second floor, Qin Feng's expression darkened instantly when he received a call.

He originally thought that Iga Toshiro, Takayanagi Keita and the others were hiding, and they shouldn't dare to show their heads, but he didn't expect Takayanagi Keita to be so high-profile, and even provoke people from the Black Dragon Group.

"Qinglong, let someone conduct a thorough investigation immediately to see who Gao Liu Qitai offended this time. Who is the Black Dragon Group? Also, a detailed report about the Black Dragon Group and the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce has also been sent to my mobile phone."

"Yes, sir."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Feng made another encrypted call: "Elder Elder, let someone investigate Jincheng Yingming immediately, and then send me the information of Jincheng Yingming."

"Yes, Hall Master, I will arrange it now."

After hanging up the phone again, Qin Feng put down the phone and let out a soft breath, but his face looked calm and calm.

Jincheng is so wise, he will naturally not be afraid, because he has not only Gujian, but also masters like Li Nian.

If Jincheng Yingming dared to act recklessly, then he would definitely make Jincheng Yingming come and go.

"What are you thinking about?"

Wrapped in a big blue bathrobe, Yuan Zihan came out, rubbing her long black hair with a white towel with both hands.

The fragrance of the hair wafts, accompanied by the smell of the fragrance shower gel.

"It's all little things."

Qin Feng smiled lightly, and immediately stood up, wanting to hug Yuan Zihan.

Yuan Zihan waved her hand and refused: "You should go take a shower first, you have been busy all day today."

"wait for me."

Qin Feng nodded, turned around and walked towards the bathroom.

Yuan Zihan walked to the dressing table and sat down, took out the hair dryer and dried her hair.

When she was about to dry her hair, her cell phone rang.

She picked up the phone and glanced at it, and found that it was from Yan Jiaomiao, so she immediately connected the call.

Yan Jiaomiao on the other end of the phone said in a deep voice: "Chairman, Yuan Jiayan has been calling me. She seems to have something urgent to call you."

"In that case, let her call you, and then you can forward it to me."

Yuan Zihan frowned and said, she felt a little depressed, what is Yuan Jiayan going to do?

Soon, the phone was transferred, and after Yuan Zihan connected, Yuan Jiayan's deep and firm voice came from the other end: "Yuan Zihan, give me the contact information."

"For you? What for you?"

Yuan Zihan looked puzzled, the other party asked her for contact information?

"Don't play dumb for me! You are just an ugly monster. If you are not cured by a miracle doctor, you will still be an ugly monster. Therefore, you immediately give me the contact information of the miracle doctor."

Yuan Jiayan said sharply.

"sorry, I do not have!"

Yuan Zihan suddenly realized that Yuan Jiayan's face was injured, and she wanted to ask for the contact information of the genius doctor, obviously looking for the miracle doctor to heal her face.

It's a pity that the miracle doctor is none other than Qin Feng. How could she tell Yuan Jiayan about Qin Feng?
"Yuan Zihan! Give it to me immediately! I know you have it, and I know you hate me. But now you have made me unable to be the chairman, and you don't even give me the contact information of the genius doctor?"

Yuan Jiayan roared angrily, obviously already indignant.

Yuan Zihan wanted to hang up the phone immediately, she gritted her teeth, and said: "You are looking for the wrong one, I don't have any contact information, and I don't know what you are talking about. Besides, I never harmed you, on the contrary, harmed me and My husband's person is you."

"Are you giving it or not?"

Yuan Jiayan on the other end continued to roar, obviously impatient.

"If you want to find a miracle doctor, do so immediately. I don't owe you anything here..."

Yuan Zihan immediately retorted, but she was interrupted by Yuan Jiayan in the middle of the sentence: "Qin Feng originally belonged to me, but you are just occupying my husband now. The villa on the top of the mountain is also mine, just wait for me, I will take it back sooner or later of."

The phone is hung up.

Yuan Zihan looked confused, is this Yuan Jiayan crazy?
Qin Feng is her husband now, how could she let Yuan Jiayan snatch her back?And she believed that Qin Feng would not like Yuan Jiayan either.

As for sympathizing with Yuan Jiayan, she really couldn't talk about it, because compared to her previous disfigurement, Yuan Jiayan's disfigurement was nothing at all.

"Just don't pay attention to her. For people like her, just ignore her in the future."

Qin Feng's voice came over.

Yuan Zihan turned her head to look at Qin Feng, her face was slightly stiff, she knew that Qin Feng must have heard the call, so she stood up.

"Honey, I shouldn't have answered Yuan Jiayan's call."

"It's okay, don't worry about Yuan Jiayan. In my heart, you are the best. Yuan Jiayan can't take me away, and no one can take you away from me."

Qin Feng approached, grabbed Yuan Zihan's Rou Yi, and after pulling him closer, he directly embraced Yuan Zihan's slender waist, and then kissed her.

Yuan Zihan also hugged Qin Feng tightly, and pushed Qin Feng to the Daping couch.

"Where are we going tomorrow?"

Yuan Zihan asked in a low voice close to Qin Feng's ear.

"A magical place."

Qin Feng said quietly, his head had already explored Yuan Zihan's neck.

This night, the two are destined to have no sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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